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Date Topic Audio
2015-11-02 Gog & Magog: Jesus' army was on horseback & He was on a white horse, so how do you say there couldn't be horses in a future battle...[Revelation 19:11-16]
2015-11-02 Birth Control: Is there anywhere in the Bible that says we can't use birth control?
2015-11-02 Jesus breaking the Sabbath: I don't care about the Rabbi's version of what work was or not but what actually constituted as work on the Sabbath in the Old Testament? [John 5:18]
2015-10-30 Agape, Agape, Phileo Me: Jesus asked Peter 3 times if He loved Him, 2 times agape love, the 3rd time, do you phileo Me? [John 21:15-19, John 18:15-27]
2015-10-30 Caller's Illness: Prayer because of a mysterious illness.
2015-10-30 Reading the Gospels: Young Christians probably shouldn't start w/ the Gospel of John.
2015-10-30 Jesus' Death: The Death that Jesus had to die, was it both physical, spiritual & eternal?
2015-10-30 Polygamy: Under the Banner of Heaven, by John Krakauer. How did Abraham, David & Solomon & others not see that this was adultery & degrading of women? Why did God permit it?
2015-10-30 Muslims & their belief about Jesus: Why do Muslims think that Jesus never died & was actually lifted up? [Isaiah 53, Proverbs ]
2015-10-30 Peter loving Jesus: Did Peter actually have the ability to love Jesus as much as he did AFTER the Pentecost since he got filled w/ the Holy Spirit then?
2015-10-30 Marriage Difficulties: What is Jesus' point of view of divorce, separation & marriage, & especially of a wife who denies her husband? [1 Corinthians 7:3-5]
2015-10-30 Intimate Relations at Husband's beckoning: That's very interesting that the previous Q was asked because mine is related: What if the husband is being unreasonable when he wants to have sex?
2015-10-30 Proverbs: My husband was quoting from Proverbs, & I have a problem reading it. What are your thoughts? [proverbs 22:6]
2015-10-29 Reformers, Calvinism & the Church Fathers: What was the reason for Reformation to get back to correct doctrine or get the church back from wherever the Catholic Church took it?
2015-10-29 JW's: What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe regarding the Millennium. Where religions that raised up in the 19th century as a result of Jesus coming back soon?
2015-10-29 Peace when going to Christian groups: I have a wonderful peace whenever I go to Calvary Chapel. (Steve then asks him what holds him back from accepting Jesus.)
2015-10-29 Devil: Is he literal, a real individual?
2015-10-29 Women Pastors: What about the verse which says, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus." [Galatians 3:28]
2015-10-29 Cremation: What does the Bible say about cremation? or what do Christians thinks about it?
2015-10-29 Jephthan & his Daughter: Did Jephthah Sacrifice his Daughter because of the vow he had to keep? [Judges 11:30-39]
2015-10-29 Halloween: What are your views about celebrating Halloween?
2015-10-29 Holy Spirit & Unborn Children: Do unborn children have the Holy Spirit? [Luke 1:15]
2015-10-28 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation: (On these marriages Q's I'll just let the caller say their situation....except to say he wasn't a Christian when he got a divorce.)
2015-10-28 Last Days: Are we in the last days?
2015-10-28 Church Community: The typical church service is all about the service, not connecting w/ one another, & people need to be taught how to go about doing life together.
2015-10-28 Discipleship: What is a good way to encourage discipleship in the church? [Matthew 28:20]
2015-10-28 Baptism: Does God accept both types of Baptisms, sprinkling & immersion?
2015-10-28 Pastor vs Preaching: What do you think about women preaching the gospel then?
2015-10-28 Women Pastors: What do you think about women in leadership roles, especially of "executive pastor"? Was Paul just talking about it culturally?
2015-10-28 Forgiveness: Is the main reason we forgive is so we don't be so toxic, bitter, or do you need to forgive to be unified? [Mark 11:25]
2015-10-28 Jesus & Horus: Are you familiar with the supposed similarities between Jesus & the Egyptian god Horus, such as the Virgin Birth?
2015-10-27 Mormonism: I appreciate the Mormons zeal to share their gospel, even though it's in error. You should have a debate w/ Mormonism because the contrast of the debate comes out on both sides, & it would with all these other religions. [Galatians 1:8-9]
2015-10-27 Annihilationism & Universal Reconciliationism: I was told there is no way i'm honoring the word of God if you even entertain the idea of universal reconciliation & don't believe in the traditional view of hell. What do you think about that? How does he know i'm being unfaithful to the Word of God just because I might disagree w/ the traditional view of hell?
2015-10-27 Dating of the Book of Revelation: The church of Sardis/Smyrna wasn't even established until well after 70 AD, so there is no way Revelation could be written before then.
2015-10-27 Sons of the Kingdom: Who are the people that come from the east & the west & sit down w/ Abraham, Isaac & Jacob & who are the Sons of the kingdom who will be cast out into outer darkness? [Matthew 8:11-12]
2015-10-27 Assyrians & Israel: Why did God use Assyrians to judge Israel, but then punish Assyria for doing what He wanted? [Isaiah 10]
2015-10-27 Eunuchs: Jesus said that some should become Eunuchs if they can receive it, what did He mean by this? [Matthew 19:12]
2015-10-27 Calvinism: God provided the red heifer & the ashes to get ceremonial clean, but THEY had to actually do something to get clean. Isn't that the right way to think of our salvation, that God does provide everything for us to be able to receive Him, but it's ultimately up to us? [Numbers 19:9,13,10,21; 31:23]
2015-10-27 Two or three gathered together: Is this passage of Scripture taken out of context, most thnking that where 2 or 3 people are gathered together, Jesus is there, but isn't this actually talking about church discipline? [Matthew 18:20]
2015-10-27 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Question: Do I have to become a eunuch for the rest of my life even though my wife is the one who divorced me...twice?
2015-10-26 Character of God: Was wondering if you could sum of the Character of God?
2015-10-26 Jesus Setting up His Kingdom in Israel: Can you please explain Jesus coming back for the Jews? I thought the Jews didn't believe in Christ?
2015-10-26 Tribulation & anti-Christ: Jews will be converted during the Tribulation?
2015-10-26 Biblical Counsel: Psychiatry verses Biblical Counsel.
2015-10-26 Parable of the Talents: Are the people in the parable of the talents saved? [Matthew 25:14-30]
2015-10-26 Encouraging Scripture: i'd like some Scripture to encourage a niece who is a very weak Christian who's going to be alone.
2015-10-26 The Inspiration of Scripture: Paul was only talking about the OT Scriptures when he said 1 Timothy 3:16, about all the Scripture is given by inspiration, but did he have foresight & knew that the NT would be Scripture too? [2 Timothy 3:16]
2015-10-26 Satan being bound: Why is he released once he is bound? [Revelation 20:2, 7-10]
2015-10-26 State of the Dead: You said you don't think "sleep" is a good analogy of death because it's not really like a sleep because sleep in not an unconscious state, so then what WOULD be a good one?
2015-10-23 Church Government: Is your position of how a church should be run is a multitude of elders, no one particular person in charge of making decisions? [Acts 14:23]