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Date Topic Audio
2016-10-12 Tongues & gift of interpretation: Should the same person who speaks in tongues interpret or not interpret what they said? [1 Corinthians 12]
2016-10-12 USA in Prophecy: How come the USA is not mentioned in the Bible?
2016-10-12 Storing food: Is that biblical to store food, & how come so many conflicted messages about it because Jesus could come back really soon?
2016-10-12 Fasting: Is fasting for the Christian?
2016-10-12 The Old & New Covenant: How much of the Old covenant do we incorporate with the New Covenant?
2016-10-12 Prophets & prophecy: What is prophecy, foretelling vs forth-telling, speaking the words of the Holy Spirit?
2016-10-12 Ezekiel 40-48 Prophecy & Eastern Gate Blocked Off": Eastern gate, did Jesus going through that gate (on Palm Sunday) fulfill prophecy? Muslims blocked off that gate thinking it was still to be fulfilled [Ezekiel 40-48]
2016-10-11 Gossip, Slander, Libel: Is there a contradiction about gossip in the Bible, particularly in these verses? [2 Timothy 1:5, 1 Timothy 4:14, 1 Corinthians 4:16]
2016-10-11 Age of the Earth: Is the earth old or new?
2016-10-11 Steve Gregg's Retirement: Is Steve ever going to retire?
2016-10-11 Fasting: Was Daniel fasting to deprive himself of certain pleasures for spiritual discipline or was he concerned about what he was eating? Are we still supposed to fast today? [Daniel 1:8-16, Matthew 6:16-18, Matthew 9:15]
2016-10-11 Old Earth Biologist: Started realizing as I was out doing by job in biology that it wasn't what I had been taught, & converted to Christianity.
2016-10-11 Noah's Flood, Gap-Theory: J. Vernon McGee’s view of the old earth, talking about a gap-theory. What does this mean?
2016-10-11 God outside of time: Does God see time different than us?
2016-10-10 "Created Unto Good Works": Does the phrase "created unto good works" mean God has specific works He wants us to accomplish or just general works you'd do as a Christian? [Ephesians 2:8-10]
2016-10-10 Church of Rome: Did Peter found the church that is in Rome?
2016-10-10 Literal Creation Story: Caller doesn't believe a literal account of creation [Genesis 1-6].
2016-10-10 New Heavens, New Earth & New Jerusalem: Are we supposed to take the new heavens, earth, and the new Jerusalem literally or symbolically? [Revelation 3:12, Revelation 21:1-4, Romans 8:19-22, 1 Peter 3:13]
2016-10-10 Ellen G. White: Do you know anything about Ellen G. White?
2016-10-10 "Just War" Theory: Is there justifiable war or occassion for self-defense, or should there be total non-resistance?
2016-10-07 Various Eschatologies-Dispensationalism: For someone that holds a different eschatology than some of their friends and finds it causing friction, how should I handle this?
2016-10-07 "Not Good for Man to be Alone": Is God just being practical about procreation or implying something romantic when He indicates that it is "not good for man to be alone"? [Genesis 2:18]
2016-10-07 Divine Reading & Contemplative Prayer: What about "Lectio Divina" (Divine Reading), contemplative prayer, and seeking experiences with God and hearing His voice? [Jeremiah 15:16, Psalm 19:10, Job 23:12].
2016-10-07 Bethel Church in Redding: About Bethel Church's view of the continuation of the office of apostles and prophets, what teaching can you suggest? Recommended: topical lecture "Charisma and Character."
2016-10-07 Mega-churches: If I have reservations about our church, but my wife and kids are enjoying it (worship is like going to a concert, using a paraphrased Bible), what do you suggest?
2016-10-05 Submitting to the Elders: Are we supposed to submit to our elders?
2016-10-05 God Shows Grace: To whom is God showing His grace in which Paul describes in Ephesians? [Ephesians 2:7, Ephesians 3:10, Ephesians 6:12]
2016-10-05 Voting: Political discussion ensues Caller is adamant that every Christian needs to vote.
2016-10-05 Communion: How do you administrate communion-by dipping the bread in the wine or drinking it?
2016-10-05 Hell-Universalism: Doesn't Matthew 7:13 dispel Universalism? [Matthew 7:13]
2016-10-05 Angels Cast out of Heaven: What is your view about a 1/3 of the angels being cast out of heaven?
2016-10-05 Apocrypha: Does the Apocrypha have any bearing on our salvation?
2016-10-05 Institutional Church: There seems to a lack of unity & love in the traditional, institutional church.
2016-10-04 The Mighty God: The definite "the": “The mighty God”, why does “the” get added when being quoted by Pastors though it does not appear in the original text? [Isaiah 9:6] (Caller not a Trinitarian.)
2016-10-04 Bartholomew & Nathanael: Are Bartholomew & Nathanael the same person? [John 1:45-49, Acts 1:13, Luke 6:14, Mark 3:18, Matthew 10:3]
2016-10-04 Being made in God's Image: What does it mean to be made in God's image? [Genesis 1:26]
2016-10-04 Coalition to attack Israel: What countries would attack Israel, if not Russia, ISIS, China & North Korea??
2016-10-04 70th week in Daniel: What is the correct view about the 70th week? Are all the weeks consecutive? [Daniel 9]
2016-10-04 Key of David: What is the "Key of David" in Revelation 3? [Revelation 3:7, Isaiah 22:22]
2016-10-04 Mormons (Latter Day Saints): Isn't the Mormon church the true church because they exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit & are the fastest growing church? [Galatians 5:22-23]
2016-10-04 Exodus from Egypt: Some say there's no evidence that the exodus out of Egypt ever took place.
2016-10-03 Eternal Security: Can you lose your salvation after you are saved?
2016-10-03 Bible Discrepancy of Israel in Egypt: There is seems to be a discrepancy of how long Israel was actually in Egypt. Can you clarify? [Genesis 15:13-16, Exodus 12:40-41, Galatians 3:16-17]
2016-10-03 Political Idols: If one votes for a candidate because they are pro-life, aren't they becoming idols?
2016-10-03 Tongues: Is the gift of tongues an unknown, or known language? [1 Corinthians 13:1]
2016-9-30 Noah: Why didn't God just strike everybody down & spare the animals? [Genesis 6]
2016-9-30 Pharaoh & the Plagues: Why did God kill the first born of all the families when they had little to do why the Jews weren't able to leave?
2016-9-30 Promises to Abraham: The promises of Abraham were fulfilled in Christ…to which promises was Paul referring to? {Galatians 3:16, Genesis 12:1-3}
2016-9-30 Two-fold Prophecies: Some prophecies have a two-fold meaning, is that true?
2016-9-29 Making Judgment Calls: Caller has a whole bunch of specific questions re: Settling conflicts: Who should settle judgments? Who to you go to when there is a conflict? [Matthew 18:15-19, 1 Corinthians 6:1]