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Showing 17,001 to 17,050 of 25,473.
Date Topic Audio
2017-7-12 Faith, Choice & Belief: distinguish between faith, choice & belief, is faith a gift of God? [Ephesians 2:8-9]
2017-7-12 The Word of God: Is the Bible really the Word of God?
2017-7-12 Dislike of the Modern Translations of the Bible: "Man shall not eat by bread alone", the modern translations seem to be different that what it says.
2017-7-12 Jesus' Ministry only 3 Years: Why did God only have jesus' ministry last 3 1/2 years?
2017-7-12 Women Pastors: Can women pastors be in ministry? Feminism seems to be taking over.
2017-7-12 Illness for God's Glory: Does God cause illness for His glory? (followup #3)
2017-7-12 Cain's Sacrifice not Accepted: Why was Cain's sacrifice not accepted?
2017-7-12 Not Accepting Gifts from God: Caller thinks you can't refuse gifts from God, especially gifts of healing,
2017-7-11 Churches Authorizing Marriages: How would the church regulate secular marriages since they would have nothing to do with them, yet you saying churches need to be in charge of marriages instead of the state?
2017-7-11 Slaves being Elders: Were slaves or could slaves be elders? does our culture like slavery? (A very long, drawn out conversation.)
2017-7-11 Addictions: Can someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit still have trouble trying to overcome addictions?
2017-7-11 Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Wfhat is the proof of being baptized by the Holy Spirit?
2017-7-11 God's Jealousy in His Glory: God being a jealous God in His glory. [Exodus 33:18]
2017-7-11 Jews coming out of Egypt: When the Israelites came out of Egypt, isn't that sort've representative of spiritual Israel now where we have are struggling for obedience to God? [1 Corinthians 10:1-11]
2017-7-11 Satan Being Omnipresent: How can people be pestered by satan at the same time on the earth if he's not omnipresent?
2017-7-11 Suffering for God's Glory: Continuing from the last call of previous show, God causes bad things for the purpose of His glory?
2017-7-10 Slavery Good or Bad: Was slavery good or bad in the Bible? Caller discusses again her view about how bad she feels slavery is. (follow up)
2017-7-10 Fulness of the Gentiles: "until the fulness of the gentiles be come in", olive tree, so all of Isreal will eventually be saved.
2017-7-10 Jesus' Ransom (Atonement) Involving the Atonement, who was Jesus paying the ransom to? I heard the early church thought Satan.
2017-7-10 Eastern Orthodoxy & Theosis: The Eastern Orthodox church thinks Theosis, that we can become God, we are part of the divine nature, the nature God imparted to us. What do you think about that?
2017-7-10 Best of Programs: Caller really likes the "Best Of" programs, because they really are the best of the questions!
2017-7-10 Immortality of Soul: Most people believe in the inherent immortality of the soul, so what scriptures are there for only having a mortal soul?
2017-7-10 Jesus' Ransom (Atonement): ransom being paid by Jesus. (I can't quite follower her either.)
2017-7-07 Pearl before Swine: Should we vigorously attempt to witness our hope? [1 Peter 3:15]
2017-7-07 Unequally Yoked Potential: A Christian friend is contemplating becoming involved w/ a non-Christian, but he fears she may just feign Christianity to win his heart, & then leave Christianity.
2017-7-07 Denying Yourself: "Deny yourself, take up your cross & follow Me", does that mean we have to be ashamed of ourselves? John MacArthur says we have to be! [Mark 8:34]
2017-7-07 Fulness of the Gentiles: What does "until the fulness of the gentiles be come in" mean? [Romans 11:25-32]
2017-7-07 Open or Closed Communion: I was visiting a church & they said no communion unless you are an actual member of that church, is that biblical?
2017-7-07 Slavery: (followup) A discussion about slavery. (audio is not very good.)
2017-7-07 Slavery: (followup) slavery was actually a good thing in old times, & God or Bible writers refer to terms of slavery all the time, like being a slave to righteousness.
2017-7-07 The Blood & Fat: I was reading Leviticus, & there's a lot of talk of blood there, & wondering why God was so specific w/ what to do w/ the blood & fat. [Leviticus]
2017-7-07 Jesus being the First Born: I was talking to some Jehovah's Witnesses, & we got to talk about Jesus being the first born, first begotten, & just wondering if you could talk about that. [Colossians 1:18]
2017-7-07 Guilt about Marriage: We sometimes have to obey the letter of the law, but still feeling guilty about the marriage & divorce situation even though a minister married us.
2017-7-07 Blind for God's Glorification: God made that man blind so He could be glorified? [John 9]
2017-7-06 Meaning of Life: What is the meaning of life?
2017-7-06 God Parent in the Catholic Church for Infant Baptism: Is it biblical to be a God-parent to an infant who is being baptized in the Roman Catholic church?
2017-7-06 Insignificant Sins Unreptented of: We need to repent, but what about sins that we deem insignificant such as traffic laws, etc?
2017-7-06 Slavery: Why didn't God just say slavery was evil? (cont after break)
2017-7-06 Law Before Christ, Grace After: It seemed before Jesus died people were required to keep the law, but after He rose again we were under grace, is that true?
2017-7-06 Apostasy, Falling Away: Is Hebrews 6:4-6 talking about people who were already Christians? [Hebrews 6:4-6]
2017-7-05 God Bringing Good & Bad: Does God create good & bad, create terrible things & cause them to happen? [Jeremiah 29:11-12]
2017-7-05 Knowing God's Ways: We can't know God ways, is that true?
2017-7-05 Never Leaving or Forsaking: I believe we can lose our salvation, not once saved always saved, but what about His promise to never leave or forsake us? [Hebrews 13:5, Joshua 1:5]
2017-7-05 Partial Preterism: will you please tell me what preterism is?
2017-7-05 Comparison of Buddhism & Teachings of Christ: Buddhism & teachings of Christ comparison.
2017-7-05 70 AD & Partial Preterism (Debate): Preterism - 70 ad, 70 ad - preterism, all stemming around 70 ad! (little bit of a debate) (follow up)
2017-7-03 Calvinism & Once Saved, Always Saved: When did "once saved, always saved", eternal security, first arrive on the scene? Did you say recently?
2017-7-03 God's Sovereignty: Did God just sovereignly blind some people just because He was sovereign?
2017-7-03 Man Running Naked Down the Street: Were Peter's clothes torn off & he ran around the street naked? [Mark 14:51-52]
2017-7-03 Creation Week: Was the Creation done in 6 literal days or was it just symbolic & can be much longer than that? Should we worry or can we know before the end of time if it is?