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Showing 11,151 to 11,200 of 25,774.
Date Topic Audio
2020-5-19 Surrender for Salvation: Caller comments on the surrender required to experience salvation.
2020-5-19 Lukewarm or Introvert: As an introvert, I fear that I may be considered lukewarm, though I don't want to be. Can you comment?
2020-5-18 Prince to Come in Daniel 9: Could you clarify who is being discussed as the "prince to come" is in Daniel 9? [Daniel 9:6, 25-27, Daniel 10, Daniel 11, Matthew 7:22, Habakkuk 1].
2020-5-18 Pastors & Government Compliance: Is a pastor a servant of the state and should he be complying with government control?
2020-5-18 Cremation or Burial: Should we be cremated or buried in a box?
2020-5-18 Tower of Babel & God's Fears: What was the thing that God was afraid people would do when they were building the Tower of Babel? [Genesis 11:3-4, Genesis 9:1].
2020-5-18 Revelation-Date & the 144,000: Would you defend the Partial-Preterist view, particularly the date of writing the book of Revelation, and the 144,000? [Revelation 7:1-8, Revelation 14:1-5, Ezekiel 9, Hebrews 13:4, John 1:47, James 1:1, James 1:18, James 2:1, James 2:7].
2020-5-18 COVID-19 Restrictions on Church Assembly: Could you comment on the restrictions surrounding COVID-19 and churches not being allowed to assemble? [Acts 5:29].
2020-5-18 Best Evidences of Jesus' Resurrection: What are the best evidences for the resurrection of Jesus? [1 Peter 3:15, I Corinthians 15:6].
2020-5-15 Hostility & Evangelism: Do you have guidance as to how to handle those who seem to be hostile to any kind of evangelism? [Matthew 5:15-16, 7:6].
2020-5-15 Government Regulations in Coronavirus Pandemic: What is your advice about following the government guidelines that have been enforced in the pandemic quarantine?
2020-5-15 The Tribulation is Happening Now: I think we are in the tribulation!
2020-5-15 Second Coming or 70 AD: Could you help me sort out when the biblical language seems to be more about the destruction of the temple in 70AD, or the second coming of Christ? [Matthew 24, Luke, Mark, I & 2 Thessalonians 2, 1 & 2 Corinthians].
2020-5-15 Comforting Scriptures: Would you suggest some comforting scripture for these challenging times? [Psalms 1, 2, 19, 34, 37, 91].
2020-5-15 Racism: Do you think that racism is learned, or part of the fall?
2020-5-15 Leftist Church & Politics: What does one do about a church that seems to be involved in leftist politics?
2020-5-15 Government Enforced Vaccines or Chips: If the government requires you to get a vaccine or a chip, would you do it?
2020-5-15 Liberty & Government: Why would people in government want to take away our liberties? What is the motivation?
2020-5-15 Some Heroes of the Faith Were Tortured & Slain: Could you explain the shift in the description of the heroic men of great faith who achieved great things, and then the fact that others were tortured and slain? [Hebrews 11:32-34].
2020-5-14 The Water & The Blood: What do you think that the water and the blood stand for in I John 5? Does the blood represent baptism? [I John 5:6-8, John 4, 15, 19, I Corinthians 15}
2020-5-14 Dispensationalism & Dual Covenants: Do Dispensationalists believe that Jews will be saved outside of Christ? [Hebrews 8:13, Zechariah 12:10].].
2020-5-14 Full-Preterism: Who could I read that would present the case for Full Preterism? [Revelation 11].
2020-5-14 Revelation & the Mark of the Beast: Would you help me sort out Revelation 13, particularly about the "mark of the beast"? [Revelation 10-13, 14:1, 2 Thessalonians 2].
2020-5-14 Is There an Actual Rapture: What is the background of the word used for rapture? Do we really have a biblical basis for believing in the rapture, or is it metaphorical? [I Thessalonians 4:17, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Acts 28:15, 25:1, 2 Corinthians 12:2, 15:52].
2020-5-14 Petra, Edom, Bozrah, Moab: Could you discuss Petra (Bozrah) and if it was in Edom & Moab?
2020-5-14 Temple Servants-Gibeonites: Were the temple servants Gibeonites?
2020-5-14 Hearing Audible Voices: I have been hearing audible voices telling me to confess my sins, and they know my sins, what do you think about this?
