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Date Topic Audio
2020-12-11 Giving to the Poor: Could you talk about giving to the poor and sorting out who to give to in good conscience?
2020-12-11 Healing: Where is the healing that charismatics claim exists?
2020-12-11 Gifts of the Spirit & Cessationism Would you make an argument against cessationism (the ceasing of the spiritual gifts)? [Romans 12, I Corinthians 12, I Corinthians 1:7].
2020-12-10 Giving Up Our Rights to Speak Against Evil: What do you think about a pastor who says we should be willing to give up our own right to speak against some of the evil things that are happening in our culture? [Luke 3, Micah 6:8, Acts 1:7, Isaiah 42:1-4, Matthew 12:18-21, Luke 19:1-13, Matthew 13:24-30].
2020-12-10 Valley of Hinnom, Gehenna & Hell: If Valley of Hinnom and Gehenna mean hell, then what Jesus meant when he used the term Gehenna in Matthew 10:28? [Matthew 10:27-28, Jeremiah 19:2, Jeremiah 31:40, Isaiah 10:18].
2020-12-10 The Seven Years in Revelation: Do you believe that the reference to the seven years in Revelation doesn't have to be literal, and just means a long time? [Daniel 9].
2020-12-10 Religious Rules & Offenses: Would you comment on the idea that Christopher Hitchens promoted "religion poisons everything"? [I John 4:7-21].
2020-12-10 Jesus & His Disciple's Relationship: Do you think that James, John, Andrews & Peter had the time to get to know Jesus before they were actually called as disciples? [John 1].
2020-12-10 Jesus Not Necessarily the Eternal God: Is it possible that scripture doesn't necessarily affirm that Jesus is actually exactly the same as the eternal God? [John 1:1-3, John 8:58, Revelation 1:8].
2020-12-10 The Archeologist, Ron Wyatt: What do you think about the archeologist, Ron Wyatt, and his research and claims, particularly about the Ark of the Covenant?
2020-12-09 Symbolism of Ezekiel 38 & 39: Could you talk about Ezekiel 38 & 39, is it the Babylonian Exile or the Roman destruction of Jerusalem, and what about Gog & Magog? [Ezekiel 38-39].
2020-12-09 Tithing Under the New Covenant: Is tithing 10% of your money or of everything (our time, treasure and talent), and are we still supposed to be giving a tithe? [Matthew 23:23, Luke 14:33, I Corinthians 6:20, Matthew 25:14-30].
2020-12-09 Charismatic Movements that Go Too Far: The movements of New Apostolic Reformation, Joel's Army, Manifest Sons of God, seems to be teaching that Jesus is 'just' a man, can you comment? [Joel 2].
2020-12-09 Missing Books of the Bible: Why would the books, such as the Books of Enoch and Jasher, not be in the Bible, but are quoted in scripture?
2020-12-09 Recommended Book by Steve Gregg: What book did you recently recommend recently over the air? ("Live Not By Lies" by Rod Dreher).
2020-12-09 Paul on the Road to Damascus: Could you comment on Paul's conversion, and if it was on the road to Damascus? [Acts 22, Acts 9:5-6, Romans 10:9, Romans 14].
2020-12-09 King James Version of the Bible: How familiar should one be with the King James Version of the Bible, particularly since other Bible tools, such as concordances, are based on it?
2020-12-08 Christian Book Choices: Which book should I read next, "Live Not By Lies" or your second volume on The Kingdom of God, "Empire of the Risen Son"?
2020-12-08 Those of Other Faiths: Do you think that people of other faiths possibly benefit from their beliefs, similarly, or even better than some Christians do? [John 1:8-9, Psalm 24:1] (A lot of static on the line.)
2020-12-08 Rapture or Second Coming: Is this verse in Revelation 11 about the rapture or second coming of Christ? [Revelation 11:15, John 12:48].
2020-12-08 Speaking in Tongues: What is your personal experience like with speaking in tongues? [I Corinthians 14, Jude 20].
2020-12-08 Other Partial Preterists: Who else is in the Partial Preterist camp would be good to recommend (Adrian Rogers, C.S. Lewis, Hank Hannegrath, Kenneth Gentry, John MacArthur, John Ankerberg) ?
2020-12-08 Angel or Jesus in Revelation 1: Wasn't John speaking to the angel and not to Jesus in Revelation 1? [Revelation1:17]
2020-12-07 Jesus May Not be God Himself: Based on these scriptures, is it possible that Jesus might not actually be God, but could be acting on God's behalf instead of actually being God Himself? [Exodus 7, Revelation 1, John 1, Isaiah, 2 Corinthians 5].
