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Date Topic Audio
2023-5-23 Characters in Scripture named "Jesus": How many people are there in the Bible named Jesus? Isn't there someone who pretends to be Jesus? Why do some say, Jesus, the Christ, if there is not another one? [Acts 19:13-15].
2023-5-23 A Healthy Church: What do you think is necessary to have a healthy church?
2023-5-23 Resources on Ecclesiology: What are some good resources "ecclesiology"?
2023-5-22 Church of Christ Baptism: Is baptism in the Church of Christ acceptable?
2023-5-22 Sexless Marriage: Is a totally sexless marriage grounds for divorce? [Matthew 18:15-17].
2023-5-22 Sleep Paralysis & the Demonic: Do you know if "sleep paralysis" has anything to do with demonic activity?
2023-5-22 Saved (Many or Few): Can you help me understand how some use scripture to indicate that there are only a few who will be saved, when some verses indicate that there will be many? [Matthew 7:14, Revelation 7:9, Luke 13:23].
2023-5-22 Praying for the Unsaved: How should we be praying for the unsaved, but not force it upon them? [Luke 13:34, Isaiah 5:4, Isaiah 66:4, Acts 26:19, James 4:3, Acts 2:37, Acts 7:54].
2023-5-22 About Salvation: Is the parable of the "Lost Sheep" in Luke 15 talking about salvation? [Luke 15:4-5].
2023-5-22 Demonic Dreams: Caller shares her experience with demonic dreams.
2023-5-22 Frequency of Communion (Eucharist): Is it okay to have communion only once every few months?
2023-5-22 Catholic: Did you say that Peter was a Catholic?
2023-5-22 Daily Sin: Do we sin every day? [I John 3:4-10. 1 John 2:1, 1 John 3:8].
2023-5-19 Paul's Political Authority: Did Paul have political authority to go to Damascus? I was told that he did not.
2023-5-19 Religiousness: Doesn't it seem like some people get caught up in religiosity instead of just being in their faith? [Mark 12:30-31, John 13:34-35, Matthew 23:23].
2023-5-19 Chronology of the Bible: Were the books of Corinthians the first books of the New Testament?
2023-5-19 Organization of the Bible & Psalms: Could you review why the Bible was organized like it was, specifically the Psalms? [Psalms 42-43].
2023-5-19 Total Depravity: What do you think about teaching that being "poor in spirit" is referring to "total depravity?" [Matthew 5:5].
2023-5-19 Eastern Orthodox Church I am thinking of being baptized into the Eastern Orthodox Church ... would you give me your perspective. [Ephesians 2:20, Matthew 23:8, Ephesians 1:23, 1 Peter 2:5 2 Timothy 2:2].
2023-5-19 Church Discipline: How should I be dealing with a friend who is drinking and has some other apparent sin in his life? [Galatians 6:1]
2023-5-19 Eastern Orthodox Church & Baptism: Caller shares his experiences in the Eastern Orthodox Church, both good and bad (healing and baptism).
2023-5-18 AntiSemitism Among Supersessionists: So how is it that some think that those who believe in Supersessionism (Replacement Theology) are also antisemitic?
2023-5-18 The Kingdom Has Come and is Developing: Though the Kingdom has come, is the Kingdom not fully realized, like our salvation is not fully realized yet? [Philippisans 2:10-11, Revelation 14:15].
2023-5-18 Jesus is the Vine & the True Israel: Could you sort out the scriptures about Jesus as the true Israel or the church? [John 15:1-5, Galatians 6:16, Philippians 3:3, Galatians 3:16, Exodus 4:22, Isaiah 5:7, Galatians 3:7-9, Galatians 3:28-29].
2023-5-18 Moses' Father-in-law: What do you know about Moses' Father-in-law name's, as he is called by different names?
2023-5-18 Praying in Public Rather Than a Closet: How can you respond to evangelists praying in public, rather than in a closet as Jesus said? [Matthew 6:6, John 17].
