Analysis of the Word Generation Relative to Preterism:Regarding the other uses of the Greek word for "generation"(genea), does this cause any pause for the preterist view of end times only referring to AD70? [Jeremiah 31:29-30, Jeremiah 38, Zechariah 14:9-11, Matthew 24].
How Should We be Praying?:How often and how long should we pray for a particular need? Do we always pray for His will? [I John 5:14, Luke 18:1-8, Daniel 10].
Millennium Will Be in the Future:Doesn't the Lord's prayer affirm that the millennial reign will come in the future? [Isaiah 9:6-7, Daniel 2, Daniel 7, Revelation 20]
Second Work of the Holy Spirit for Salvation:Do you believe that there is a second work of the Holy Spirit in regard to one's salvation? [Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 5:18, Acts 2:4, Jude 1:21, I John 5:21].
Better Evidence Should Have Been Left to Confirm the Bible's Reliability:Does it not seem like Jesus should have left better evidence that the Bible is true?
Old Testament Metaphors for Evangelism:Can you find any flaw in Christians seeing metaphors of Christ in any of the Old Testament and then sharing that with unbelievers? [John 5:46, Isaiah 53].
Time of the End in Daniel:Does it seem like the book of Daniel makes it clear that more revelation will be given in the end times? [Daniel 9, Daniel 12:9].
When Hardship Can't Be for Good:I am having a hard time understanding how my current circumstances can ever turn out for good? Can you help? [Romans 8:28].
Upon Death-Immediate Destination:When you die, do you go straight to heaven or hell, depending on whether you are saved or not? [Philippians 1:23, 2 Corinthians 5:6-8, 2 Timothy 4:6].
Drifting Away of the Church:What factors may have affected the drifting away of one church over the other (as with the Galatians and Thessalonians) in scripture? [Acts 14, Acts 17, I Thessalonians 1:9].
Conversion's Elation Expected to Last:As a former Mormon, as I moved away from religion, I have found in my new trust in Christ, a notable difference to the better. Should I expect this high to continue indefinitely? [I Peter 5:8-10].
Bible Reliability Questioned by Atheist:A long-time Atheist friend of mine has challenged the reliability of the Bible because it has been translated so many times. How would you respond to him?
Testing Prophets Today:Since someone prophesied that Trump would win this election, should we test those that give prophecies? If so, how would you go about testing it before it evidences itself?
Minister's Doubt when He Doesn't Hear From God:What would you say to someone who is in ministry, who is struggling with their faith, to the point of disbelieving, because he is not hearing from God? [Isaiah 50:10, Job 13:15].
Freedom Eroded-Confidence in God:To what degree does knowing about "the kingdom of God" console you when our liberties are being eroded at such an unprecedented pace?
Life Begins at Conception:If we believe that abortion is wrong, then should be not be writing our lawmakers about the fact that life begins at conception?
Abortion vs Lying:Caller comments on previous caller's inability to see the indefensibility of comparing killing babies to lying. [I John 3:15, Numbers 35:33].
Modalism & United Pentecostals:Regarding Modalism, could you help me sort out the United Pentecostal view that Jesus was the flesh of God? [I John 2:22].
Judging by the Fruit in the Candidate during the Election:Could you help me sort out how to judge people running for office according to judging the fruit in their lives? [Galatians 5:22, Luke 3:9].
Christians Against Trump:Caller criticizes Steve's comments about Christians who don't use their brains, and will support abortion and Biden. [Proverbs 6:16-19].