Date | Topic | Audio |
2019-2-15 | Deathbed conversion as opposed to long-term Christians losing their faith: What about a good person who was a Christian most of their life who ends up going to hell & a person who was evil most of their life who repents and becomes saved? |
2019-2-15 | Born Again: What does it mean for a person to be saved? |
2019-2-14 | Sealed by the Holy Spirit: So if we are sealed w/ the Holy Spirit, we shouldn't be able to lose our salvation, should we? {Ephesians 4:30] |
2019-2-14 | Soon meaning Soon: Jesus said He is going to come "soon". Other prophecies did happen soon after John wrote them, but Jesus hasn't come back yet 2,000 years later, so how is that soon? Doesn't that mean some of the prophecies that you thought were already fulfilled still have yet to be fulfilled, besides Jesus actually coming back? |
2019-2-14 | Losing Zeal: I've lost my faith, and I want to know how to regain it. |
2019-2-14 | Baptism; Should I get re-baptized since I didn't know what I was doing when I was first baptized? |
2019-2-14 | Taxes: Tax laws & being deceitful |
2019-2-14 | Tempted by Satan or the Flesh: What percentages are we tempted by Satan verses how much we are tempted by our flesh? |
2019-2-14 | Showing judgment to the Gentiles: Is this a prophecy in Matthew regarding the Gentiles? [Matthew 12:18] |
2019-2-14 | Encouraging a Previous Caller: Caller wanted to call & encourage a orevious caller who wants to re-gain his faith. |
2019-2-14 | Working out your own Salvation: What does it mean to "work out your own salvation"? [Phillipians 2:12] |
2019-2-14 | Losing your Faith: Asking if Steve agrees about a statement she says about losing our salvation (inspired from a previous caller). |
2019-2-13 | Prayer: Is it biblical to pray for my enemies, but pray against their evil deeds? |
2019-2-13 | Women Pastors & Elders: Why would churches allow women to be pastors but not elders? |
2019-2-13 | Covenant being Ratified by Death A covenant/testament is not enforced until the testator dies, is that true? [Hebrews 9:16] |
2019-2-13 | Spirit, Water & Blood: What does this verse mean, calling the Trinity Spirit, Water & Blood? [1 John 5:6-8] |
2019-2-13 | Kabbalism: What do you know about Kabbalism? |
2019-2-13 | Holy Spirit: If you don't receive the Holy Spirit are you automatically going to hell? |
2019-2-13 | Never Hearing Gospel: What about people who have never heard about Jesus? |
2019-2-13 | No interpretation of tongues: Speaking in tongues that nobody can interpret, is that biblical? |
2019-2-13 | "Set apart for the Gospel of God": What does it mean to be "set apart for gospel of God....or Christ"? Does this in anyway help defend the Trinity? [Romans 1:1] |
2019-2-13 | Paul & His Gospel: Why does Paul say, "my gospel"? [Galatians 1:8-9] |
2019-2-13 | Homosexuality: Can you be a homosexual & be saved? |
2019-2-13 | Jesus being Indignant: Why in the NIV does Mark 1:41 say that Jesus was "indignant" at the leper? [Mark 1:41] |
2019-2-12 | Enemies your Footstool: What enemies is the Hebrew's writer referring to & how are they going to be humbled? [Hebrews 1:13, Psalm 110:1] |
2019-2-12 | Parable of the talents: Isn't it good to save money for retirement? |
2019-2-12 | King David: It seems to go against God's character that David can have more than one wife. [2 Samuel 12:8, I] |
2019-2-12 | Abortion: Isn't the devil, by having 14 million babies aborted every year, just making a whole bunch more people go to heaven? |
2019-2-12 | Death: Why is it that we have to die before Jesus comes back? |
2019-2-12 | Nephilim: "Sons of God", nephilim, giants, correction about what he thought Steve said they were of Irael. [Genesis 6] |
2019-2-12 | David & Paul differences: God doesn't deal w/ us according to our sins but then Paul says that He does, can these be harmonized? [Psalms 103:10, Romans 2:14] |
2019-2-12 | God's Promises Conditional: Did you say every promise of God is conditional? |
2019-2-12 | Caesar Calendar Keeping track of the years of Christ from when He was born |
2019-2-12 | Choosing Good over Evil: God made everything good, so why didn't Adam (or Lucifer) choose good? |
2019-2-11 | Jesus Bored w/ Prayers: Can some prayers be boring to Jesus? |
2019-2-11 | Old Covenant & New Covenant: Are there things carried over from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant? |
2019-2-11 | Personality Tests: What does steve think of taking personality tests? |
2019-2-11 | Pentecostal What does pentecostal mean? |
2019-2-11 | King David: Was King David a Jew? Did he observe the Sabbath & the Passover? Did he ever reference Moses in any of his writings? |
2019-2-11 | No longer Blind: Can you tell me what He was saying here? The Pharisees are no longer ignorant? [John 9:39-41] |
2019-2-11 | The White Throne Judgment: Are all these judgments talking about the same judgment, the sheep & the goats, & the great white throne judgment? [2 Timothy 4:1, Matthew 25, Revelation 20:11-15] |
2019-2-11 | Bible Manuscripts: Why are some manuscripts considered so much better than others by some, especially KJV only types? |
2019-2-11 | Church Government: What is the best form of church polity, elders, overseers, & so on? |
2019-2-11 | Faith: "faith is not necessarily what God will do, but what God can do", What does Steve think of that definition of faith? [Hebrews 11:1] |
2019-2-07 | Anthropomorphism of God: Sometimes God acts like He doesn't know something or that He's sorry for doing something. Do these give credence to the fact that He might not know everything? [Genesis 6:6, |
2019-2-07 | Righteous People Don't Need a Savior: So was Jesus saying that the righteous people don't need a Savior? [Luke 5:31-32] |
2019-2-07 | Marriage, Divorce & Inheritance: Caller is about receive quite an inheritance & wondering if he has to or should give some it to his wife who is divorcing him. |
2019-2-07 | The name Narrow Path & the Theme Music: Is the Scripture passage in Matthew why you named the program, "the narrow path"? Where did you get your introductory theme music? [Matthew 7:13-14] |
2019-2-07 | Father or Husband: Is this talking about a girl's father or future husband? [1 Corinthians 7:34-39] |
2019-2-07 | Sermon on the mount & judging: It says not to judge, but then it says you should judge. [Matthew 7:1-6, John 7:24-25] |