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Date Topic Audio
2019-1-10 Eschatology: Do you believe in the eschatological 1000 year reign and the 7 yr tribulation?
2019-1-10 Prayer: Is it better to pray out loud or silently?
2019-1-10 Does God Hate: Are there certain people that God hates?
2019-1-10 Sin Not Imputed: What does it mean about 'until the law, sin was not imputed"? [Romans 5].
2019-1-09 Mormon Beliefs about Baptism: Can you talk about this discussion I had with a Mormon friend regarding what makes an evangelical saved & not saved? He believed only the Mormon/LDS was saved because of being baptized by the right people.
2019-1-09 Lion & the Lamb: Will "the lion will laying down with the lamb" apply to a future millennium or heaven? [Isaiah 11].
2019-1-09 Jesus' Blood: Where did Jesus take his blood, and why? [Hebrews 9:12].
2019-1-09 The Jesus Movement: Were you in the hippy before and during the Jesus Movement? Do you have a book written about your ministry?
2019-1-09 Tithing & Giving: Isn't our first responsibility to tithing and giving to be in our own homes?
2019-1-09 Literal or Symbolic: How should we determine if something is meant as literal or symbolic? What is the time frame for this passage of Scripture in Isaiah? [Isaiah 19:19-25]?
2019-1-09 Bible History, Manuscripts: Discussion of Biblical history and manuscripts.
2019-1-08 New Testament Reliability: How can we be sure that the New Testament is not corrupted?
2019-1-08 Book of Enoch: How familiar are you with the book of Enoch?
2019-1-08 Joseph, a Widower: Was Joseph a widower with children? Where do they get that idea from?
2019-1-08 Date of Writing of the New Testament: Were all the books of the new Testament were written before 69 A.D.?
2019-1-08 Grounds for Divorce: Is actual adultery, as opposed to carnal knowledge, desertion & physical abuse, grounds for divorce?
2019-1-08 Reincarnation: How do you view reincarnation?
2019-1-08 Golden Chain & Predestination: Would you explain "the golden chain", predestination, and foreknowledge? [Romans 8:29].
2019-1-08 Mary & Joseph's Other Children: Would you toak about Joseph & Mary's other children. Had Joseph been married before?
2019-1-07 Judgment vs Forgiveness: Would you harmonize the contradictory ideas that we will stand before the judgment seat of Christ & answer for our deeds, but then He said that won't remember our sins ... they will be far as the east is to the west? [Psalm 103:12, Romans14:12-13, Matthew 7:2, 12:36 2 Corinthians 5:10].
2019-1-07 Holy Spirit's Presence: Why do we need the Holy Spirit if where two or three are gathered together, He is in the midst of them? [Matthew 18:19].
2019-1-07 Guidance from God: How do we seek and recognize guidance from God?
2019-1-07 Word of Faith: What do you think of the Word of Faith preachers) Kenneth Hagan, Joyce Meyers, TD Jakes, & so on)?
2019-1-07 Loving an Abusive Spouse: If you have a spouse who is abusive, how do you love like the Bible requires, when there is no love? [1 Corinthians 13].
2019-1-07 The Sabbath: What are your views on the Sabbath?
2019-1-07 Inerrancy vs Infallibility: What is the difference between "inerrancy" & "infallibility"?
2019-1-04 Jesus' Departure & Return: Why did Jesus have to leave if He is going to come back again anyway?
2019-1-04 Old Testament & the Holy Spirit: Didn't the people of the Old Testament have the Holy Spirit too?
2019-1-04 Those That Never Hear the Gospel: How will God deal with people in remote places where they may never contacted to hear the gospel?
2019-1-04 Simon the Zealot: Was Simon the Zealot a Jew, and apostle of Jesus?
2019-1-04 Jesus, Lord & Savior? Is Jesus, without ambiguity, the Lord & Savior?
2019-1-04 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Is a person in continuous adultery by being married to a 2nd wife after leaving his 1st wife? What if the person left the first wife before becoming a Christian?
2019-1-04 Romans 9: Would you enlighten us about Romans 9?
2019-1-04 Moses & Zipporah: The wife of Moses, Zipporah, cut off their son's foreskin & threw it at Moses' feet saying, "you're a bloody husband to me". What did all this mean? [Exodus 4:26].
2019-1-04 Overcoming Lust: How does one overcome the sin of Lust?
2019-1-03 Little Horn (in Daniel): Who is the "little horn" of Daniel 7? [Daniel 7:8].
2019-1-03 Think to Change Times & Laws: What is Daniel 7:25 talking about? [Daniel 7:25].
2019-1-03 Date of Writing of the Gospels: Do you know when the four gospels were actually written?
2019-1-03 Jan Markell & Jack Hibbs: Should we go listen to Jan Markell and Jack Hibbs when they are going to be in his area?
2019-1-03 The Temple: Where did the original temple stand? Where does the idea about a 3rd temple being rebuilt come from?
2019-1-03 Heaven & Hell: Do you believe in heaven & hell?
2019-1-03 The Narrow Path Audio Lectures: How do you get your audio bible lectures?
2019-1-03 Compilation of the Bible: Can you comment about this; A former priest told me that I wouldn't be a Christian if I knew how the Bible was compiled?
2019-1-03 Listening to the Holy Spirit: What do you think about this; The Holy Spirit told me to listen to David Hawking, because he knows the scripture?
2019-1-03 Helping the Addicted: How does one handle it when a friend who is addicted to drugs, keeps saying she wants to get clean & sober, but then never does?
2019-1-03 Peter's Chronology of Events: A pastor said that Peter was not giving the order of events of how things actually happened, what say you? [Acts 2:38].
2019-1-02 Saints or Sinners: Should we consider ourselves saints or sinners?[2 Corinthians 2:14, Romans 7:18,23, Romans 8, Philemon 6].
2019-1-02 Jesus Contradicts Himself: How can Jesus' words be true if He contradicts Himself, such as when He says when people only speak the words that are in their heart, but that people will worship Him in words? [Matthew 12:36, 15:8, Isaiah 29:13, Proverbs 23:6].
2019-1-02 Satan Bound: If Satan is bound, then how can he go about seeking whom he may devour? [I Peter 5:8, Revelation 20:2-5, Matthew 12:29].
2019-1-02 Loving God: How do we love God with all our hearts, soul, and mind? [James 1:17, I John 4:19].