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Date Topic Audio
2024-9-10 Zechariah 14: Could you discuss what is happening in Zechariah 14? Does this whole chapter talk about the same period? Rec: Verse-by-verse lectures at the website. [Zechariah 14].
2024-9-10 Premillennial Dispensationalists Extremism: Why are Premillennial Dispensationalists so adamant about others holding their same view, to the point of thinking others are heretical or unsaved?
2024-9-10 Critical Race Theory (CRT): If my pastor has signed a non-disclosure regarding the CRT non-disclosure agreement, how do you determine his thoughts on the subject?
2024-9-09 "Twelve" in Scripture: Is there any significance to the number "12" in scripture (12 tribes, 12 disciples, 144,000, etc.)? [Matthew 19, Revelation 12:12, Revelation 14].
2024-9-09 Assessing Calvinism as Heinous: Isn't the idea that God predetermined who would be born and who would go to hell before the foundation of the world the basic philosophy of Calvinism? Doesn't this mean that no one is responsible for their own destination because it has been predetermined? Rec: topical lectures "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation." [James 4:6-8, Romans 9:20].
2024-9-09 Heretic-Steve Gregg: Why would some people call you a heretic? Rec: book by Steve Gregg "Why Not Full Preterism?" Free audio available at the website under the "Books" tab. [Galatians 1:10].
2024-9-09 Creation, Then Earth Becomes Void: What do you think of Pastor Murray of Shepherd's Chapel and the idea that after creation the earth was made void (Gap Theory)? [Jeremiah 4:23, Genesis 1:2, Isaiah 45:18-19, Exodus 20:11].
2024-9-09 Deciphering Symbolism in Ecclesiastes 12: What does Ecclesiastes 12:4 mean? [Ecclesiastes 12:4].
2024-9-09 Pastors vs Doctors (PhDs): Why are there so few ministers called "Pastor" and so many "Doctor?" (PhDs)?
2024-9-09 Eucharist-Real Flesh & Blood: Why don't you believe the eucharist is the real flesh and blood of Christ? [John 6:48, John 6:63, John 4:14].
2024-9-06 "I Know I Have Plans for You" (Jeremiah 29:11): What are we to make of the verse, "(I know I have plans for cause no harm" (Jeremiah 29:11) as applied to us today? [Jeremiah 29:11, Jeremiah 29:12-13, Philippians 4:7, Hebrews 11:6].
2024-9-06 Love vs Faith: If we are to love another, but we can't please God without faith, which is more important, lover or faith? [Hebrews 11:6, Matthew 22:34-40, 1 Corinthians 13].
2024-9-06 Remedy for Weakened Faith: What is a good remedy for weakening faith? Rec: Topical lecture: "Foundations," lecture on "Faith." [Romans 10:17, 1 Samuel 17:37].
2024-9-06 Watered-down Gospel Message: If the Bible distribution organization I have been asked to join has a watered-down gospel message added in the back, if I participate, am I distributing a bad gospel message? [Philippians 1:15-18].
2024-9-06 Millennial Reign (Premillennial View) & Rod of Iron: What do you think about some end times teachers that say that when Jesus is reigning on earth, some will not be believers? Rec: Topical lectures at, "When Shall These Things Be?" [Revelation 2:27, Revelation 20, 2 Thessalonians 1:6-8, 1 Thessalonians 5:2].
2024-9-06 Jew's Rejection of Christ = Gentiles Inclusion for Salvation: If these verses don't mean that Gentiles could not have even been included in the plan of salvation, unless the Jew rejected Christ, then what does it mean? [Romans 11:11, Romans 11:19, Deuteronomy 32:21, Romans 11:17].
2024-9-06 Psalm 132 Authorship: Who wrote Psalm 132? [Psalm 132:1, Psalm 2, Acts 4:25].
2024-9-06 Twelfth Disciple on Foundation Stone in Revelation: Who is the twelfth disciple named on the foundation stone in Revelation 21? [Acts 1:26, Matthew 19:28, Revelation 21:14].
2024-9-05 Differing Worldviews & Differing Opinions: Caller comments on differing views being confusing.
2024-9-05 The Wrong Garments in the Parable of the Wedding Feast: Could you explain why not wearing the proper wedding garments was so bad that they would be treated so badly and cast into outer darkness? [Matthew 22:11, Matthew 16:24].
2024-9-05 Writing of Daniel: Why was the book of Daniel written half Aramaic rather than Hebrew? Does it lend to the understanding of the book?
2024-9-05 Tempting vs Testing: Could you clarify the difference between God "not tempting" us, but "testing" us? [James 1:13, Luke 4:4, Matthew 4:1].
2024-9-05 "Stone" or "Rock" Symbolism in Matthew: What did Jesus mean when He said one would be broken if they fall on the stone? [Matthew 21:44, Matthew 21:42, Psalm 118:22-23, Isaiah 8:14-15, Daniel 2:35].
