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Date Topic Audio
2021-4-22 Seeing Ourselves in Bible Story: The video series called "American Gospel" made the statement that people should see themselves in the Bible stories, such as David overcoming a giant?
2021-4-22 God Wants to Save Hitler: How do you answer why God would want to save really terrible people such as, Hitler? [Mark 2:17].
2021-4-22 Calling Jesus a Samaritan: What was meant, and was there anything behind it, when they called Jesus a Samaritan? [John 8].
2021-4-22 Women in Ministry as Elders: How seriously should we be taking the scriptures about women who preach and exercise authority over men? [I Timothy 2, I Corinthians 14].
2021-4-22 Lecture About "Speaking in Tongues": Where do I go on your website if I want to know more about "speaking in tongues"? Recommended topical lecture: "Charisma and Character".
2021-4-22 Praying for Someone Who Wants to be Healed: What should we do if we are not sure if God wants to heal someone, since it really is up to God and His will, when we are asked to pray for their healing?
2021-4-22 The Authority of the Christian: What kind of power and authority does Christian actually have, such as commanding things to happen, directing angels, binding demons, etc.? [Romans 4, Matthew 16:18-19, Matthew 18:18].
2021-4-22 Drew Bloom or Ken Fish: Are you familiar with Drew Bloom or Ken Fish?
2021-4-22 Series Called "Chosen": What did you think of the new series called, "Chosen"?
2021-4-22 Why God Gave Free Choice to Adam & Eve: Why didn't God create Adam & Eve with more self control and more of a desire to obey Him, so they would have a more pleasant walk with Him?
2021-4-22 "Black Lives Matter": What do you think about "Black Lives Matter"? [I Corinthians 13].
2021-4-21 Ask for Help or to be Forgiven?: Could you clarify what one needs to do to be saved? My Baptist pastor says I just need to ask for help, not to be forgiven, but my Catholic background teaches confession. [I John 1:7-9, Matthew 6:9-13].
2021-4-21 "Black Lives Matter": Unbeliever calls to propose a hypothetical question relating "Black Lives Matter" and challenges Steve's integrity about what he read at their website.
2021-4-21 Gift of Prophecy and Prophets: Is there a difference between the "gift of prophecy", "time of the prophets", predictions, and simply seeing what is coming in the future? [I Corinthians 14:31].
2021-4-21 Prophets Today: Are there still prophets in the church today? And how do you tell true prophets?
2021-4-21 Commending of Steve Gregg's Humility and Gentleness: Caller commends Steve's patience with a previous caller, which exhibited the spirit of the Lord. [2 Timothy 2:25].
2021-4-21 Human Value & the Miracle of Conception: Caller enthusiastically shares view of the miracle of conception.
2021-4-21 "The Local Church" & "Recovery Bible": Could you comment on "The Local Church"(Witness Lee, Watchman Nee) and their Bible called "The Recovery Bible".
2021-4-21 Paul Persecuting the Church or Christ: Could you clarify the relationship with how the verse about the church being persecuted by Paul relates to the church or the "Body of Christ" ? [Acts 9:4].
2021-4-20 Unless the Days Were Shortened (Olivet Discourse): Could you explain the "unless the days were shortened" in reference to whether Christians were still there during the destruction of Jerusalem, until the end? [Matthew 24:22].
2021-4-20 Warning of False Prophets Why was the warning of false propherts given twice in Matthew 24 (the Olivet Discourse)? [Matthew 24, I John 4:1].
2021-4-20 A Believer with a Heart of Deceit: Does a born again believer still have a heart of deceit and perversion? [Romans 7:23, Galatians 5:17, I Peter 2:11, 2 Timothy 2:3, Hebrew 3:12].
2021-4-20 Odds of Not Sinning: What are the odds of not sinning for the believer?
2021-4-20 Odds of Sinning: How how can we be held responsible for sinning if the odds of not sinning is zero?
2021-4-20 The Jews & the Ashkenzai Jews: Why do we refer to modern Jews as Jews, when they are really Ashkenazi (and Sephardi)? [Acts 17:22].
2021-4-20 Ancient Pagan Cultural Influences: Are you familiar with the Behistun, the Gilgamesh Epic, and Sumarian Tablets and how they may be informing us to the source of certain ideas, events, and cultures?
2021-4-20 God Bought Salvation from Satan: So can you explain how God had to buy salvation for us from the devil?