2020-12-07 No Longer Able to be Saved: If someone continually rebels against God or the Holy Spirit, does scripture indicate that one can eventually no longer be saved? [2 Thessalonians 2, Romans 1, Proverbs 29:1].
2020-12-07 The Seven Mountains in Revelation: Regarding to the seven mountains, are they referring to Rome or around Jerusalem? [Revelation 17:9, Revelation 11:8, Revelation 14, Isaiah 1].
2020-12-07 Pagan Christmas and Christmas Trees: Is Christmas pagan and scripture referring to Christmas trees in Jeremiah? [Jeremiah 10:1-5, Isaiah 44:15-17, Isaiah 46:6].
2020-12-07 God's People Put in Bondage: Why did God allow His people to be in bondage for 430 years? [Genesis 15].
2020-12-07 Antichrist or Messiah & Confirming the Covenant in Daniel: What does it mean to confirm the covenant in Daniel, and to whom is it referring? [Daniel 9:27, Daniel 24-27, Galatians 3:16, Acts 3:24-27, Romans 1:16].
2020-12-07 Glory: What did the receivers of the letters think "glory" meant, and what does it mean, "from glory to glory"? [2 Corinthians 3:18, Hebrews 1:1-3, I Corinthians 11:7, I John 3:2, Colossians 3:4, Titus 2:13, Luke 9:28-36].
2020-12-04 Daniel 11 & the Antichrist: Could you explain Daniel 11:36-38? [Daniel 11:36-38]. Antiochus Ep, Herods, Rome, 70 weeks
2020-12-04 Wine and Other Alcohol: My sister, who is diabetic, would like to drink alternate alcohol, rather than wine, and wonders if it is a sin.
2020-12-04 Fear of God & Steve's New Books: Compliments on Steve's new book, "Empire of the Son," especially his thoughts on the fear of God. Would you talk about the fear of God? [I Peter 1:17, 2 Corinthians 5:11, Revelation 14:7, Proverbs 9:10, Hebrews 12:11, Proverbs 3:7, Proverbs 23:17].
2020-12-04 The Ten Commandments: Are The Ten Commandments included in the new covenant? Should they be in our legal buildings? [Jeremiah 31:31, Exodus 31:16].
2020-12-04 God's Knowledge Limited: Since God tests us, is His knowledge limited in some way, so that He doesn't know the outcome of the test?
2020-12-04 Resurrected Bodies & Heaven: Why do we think we will be souls in heaven that will later rejoin our bodies, if bodies (not souls) of many were raised when Christ was resurrected? [Matthew 27:52-53, Acts 2:34].
2020-12-04 Pets with Everlasting Life: What happens to our pets when they die? [Eccesiastes 3:21, Genesis 1:30, I Timothy 6:16, Ephesians 1:10].
2020-12-04 Illegitimate Divorce & Remarriage: Should someone who has illegitimately divorced and remarried, but has since repented, should they leave the second spouse, and return to the first? [Deuteronomy 24:4].
2020-12-03 Imminent Coming of Jesus Christ: What do you think about the imminent coming of Christ? [2 Thessalonians 2].
2020-12-03 The Gospel: What is the gospel? [Luke 17:20, Colossians 1:14, Matthew 28:18-20].
2020-12-03 David Not Forgiving Shimei: So why did David eventually hold Shimei accountable, when earlier he seemed to forgive him? [2 Samuel 16, 2 Samuel 19, I Kings 2].
2020-12-03 Earthquakes & Famines: Why are earthquakes and famines mentioned in prophecy? [Matthew 24, Luke 21:20].
2020-12-03 Gap Between 69th and 70th Weeks of Daniel: Regarding the 70 weeks of Daniel, isn't it unnatural to place a large gap between the 69th and 70th week?
2020-12-03 Seventh Day Adventism: Caller discusses the difficulty of leaving the Seventh Day Adventist Church.
2020-12-03 Establishing the Law: What does it mean when scripture says we "establish the law"? [Romans 3:31-4:3, Genesis 15:6, Galatians 5:4].
2020-12-03 Laws on our Hearts: Who is Israel and Judah in Jeremiah 31, and what laws are being written on the heart ? [Jeremiah 31:31, Jeremiah 23:3-33, Joel 2:32, Romans 10:13].
2020-12-03 Role of the Holy Spirit in the Final Kingdom on Earth? What will the role of the Holy Spirit be in the final Kingdom on earth? [John 14:16].
2020-12-03 Gay Couples Who Adopt Children: What should the Christian response be to gay couples who adopt?
2020-12-03 The Others That Were Resurrected: How come we don't hear any more about the others that were resurrected? [Matthew 27:53].
2020-12-02 Satan Fell Like Lightening: When scripture talks about Satan "fell like lightening", is that about pride? [Luke 10:18, John 12:31].