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Date Topic Audio
2021-1-28 Group Forming; "Live Not by Lies": Forming a group around the ideas presented in the book; Live Not by Lies", by Rod Dreher
2021-1-28 Overview of End Times Events: Could you give an overview of all thing relating to end times (eschatology), including when will there be the rapture, resurrection, etc.? Recommended topical lecture; "When Shall These Things Be?" [2 Peter 3, Acts 17].
2021-1-28 Caller Asks for Direction for His Christian Growth: Caller shares personal testimony of his recent conversion and asks where he should next focus his attention to grow? Recommends lecture; "Biblical Counsel for a Change" and his new books; "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1-"There is Another King", & Vol 2-"All the King's Men").
2021-1-28 The Ascension of Jesus: In the "Ascension", did Jesus dematerialize, or just get out of their view? What dimension is He in now? [Acts 1:9].
2021-1-28 Christians Living and Encouragement: Could you give me scripture to help me live my life as a Christian? I need some structure. Recommends "The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life", by Hannah Whithall Smith. [Matthew 6:33, Psalm 1, 2 Timothy 2:15].
2021-1-28 The "Sins of the Father": Could you help me understand the concept of "the sins of the father" being visited upon one's children? [Ezekiel 18, Numbers 14:18, Exodus 20, Deuteronomy 24:15].
2021-1-28 Red Letter Bible: Caller recommends read "Red Letter Bible" to see what Jesus said to earlier caller. {Matthew 17:5].
2021-1-28 Innocents Who Cannot Earn Rewards: What about innocents who never have a chance to earn rewards in heaven because they died too young?
2021-1-27 Deism: Do you think it is more reasonable to consider a Deist view since God doesn't doesn't seem to micromanage things and free will seems more prevalent? [Proverbs 21:1, Hosea 8:4].
2021-1-27 God's Voice (God Speaking): How do you know when it is God speaking vs just having one's own thoughts? [Acts 16:6-7].
2021-1-27 Need for Rebaptism: If I wandered away from the Lord at one point in my life, becoming a prodigal, but returned to Him, do I need to be rebaptized?
2021-1-27 Countering the Pre-trib Rapture: What scriptures can I use to counter the "pre-trib rapture" view? Recommended lecture; "When Will These Things Be?" [John 6:39-44, John 6:54, John 12:48, John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15, I Cor 15, I Thessalonians 4:16].
2021-1-27 Adam & Eve Died Upon Sinning: Is it not true that since "a day is like a thousand years", we can say that Adam & Eve died that day, even though they lived over 900 years?
2021-1-27 Adam & Eve's Spiritual State: Could the spiritual state of Adam & Eve actually be "light", because they were made in the image of God? [2 Peter 3:8-9].
2021-1-27 Baptism of the Spirit & Laying on of Hands: Is it necessary to have hands laid on you to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
2021-1-27 Steve Gregg's Charismatic Experience: Could you talk about your own charismatic experience at Calvary Chapel?
2021-1-27 Disbelief in the Virgin Birth: Can someone who doesn't believe in the virgin birth, still be a Christian?
2021-1-27 Remarriage to Former Spouse: Is it possible to remarry my wife, even though, she has been married to someone else in the interim? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
2021-1-27 Man of the Tombs (Demon-possessed Man): What impact did the demon possessed man (Man of the Tombs) have on Decapolis, after he was delivered from Legion? [Mark 5:1-20].
2021-1-27 Timing of the Rapture: Could you help me sort out your view of the timing of the rapture, in contrast to mine, which is mid-tribulation? [Matthew 24:21-22, John 6:39-40, John 6:44, John 5:54, John 12:48, Matthew 24:30, I Corinthians 15, I Thessalonians 4:16, Matthew 24:29-31].
2021-1-26 Adam & Eve's Death: Could you clear up whether Adam & Eve died spiritually or physically, on the day they ate of the tree? [Ephesians2:1-2, Colossians 2, Genesis 2:17, Romans 5:12].
2021-1-26 COVID Vaccine & The Mark of the Beast: Do you think there is any parallel between the vaccine and the mark of the beast?
