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Date Topic Audio
2021-3-15 The New Jerusalem's Dimensions: What will be happening in the New Jerusalem, in light of the grand dimensions that are described? [Revelation 21:16, Colossians 1:16].
2021-3-15 Demons Thrown into the Pigs: Why didn't Jesus just throw the demons directly into the abyss instead of into the pigs? [Matthew 8:28-34, Matthew 12;29, Revelation 9, Luke 22:53].
2021-3-15 "Sinner's Prayer" Effectiveness: If I prayed this prayer in sincerity, (recites a prayer) can I be assured that I am saved? [Luke 18:13].
2021-3-12 Guilty or Not Guilty Can you help me understand the idea that we are often said to be guilty of sin, and yet we have been justified as believers, therefore not really guilty?
2021-3-12 Jesus' Name: What exactly was Jesus' name, in what language, and how was it pronounced in His day (Iesous Iesvs Iesum, Iesos)?
2021-3-12 Demon's Ability to Read: Can a demon read my PIN numbers when I enter them at the bank?
2021-3-12 Regeneration & Relationship: Would you talk about "regeneration" and "relationship"? [Matthew 19:28-30, Titus 3:4-5].
2021-3-12 Restore Israel a Second Time: What did God mean when He said He would restore Israel to their land a second time? [Isaiah 11:11-16]
2021-3-12 Sorcery in Revelation: Why, in your verse-by-verse lectures, did you not talk about sorcery in Revelation 18? [Revelation 18:23}.
2021-3-12 Repentance: Could you clarify what is involved in repentance? [John 5:14].
2021-3-12 Battle of Armageddon: Could you talk about the "Battle of Armageddon"? [Ezekiel 38]
2021-3-12 The Name of Jesus: Would you talk about the name of Jesus?
2021-3-12 Physical or Spiritual Healing: Are we to all be healed physically, or just spiritually? [Galatians 4:14, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Isaiah 53:4, 2 Timothy 4:20].
2021-3-12 Great White Throne of Judgment: If we are all absolved of all our sin when we come to Christ, then what is the "Great White Throne of Judgment" for? [I Corinthians 11:31, Luke 19:12].
2021-3-12 "The Good Confession" before Pilate: What was "the good confession" Jesus gave before Pilate? [I Timothy 6:13].
2021-3-11 Eternal Boredom & Trials in the Eternal State: Could you address the concern that the millennial or eternal state will be perfect, yet we will have to keep being tried and tested, but in all likelihood will be exhausting or boring? [Revelation 21:4].
2021-3-11 Judgment of 70 A.D.: Are John, Peter, Paul, and John the Baptist, all warning the people because the coming judgment of 70 A.D. ? [Matthew 3:7, Matthew 24, Matthew 25:31].
2021-3-11 Heaven: Won't heaven be a blast?
2021-3-11 Taoism (Daoism): Could you help me understand how to discuss Taoism (Daoism)?
2021-3-11 Application of Old Testament to Christians (Tithing): Could you help me understand how to determine what in the Old Testament applies to us and what doesn't, like tithing?
2021-3-11 Elders & Overseers: Do you make a distinction between "elders" and "overseers"? [Titus 1:5], Acts 20:17-28, I Peter 5:1-2, Matthew 20:27].
2021-3-11 Women Teaching Men: Could you help me with this passage about women teaching men and if it is applicable to us today? [I Timothy 2:9-12, Genesis 2-3, Timothy 3].
2021-3-11 Repentance After Death: Did I hear you say that one can repent in heaven after they die? Is there any scripture to support that idea? [James 3:2}.
2021-3-10 Drinking of His Cup: What does Jesus mean when He asks "are you able to drink of this cup" when the mother asked if her sons could sit at his right & left hand? [Matthew 20:20-24].
2021-3-10 Sons of Zebedee: [Matthew 20:20-24]
2021-3-10 Date of Naming the Book of Matthew, Etc.: When did the book of Matthew, and the rest of thee books, get its name?
2021-3-10 Epistles: What is an epistle?
2021-3-10 Gospels Not Written in the 1st Person: Isn't it odd that the gospels were not written in the 1st person?