2020-5-14 Disappointed in Steve's Handling of a Caller that needed prayer: I was disappointed that you did not pray with someone you talked to last week. I think you should have tried to evangelized him.
2020-5-14 Pour Out My Spirit On All Flesh: Do you think that the verses about pouring out my spirit on all flesh is for the future? [Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17].
2020-5-13 Calvinism & Hyper-Calvinism: Would you talk a little bit about the various degrees of Calvinism and specifically, Hyper-Calvinism? [Romans 10:9, Joshua 24:14-15, Deuteronomy 30:19].
2020-5-13 Calvinism & Lordship Salvation: Do Calvinists believe in Lordship and Lordship Salvation?
2020-5-13 Dispensationalism Reviewed: Can you give a quick overview of what Dispensationalism is?
2020-5-13 Dispensationalism Defended: Because the Plymouth Brethren and John Nelson Darby were the orginators of Dispensationalism, and were linquists & scholars, how can you disparage their belief system? [Matthew 11:25, Acts 4:13].
2020-5-13 God Authored Evil: I understood that John MacArthur said that God is the author of evil, can you comment?
2020-5-13 Hyper-Dispensationalist Bullingerite Calls Steve a Heretic: Caller (Hyper-Dispensationalist Bullingerite), insists that Steve is a heretic and not following Jesus. [I Corinthians 11, Acts 9, Acts 28:30-31, 2 Timothy 2:7-8, I Timothy 1:16, I Timothy 6:3-4, Mark 16, Galatians 2, Matthew 10, Matthew 15, Romans 2:16, Matthew 24].
2020-5-13 God's Name-Jehovah: Is it important that we know that God's name is Jehovah?
2020-5-13 Who Do You Worship: Who do you pray to, and who do you worship? [Ephesians 3:14, Matthew 6:9-13].
2020-5-13 Soul Sleep: What if when people die, they are in some holding place, like sheol, rather than in heaven? [Revelation 20:5, Psalm 6:5, Ecclesiastes 9:10].
2020-5-13 Trinity Doctrine Defines Christianity: I thought that believing in the Trinitarian doctrine is what made someone a Christian? [Acts 11:26, John 14:8, John 16:12-13, Matthew 8:27, Mark 4:41, 2 Peter 3:18].
2020-5-12 Parable of the Unjust Steward: What are we being taught in the parable of the unjust steward, and his manipulating the funds of his employer after getting fired? [Luke 16].
2020-5-12 Women Not Above Men: What does the Bible mean when it talks about women not being above a man? [I Timothy 2].
2020-5-12 The Beast and the Little Horn: Since I have heard numerous guesses as to who the "little horn" is - who do you think he is? [Daniel 7:11-25].
2020-5-12 Holy Garments, Holy Mean, Clean & Unclean: Why is the prophet speaking of holy garments and and holy meat? [Haggai 2:10, I Corinthians 6:9-11].
2020-5-12 Number of Jews into Exile: How many Jews went into exile in Babylon?
2020-5-12 Born Again & Sinlessness: I don't seem to understand what it means to be born again, because the Bible says you won't sin. Can you help me know how to accomplish this? [I John 3:9].
2020-5-12 Christ in Me Should not Allow Sin in Me: If I have Christ in me, how can I still sin? Am I not to overcome the devil? It is really hard! [Galatians 5:17, Philippians 3, I John 1:9, Ephesians 1:7, Matthew 23, Matthew 11:29, Matthew 26:41].
2020-5-12 Confessing Your Sins to One Another: Every time we sin we are supposed to confess to our brother, so so I have to go do that all that time? [James 5:16].
2020-5-12 If My People Called By My Name: Could you comment on 2 Chronicles 7:13 and if the promise is about making America great? [2 Chronicles 7:13, I Corinthians 1:10, Joshua 1:7, Ezekiel 7:21].
2020-5-12 Rejecting Knowledge of God: Would you comment on the application of perishing for lack of knowledge in Hosea 4:6 and relating it to us today? [Hosea 4:1 & 6, Hosea 5:4, Hosea 6:3].
2020-5-12 Greek Numbering Cap at 10,000: Is it true that the highest number in ancient Greek culture is 10,000 and they don't have zeroes?