Destruction of the Earth:Are there canonical sources (particularly the Tanach), that support Peter's eschatology regarding the future destruction of the earth in fire? [2 Peter 3, Revelation 20, Romans 8, Colossians 1:26-29, Ephesians 3:5, Genesis 9:11].
The Way, the Truth, the Life:Could you expand on the meaning and implication of he word "truth" in the phrase "the way, the truth, and the life?" [John 1:1, John 1:9, John 1:4, John 14:6, John 8:12].
Afterlife, Heaven, Resurrection:What happens to believers when we die? Are we going to be conscious beings in heaven? Will we be able to communicate with loved ones? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1:21-23, I Thessalonians 4:14, I Corinthians 15].
Christian Divorce & Unbeliever Remarriage:Can you clarify your position on Christian divorce and remarriage to an unbeliever? Recommends topical article. [I Corithians 7:12-15, Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6].
Thorn in the Flesh:Could it be that the "thorn in the flesh" was his trying to come to terms with his own past sin? [I Corinthians 12, I Timothy 1:15, I Corinthians 10:12].
Speaking in Tongues & Pentecostalism:Though I totally believe in "speaking in tongues" isn't there suppose to be a proper order to it? [I Corinthians 14].
Divorce Indicative of Apostasy:I disagree with how you describe the ramifications of divorce and the connection between sin, disobedience, and apostasy. Are you misleading others in misrepresenting saving grace of God? [Matthew 7:21-23, Romans 10:9-10, Romans 6:16, Titus 1:16, Eccelesiastes 5:5, Romans 5:8, John 8:31, Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6, Luke 9:23, Matthew 16:24].
Marriage & Separation:Could you give me some thoughts about my bad marriage, and the choice to live separated from my husband? [Matthew 18:15-17, I Corinthians 7:12-13].
Prophecy & Tongues:Caller thinks that he may have a disagreement with Steve about how to interpret scripture about limiting prophecies and tongues speaking in meetings? [I Corinthians 14].
Following The Old Testament Law Today Better:Do you think that people misinterpret Jesus' statement about "not casting the first stone" and it facilitates immorality and it would be better if we followed the Old Testament Law? [John 8:7]
"Lost Sheep of Israel":Do you know the context for the verse about the "lost sheep of Israel" in Matthew 15:24? [Matthew 15:24, Matthew 10:6, Matthew 8:10, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 12:32].
Seeing God & His Glory:Can you talk about the different presentations of people "seeing God" or "seeing His glory"in the Bible? [Hebrews 1:3, Hebrews 10:20, Genesis 18:1, John 1:14, Genesis 32:30, Matthew 17:2]
Futurism-"A Day to the Lord":Caller refers to a previous discussion and disagees with Steve about his assessment of the statement "a day to the Lord." [2 Peter 3:9-11, Luke 19, Matthew 25, 2 Peter 2, Jude 1:17-18, Matthew 16:28].
"Abomination That Causes Desolation":How is Jesus "the abomination that causes desolation" in the Daniel 9 prophecy? [Daniel 9:26-27, Matthew 24:15, Luke 21:20, Mark 13:14].
Different Rewards in the Afterlife:Are there verses that indicate there will be different degrees of reward in the afterlife? [Luke 19, I Corinthians 3:15, Matthew 13:21, Mark 4:17, Matthew 25:30].
Mirace Feeding of the 5000 & Numbers:How do you explain the discrepencies in the "Feeding of the 5,000" story and do the specific numbers mentioned mean anything specific? [Matthew 14, Matthew 15].