2024-9-05 Future Success or Failure of the Church: Could you talk about the different views of the future of the church, either succeeding or failing (Amillennial vs Dispensational)? Rec: "What are We to Make of Israel?" [Ephesians 1:4-6].
2024-9-05 Israel's Enslavement (Bondage): How long were the Israelites enslaved (in bondage)?
2024-9-05 The Narrow Path Intro Song: Where did you get the music at the opening of your show?
2024-9-05 Biblical Texts (Sources): Could you comment on the various manuscripts used for the Protestant vs Catholic Bibles?
2024-9-04 Frustration in Heaven: Will there be frustration in heaven? If Satan got frustrated and fell, will we? [Revelation 21-22, Psalm 84:11].
2024-9-04 Cause of Doctrinal Differences: Caller presents his view that doctrinal difference arise because of human limitations, rather than what people are taught (implying a contrast to what he thinks Steve teaches).
2024-9-04 Title of Pastor and Prophet: How does one get promoted from "pastor" to "prophet?" [1 Corinthians 12"28, Ephesians 4:11, Matthew 23:8].
2024-9-04 Pouring Out of the Spirit: Could you respond to the idea that the Spirit will continually be poured out repeatedly in the end times, not just at Pentecost? [Joel 2:27-28, John 7:37-39, Zechariah 14:4, 1 John 2:18, James 5:3, Acts 2:17, 1 Corinthians 10:11].
2024-9-04 Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel & All Humankind: Has all humankind come from Adam & Eve? If so, who would have been after Cain? [Genesis 3:20, Genesis 5:3, Genesis 4:25-26].
2024-9-04 David, Solomon & Their Poor Choices: Why did David and Solomon make such poor choices in women, and why did God allow it?
2024-9-04 Dr. Martin Luther King: Are you familiar with Dr. Martin Luther King's "Letter from a Birmingham jail?" What is your response to his letter about unity within the church?
2024-9-03 Jesus Going to Heaven: Where is the passage that talks about someone in heaven seeing Jesus coming to heaven? [Daniel 7:13-14, Philippians 2:11].
2024-9-03 The Destiny of Job's Children: What happened to Job's children? Were they restored with the wealth and cattle or did they go to heaven? [Job 42].
2024-9-03 Satan as the Tester: If Satan was created as a tester, doesn't that mean God created evil? [2 Corinthians 11:14-15, Isaiah 45:7].
2024-9-03 Lordship Salvation Heresy: Can you reconcile the opposing views about "Lordship Salvation" when some say it is heretical (J Vernon McGee)? [James 2:26, Luke 6:46, Romans 10:9, Galatians 6:7, Luke 23:42, Acts 16:30-31, Acts 2:36-41].
2024-9-03 Jesus & the Temple Tax & Tribute: Is Jesus saying that he was above paying the temple tax, like being the Lord of the Sabbath? [Matthew 7:13, Exodus 30:11-16, John 8:42, Matthew 5:9, John 2:16].
2024-9-03 Baptized in Jesus Name & Speaking in Tongues: If twelve Jews were baptized for the remission of sins, why were they told they must be baptized in Jesus' name? [Acts 19:1-7, Acts 2:38].
2024-9-03 Show of Force Against the Homosexuality (LGBTQ): How should we be responding to those in the LGBTQ community, especially when they put kids in the mix with drag queens? Some are presenting a show of force by bringing guns to the gay parades. [2 Peter 2:8, Romans 13:1-7].
2024-9-02 Avoidance of Preaching about Sin: Why are preachers not teaching about homosexuality and abortion from the pulpit?
2024-9-02 Comment LGBTQ (Not Judging): Caller comments that he pays attention to his own shortcomings before pointing out and judging other's sins.
2024-9-02 Youth Ministries & Church Responsibility: Is it beneficial to have a separate ministry for the youth at a church? How involved should church members be in bringing youth into the church, or is that exclusively for the parents to do?
2024-9-02 Ethiopian Bible: Could you talk about the Ethiopian Bible and how it differs from our Bibles?
2024-9-02 Modern Islam & 12th Imam: In light of the growing Muslim faith, do you think that it is possible that the predicted 12th Imam could be the beast (antichrist)?
2024-9-02 "Conditional" or "Unconditional" Prophecies: Do you think there are both "conditional" and "unconditional" promises in scripture?
2024-9-02 Addressing the Holy Spirit: How should one address the "Holy Spirit?" [Romans 8:8-9, John 14:23].
2024-9-02 Artificial Intelligence: Caller comments that he thinks that the beast or antichrist will be Artificial Intelligence.
2024-9-02 LBGTQ (Homosexuality) & Birth Deformities: Why do we condemn people who are born gay, since it is just like when someone is born with any other birth defect or deformity?