2021-3-10 Who is Satan: Who is this guy, Satan? [John 8:44, I John 3:8, Proverbs 16:4, Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18, Revelation 12:7-10, Ezekiel 14:12, John 12:31, Proverbs 16:4].
2021-3-10 Sanctification: Could you clarify if sanctification is progressive, or if it is imputed to you upon salvation? [I Peter1:15-16, I Thessalonians 5:23, Romans 8:1, 2 Corinthians 3:18, Romans 6:6].
2021-3-10 The Gap Theory: Is there any evidence of a "gap theory" in scripture? [Genesis 1:1-2, Exodus 20].
2021-3-10 The Cup of God's Wrath: Is the cup in John 8, referring to God's wrath? [John 8:11, Jeremiah 25:15-15, Revelation 14:10, Psalm 75:8, Matthew 23:32, Ecclesiastes 8:11, Genesis 15:16].
2021-3-10 Command to Read the Bible: Where is the command to read your Bible? [Joshua 1:8, Luke 12:48].
2021-3-08 Ravi Zacharias' Ministry: In light of the recent the exposure of the failures of Ravi Zacharias, was he sincere or was it all false?[I Corinthians 13:2].
2021-3-08 Jesus' Temptation: Was Jesus' temptation physical or visionary one? Where would one draw the line determining this? [Matthew 4:1-11].
2021-3-08 Worthy to Loosen Jesus' Sandals: Do you think that you would be worthy to loosen Jesus' sandal, or do you think you are better equipped? [John 1:27, Luke 18:13].
2021-3-08 Christian Book Recommendation: Are you familiar with the book, "Reimagining the Way You Relate to God" by Skye Jethani? Caller recommends it.
2021-3-08 DNA Alteration Ramifications: If your DNA can be altered by vaccines, then at what point could we become irredeemable? Did not Jesus die for human, not animals?
2021-3-08 Soul & Spirits of Humans & Animals: Isn't the spirit what separates us from the animals? [Ecclesiastes 3:21].
2021-3-08 God's Hate: Does God hate wicked people and then only loves them once they repent? [John 15:13, Romans 5:8, Romans 9:13, Genesis 29:30-31, Matthew 6:24, Malachi 1:2-3].
2021-3-08 Building Altars in the Old Testament: What did they do in scripture to build an altars?
2021-3-08 Vaccines: Inquiry about medical vaccines - incomplete.
2021-3-05 Jesus Preaching to Those in Prison (Hades or Hell): Could you talk about the verses in Peter where Jesus went to preach to those in prison (or Hades) in the days of Noah? [I Peter 3:18-19, I Peter 1:11, 2 Peter 2:5].
2021-3-05 Church Responsibility Regarding Injustice: If a church recognizes and acknowledges injustices (as with racial and economic), what is their responsibility? [Micah 6:8, I Corinthians 5:12].
2021-3-05 God's Forgiveness as Opposed to the State's: If someone had killed someone, and the law didn't know who did it, would that now repentant believer be required to turn himself in?
2021-3-05 Vaccine Warning from Modern Day Prophetess: Is there anything to the claims of a modern prophetess who warns that the new vaccine will alter your DNA?
2021-3-05 Democratic Party Platform: How can people support the Democratic party platform, if they are believers?
2021-3-05 Church Membership Requirements: Is it normal for churches to require an interview and signed paperwork to become a member of the church? [I Corinthians 1:12, Matthew 5:37].
2021-3-04 Old Testament Prophecy Quoted in New Testament: Would you shed some light on Old Testament prophecy that is quoted in the New Testament and why it is not exactly in the same context, etc., as in the ones about "the cry in the wilderness" and it being John the Baptist? [Matthew 3:3, Isaiah 40:3, Isaiah 11:16, Isaiah 19:23, Isaiah 35:8, Isaiah 34, Isaiah 5:7, Isaiah 32:13-15].
2021-3-04 "God of all Gods" Contradiction: Is there not a contradiction about God's singularity in these verses in Psalms? [Psalm 136:2, Psalm 95:3, I Corinthians 10:20, I Corinthians 8:4].