Date | Topic | Audio |
2014-8-26 | Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: In what cases is it acceptable to get a divorce & are they allowed to remarry since it says you are committing adultery if you do? [Luke 16:18, Mark 10:10-12, Matthew 5:32, 19:9] |
2014-8-26 | Baptism: Is being baptized in just Jesus' name acceptable or do you have to be baptized in the name of the Father, Son & Holy Ghost? [Acts 2:38, Matthew 28:19-20] |
2014-8-26 | Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Being baptized in the Holy Spirit, who is authorized to do that?: |
2014-8-26 | Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Are a couple damned for life/eternity because they got married when they possibly shouldn't have? |
2014-8-25 | In the Day of Visitation: Can you explain what the "Day of Visitation" means that appears several times in the Bible? [Luke 19:44, 1 Peter 2:12] |
2014-8-25 | Witnessing to Muslims: What is the most effective way to witness to Muslims? How do they interpret Jesus, & how does it differ from what we believe? |
2014-8-25 | "All things are Lawful": What does Paul mean that all things are lawful, but that all things are not expedient? [1 Corinthians 6:12, 10:23] |
2014-8-25 | "Whatever is not of Faith is Sin": What does it mean that whatsoever is not of faith is sin? [Romans 14:23] |
2014-8-25 | Fighting for your Country: What does the Bible say about going to war for your country? |
2014-8-25 | Creating Satan: Why did God create Satan if He knew was going to do bad things? |
2014-8-25 | Going to War: Caller is against going to war as a Christian since we are supposed to be preaching the gospel to people & not killing them. |
2014-8-21 | Millennium: What is the Millennium or the Thousand Years for in the first place, especially since people are going to get killed after? |
2014-8-21 | The Message Bible: What you do you think of the Message Bible? |
2014-8-21 | This Generation shall not pass away: The Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24 is just talking about the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, isn't it? |
2014-8-21 | Man of Sin: What is Steve's opinion about the Man of Lawlessness in 2 Thessalonians? [2 Thessalonians 2] |
2014-8-21 | Dating & Courtship: What is Steve's opinion of Dating & Courting? |
2014-8-21 | Christianity & Discipleship: Caller is concerned there's not much Discipleship in the church, but everything else. |
2014-8-21 | God's chosen People: Are the Jews God's chosen people? |
2014-8-21 | Jew or Nazarene: What Jesus a Jew or a Nazarene? |
2014-8-19 | Olivet Discourse & Birth Pains: A lengthy discussion about the Olivet Discourse & Birth Pains referring to 70 AD &/or the end of the world. [Matthew 24] |
2014-8-19 | Elder & Overseer: Are the qualifications the same for an elder & overseer, & does this list apply to both? [2 Timothy 2:24] |
2014-8-19 | Be Watchful & Ready: All Jesus is saying is be watchful & ready in case He comes at any moment, not WHEN He will be coming. [Matthew 24:42-51, Acts 1:7 7, 1 Thessalonians 5:1] |
2014-8-19 | Millennial Kingdom: Won't we still have Free Will in the Millennial Kingdom if the Pre-Millennialists are right in their paradigm? If they have free will how can it be a Utopia? |
2014-8-19 | Steve's Teaching of Revelation: Caller disagrees wholeheartedly w/ Steve about his interpretations of Revelation. She hopes he's right because a lot of people listen to him. [James 3:1, Proverbs 18:17] |
2014-8-19 | Prophecy being fulfilled: Is there any other prophecy that needs to be fulfilled before Jesus comes back? Caller thinks Steve's view of Revelation also is too simplistic. |
2014-8-19 | Revelation: You need to understand Revelation the right way, according to the caller. Everyone has different interpretations, but it's okay, according to the caller. |
2014-8-19 | Revelation: People are going through trials right now, & the world is upside down! So caller thinks Revelation is being fulfilled right now. |
2014-8-15 | Beliefs Separate People: Michael the Buddhist called to followup on a call he had made a few days before & point out that beliefs separate people. |
2014-8-15 | Attain unto the Resurrection What does Paul mean by "attain unto the resurrection"? [Philippians 3:11] |
2014-8-15 | The Narrow Path Radio Show & Stone Soup: Caller wanted to share a story about everyone contributing to a good Stone Soup, resembling it to people asking good questions & Steve giving good answers. |
2014-8-15 | E-mails questions: Caller thinks Steve should dedicate a portion of his show to e-mail questions he gets because he enjoys them just as much as the call-in questions. |
2014-8-15 | Offending People w/ Diet: Does not offending people include people who are not Christians, such as Muslims? [Romans 14-15, 1 Corinthians 8-10] |
2014-8-15 | Deja vu Is the word Deja vu New Ageish or Occultic? |
2014-8-15 | Eating & Drinking the body & blood of Jesus: Caller is concerned about people preaching that we need to literally eat & drink the body & blood of Christ. Can Steve explain what's really going on about that? [John 6] |
2014-8-15 | Suicidal Man: What should they do about someone who wants to commit suicide? |
2014-8-15 | Memorial Service: Call is following up on a call she heard about Memorial Services. She thinks they are pretty important. |
2014-8-15 | Suicide: Caller comments that suicide is not a very good idea. |
2014-8-15 | Man Alive by Patrick Morley: Caller just wanted to recommend a good book for isolated men. |
2014-8-15 | Keeping the Law: Is it possible to keep the Law? Why was Christ crucified if it is? If it isn't why did God demand the impossible? Is there a distinction between the law & "if you do well" like He said to Cain? [Genesis 4:7, Luke 1, Philippians 2] |
2014-8-15 | Marriage Prayer Request: Caller requests prayer for her struggling marriage. |
2014-8-15 | God's number of times of Forgiving: How many times does God forgive you? |
2014-8-14 | Healing as part of the Atonement: My Pastor points out that Jesus purchased our ability to claim healing as well as our forgiveness that happened on the cross & that since Jesus was actually "slain from foundation of the world", that's why He was able to Heal people, & why we can claim it. What do you think? [Matthew 8:17, Revelation 13:8, Isaiah 53:4-5] |
2014-8-14 | Parable of the Barren Fig Tree: Can you explain the parable about the Barren Fig Tree, the players the Parable represents? [Luke 13:6-9] |
2014-8-14 | Atonement for healing (followup): Aren't the Elders supposed to pray over the sick & God will heal us? Doesn't it say, "By His stripes we are healed"? [James 5:14, Isaiah 53:5, 1 John 1:9] |
2014-8-14 | OT practices: As long as it's not spoken against in the New Testament, are believers permitted to do things you had to do in the Old Testament? Such as Tithing? |
2014-8-14 | Meat, not Milk: Caller feels that Steve needs to teach more of the meat of the gospel more than the milk of it. [1 Corinthians 3:1-3] |
2014-8-14 | Memorial Service: Is it necessary to have a Memorial Service? |
2014-8-14 | Steve's books on Hell & Revelation: Caller thinks Steve taking the time write books on irrelevant topics such as Hell & Revelation was a waste of time. |
2014-8-14 | Exorcisms & Demon-Possession: Is there an effective way to help people w/ Demon-possession? |
2014-8-14 | Heaven: Why is so little about Heaven is described in the Bible? |