2021-1-26 The "Person" of the Holy Spirit: What are the verses that support the Holy Spirit being a person, rather than a power? [John 14, Genesis 1, Romans 8, Acts 15:28, John 1:1, John 1:18, I Thessalonians 5:19].
2021-1-26 Imagery in Psalms: Could you help me with the imagery in the 23rd Psalm, particularly the rod & staff and being anointed with oil? {Psalm 23].
2021-1-26 How to Pray: What does the Bible say about a protocol or posture for praying? [I Kings 8:22, I Timothy 2:8, Luke 11:2, Matthew 6:9, John 8:44].
2021-1-26 Disagreement-Mark of the Beast: Caller warns Steve about his responsibility to teach truth, disagreeing with Steve's position on the Mark of the Beast.
2021-1-26 Born of Water & Spirit: What does it mean to be, "born of water and of the spirit"? [John 3:5-6].
2021-1-26 Water Baptism Required: Is water baptism required for entering the "Kingdom of God", and if it is, then why do so many evangelists not require it? [John 3:5, Acts 2:38, Acts 9:10-21, I Peter 3:20-21 ].
2021-1-26 Adoption: What are the verses about adoption about? [Romans 8:15-16].
2021-1-26 David Wilkerson Prophecy: Have you heard of the David Wilkerson prophecy?
2021-1-26 The "Last Adam" as Life Giver: Could you help me understand the second part of I Corinthians 15:45 when it says that the last Adam became a "life-giving spirit"? [I Corinthians 15:45, Romans 8:9, 2 Corinthians 15:16].
2021-1-26 Harold Eberle-Victorious Eschatology: Do you know anything about Harold Eberle, the author of Victorious Eschatology?
2021-1-25 Caring for One's Parents & Liquidating Assets: What do you think if I sense that the Father wants me to liquidate my assets to care for my parents, before He is willing to take me home? [Philippians 1:22, I Timothy 5:4, Matthew 15, Mark 7].
2021-1-25 Micah-Prophesy Fulfilled: Does John 17 fulfill Micah 5? [Micah 5:4, John 17:12, John 10].
2021-1-25 Ishmael's Temperament: Is the description of Ishmael's obstinate temperament in Genesis just an example of God's foreknowledge, or was he predestined to be that way? [Genesis 16:12]
2021-1-25 Apostle John: Could you help me fill in some missing information and gaps in his history of the apostle John?
2021-1-25 Calvinism vs the Alternates: What is the difference between Calvinism and other denominations? Recommended lecture; "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation."
2021-1-25 Steve Gregg Leaving Calvary Chapel: What lead to your departure from Calvary Chapel?
2021-1-25 God's Children Suffering: Help me accept why God would continue with his plans for having children if He knew they would suffer terribly in their lives?
2021-1-25 Government Responsibility: Could you help me understand Romans 13 in light of the new administration's less friendly attitude toward Christians? [Romans 13:1-5, I Peter 2:13-14].
2021-1-25 Voting: Is voting a good thing? [Romans 13:8].
2021-1-25 Group for Shared Values: Announcement about a community group in the Vancouver, Washington area (go on Craig's Lies/ Groups) sharing about the book, "Live Not by Lies", by Rod Dreher
2021-1-22 Dream about Trumpets: What do you think about my dream about the trumpets? [Revelation 8:12-13].
2021-1-22 Introverts Evangelizing: How can an introvert reach out to others as Jesus did?
2021-1-22 "Man of Sin" & "Lawless One" Hindered: What do you think hinders the rising of the "Man of Sin" or the "Lawlessness" one? [Daniel 7, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12].
2021-1-22 Man of Lawlessness & The Temple: Do you think that 2 Thessalonians could be talking about Eleazar and 70 A..D, not about the second coming? [2 Thessalonians 2:4, I Corinthians 3:16-17, 2 Corinthians 6:16, ].
2021-1-22 Jesus' Earthly Father, Joseph: How did Joseph, Jesus' father, die?
2021-1-22 Pontius Pilate: Is the Pilate in Luke 13, the same one that helped to crucify Jesus? [Luke 13].
2021-1-22 Pontius Pilate: Was Pilate a really bad guy, and did he commit suicide a few years after the death of Jesus?
2021-1-22 Babies Born Guilty: Are babies born guilty of sin? [Ezekiel 18:10].