2021-4-19 Polygamy: Could you talk about scriptural implications regarding polygamy and application for us today? [Matthew 19:8-12, Mark 10:3-12, Ephesians 5].
2021-4-19 Spirit-filled Man & Polygamy: Is it possible that a man who says he is spirit-filled participating in polygamy at the direction of God?
2021-4-19 Paul's Roman Citizenship: Can you talk about how it was that Paul was born a Roman Citizen, and not all the disciples were?
2021-4-19 Contradictory Stories of Resurrection: Could you clarify the apparent contradiction in the resurrection appearance of Christ?
2021-4-19 Berisheet Prophecy: Do you know anything about the Berisheet prophecy, and it's claim that the first words of Genesis is actually about end times?
2021-4-19 Demon's Names: Where do people get the idea of naming Demons, such as, Legion, or Demon of Lust, etc.?
2021-4-19 New or Old Earth and the Age of Stars: Could you talk about the discrepancy between the estimated age of creation, earth and stars in the literal view of Genesis, vs a more symbolic view, and in contrast to those in science? [Genesis 1-11].
2021-4-19 Jesus Became God When Filled with the Holy Spirit: Could you talk a little about the controversary of the Eastern Church and the understanding that Jesus became God's son when He was filled with the Holy Spirit? [John 1:14, Luke 2:11-14].
2021-4-19 Idealist and Amillennial Views of Revelation: Could you talk about how the book, "More Than Conquerors" by William Henriksen, helped you change your views of Dispensationalism? Recommended books; "The Time is at Hand" by Jay Adams, and "The Parousia" by James Stuart Russell
2021-4-19 "Table of Nations" in Genesis: Could you clarify the origins of the Anglo-Saxon's in the "Table of Nations" in Genesis? [Genesis 10].
2021-4-19 Esau & the Edomites: Did the Edomites come from Esau?
2021-4-19 Herod, the Last of the Edomites: Was Herod the Great the last of the Edomites (descended from Esau)?
2021-4-16 Michael Heizer & the Divine Council: Do you think that Michael Heizer may be leading folks to polytheism with his understanding of the verse in Genesis about the word "us" in the creation story referring to the "Divine Council"? [Genesis 1:26, Daniel 10:13-20].
2021-4-16 Satan-God of This World: Is Paul's reference to Satan being the "God of this world" somewhat gnostic? [2 Corinthians 4:4, 2 Thessalonians 2:11, Romans 11:10, Matthew 28:18].
2021-4-16 God as Absolute Authority in Contrast to a Friendship with Him: How do you abide in Him, in a close and loving way, when you know that you are dealing with your king and He has absolute authority over you? [John 15, Romans 8:1, Psalms 145:8, I Corinthians 13:4-8].
2021-4-16 Steve Gregg's New Books: Are your new books ("Empire of the Risen Son", Volumes 1 & 2, "There is Another King" and "All the King's Men") coming out on audio?
2021-4-16 Conspiracies-Anxiety or Surrender: Since I have gotten caught up with various conspiracies like the illuminati, etc., I decided to just surrender to God, particularly since I don't have any control anyway, but I am also conflicted, because I feel as though I am giving up. Can you help? [Isaiah 8:12, I Peter 3:15, Revelation 20:3, I Corinthians 15:25, Psalms 110:1, Psalm 2:1-7, Acts 4:25-26].
2021-4-16 Jesus Upset with the Preaching of the Gospel: Do you think that Jesus would be upset with the way the gospel is being presented and preached?
2021-4-16 Struggling with Not liking Christians: Can you help me with my struggle between wanting to stay true to my self and my interests, and wanting to be a real Christian. I have a negative perception of many so-called Christians and their behavior, which is often off-putting.
2021-4-15 Eternal Council of Gods (Elohim): Can you clarify the reference to the "eternal council of gods" (Elohim) or Him sitting in the "congregation of the gods", referred to in Psalms? [Psalm 82:1-8, Genesis 1:1, I Corinthians 10:7, Deuteronomy 32:17, John 10:34, Exodus 21:6, Exodus 22:8, Exodus 7:1].
2021-4-15 Possible Demonic Presence: Caller wants prayer for what may be a possible demonic presence in his home. What should I do to handle this situation?
2021-4-15 Satan Before or After Adam & Eve: Was Satan cast down on earth before or after Adam and Eve were created?
2021-4-15 Satan Entering the Serpent in Eden: Did Satan enter the serpent, or how did it happen?