2023-5-18 The Ambiguity of an Eternal Hell: Should we be leaving the concept of whether hell is eternal ambiguous? [Matthew 23:15, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21].
2023-5-18 Fullness: Would you comment on the use of the word "fullness" and its implications? [Romans 11:12, Romans 11:25, Romans 11:7, Genesis 28:15, Genesis 11:26].
2023-5-18 Remnant of the Jews & Time of the Gentiles: When will the "fullness of the Gentiles' take place and how will the remnant of the Jews be saved? [Zechariah 13:8, 1 Peter 1:7].
2023-5-18 God Changes His Mind: Does God change His mind? [Numbers 22:12, Numbers 22:20].
2023-5-18 "Gave" His Only Son: In the scripture where it says that God gave His son, is it the giving of Him, eternally? [John 3:16].
2023-5-17 Jeremiah-"Remembering the Children": Would you talk about the passage and "remembering the children" in the judgment in Jeremiah? [Jeremiah 17:1-10].
2023-5-17 One World Currency: Would you comment on the "one world currency" or cashless society? [Daniel 7:25, Revelation 13:17].
2023-5-17 Grace vs Obedience: What do you think about Tozer's quote about too much emphasis on "grace?" [Hebrews 12:14, Acts 5:29, 1 John 3:7-10, Titus 2:11-12, Matthew 18:23-35].
2023-5-17 Jehovah Witnesses: Could you help me with talking to Jehovah Witnesses? Rec: Topical lectures; "Knowing God"; "Trinity" & "Deity of Christ".
2023-5-17 Manifestations of the Holy Spirit: Is the Holy Spirit the same in the Old Testament continuously from the beginning through the New Testament? [Joel 2:28, Romans 8:9, 1 Corinthians 12:7].
2023-5-17 God's Wrath, Fallen Angels & the Nephilim: What do you think about the view that fallen angels caused the human race to be tainted(Nephilim) which led to God's wrath and judgment on anyone from that seed? [Genesis 6:4].
2023-5-17 Baptism: Why are we baptized? [1 Corinthians 10:1, Romans 6:4-5, 1 Peter 3:20-21].
2023-5-16 Leaving a Calvinist Church: How do I navigate leaving my Calvinist church, espeically in light of being asked to not share views that don't agree with Calvin?
2023-5-16 God's Vengeance in the Old Testament: Why didn't you answer the lady about why God seems so vengeful in the Old Testament? [John 14:9, Colossians 1:15, Hebrews 1:3].
2023-5-16 Biblical Archaeolgy: What do you think about Ron Wyatt and all the biblical archaelogical finds he says he has located?
2023-5-16 Made for the Day of Doom: What do Calvinists have to say about the verse "God has made all things, even the evil for the day of doom?" [Proverbs 15:4].
2023-5-16 Forgiveness-"Seventy Times Seven": I disagree with you about the meaning of the phrase "seventy times seven" implying that we are to forgive an infinite number of times. [Matthew 18:22].
2023-5-16 Augustine & Calvinism: Why didn't the entire church become Calvinist if the church father, Augustine, was so influencial?
2023-5-16 "The Sin" & "the Sinner": Are "sins" separate from "the sinner" as in the phrase "Love the sinner, hate the sin." [Romans 5:8].
2023-5-16 God Loves & Hates: Can God love and hate at the same time? [John 15:13].
2023-5-16 Discernment & Man of God: Caller shares her experience with trusting that someone has discernment and claimed to be a "Man of God."
2023-5-15 God's Vengeance vs God's Love: Can you help me deal with the contradiction between the Old Testament God that seems to be vengeful, but we say he is a God of Love? [Leviticus 9:22-24, Acts 12:23, Acts 5:1-11, Exodus 23:4-5, Proverbs 25:21].
2023-5-15 Election (Calvinism) - "We all" and "us": Can you help clarify who the "we all" and "us" and "you" are being addressed? Couldn't it be everyone? [Ephesians 1:4-5].
2023-5-15 Baptism & the Lord's Supper: What does it mean to be baptized and do I have to be baptized to take the Lord's Supper?