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Date Topic Audio
2015-11-23 Stoning: The Romans would not allow the Jews to carry out the death penalty?
2015-11-23 Paul & Slavery & Marriage: If we no longer accept Paul's view about slavery, why do we have to accept what he said about marriage? [1 Corinthians 7, Ephesians 6:5-9]
2015-11-23 Penal Substitution: What are thoughts on Penal Substitution (& the Atonement)?
2015-11-23 "Yahweh" over "the Lord" or "Jesus": The Pastor insists on substituting "Yahwey" for any reference to God, the Lord or Jesus. What do you think about that?
2015-11-18 Eternal Security: What must one believe to have certainty of eternal life that couldn't be lost for any reason?
2015-11-18 The Millennium: What if we slip again like Adam & Eve did after we are in Heaven, after Satan is loosed again? [Revelation 20, Genesis 3]
2015-11-18 Seventh Day Adventism: Galatianism, always struggling, wondering if you are measuring up. [Matthew 19:20]
2015-11-18 Buddhism verses Christianity: Mike the Buddhist gives some thoughts about the perception of reality.
2015-11-18 War & Self-Defense: What is the Christians perspective on War & Self-Defense?
2015-11-18 In the Father, In Christ & In the Spirit: What is the difference between being In the Father, In Christ or in the Spirit? [Romans 8:9, 14:17]
2015-11-18 Immigration - Refugee: How should we as Christians view the Syrian Refugee?
2015-11-13 Abrahamic covenant: What if Abraham had been disobedient in his own covenant w/ God, what would've happened then?
2015-11-13 Covenant: God is love, so how can a prenuptial agreement be considered an expression of the involving both covenants? [1 John 4:8, 16, John 3:16]
2015-11-13 Noah's Flood: Was the Flood a world-wide flood, & how long ago was it, & there seems to be so much diversity among the people of the earth that it'd almost seem impossible that they came from Noah. [Genesis 6]
2015-11-13 Randy Alcorn & Crowns of Heaven: What does Randy Alcorn believe involving heaven, & do you align yourself w/ whatever he believes, & what are the Crowns we will be receiving in heaven since they represent power & glory here on earth, will we be receiving that in heaven also?
2015-11-13 Evil: Does God actually create evil? I thought God was a God of love & good? [Isaiah 45:7]
2015-11-13 Alcoholism: What if somebody died as a drunkard, could they still inherit the Kingdom of God? [1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21]
2015-11-13 Accepting Christ & Teachers being accountable: Isn't it the Teachers responsibility to teach correctly so someone would know how to accept Jesus in their heart (repent)? [James 3:1]
2015-11-11 "All you want to know about Hell": Caller likes both books of Steve Gregg, "3 views of Hell", as well as "4 views Revelation". Steve comments.
2015-11-11 Remission of sins: i'd really like to know the meaning of this verse, the "remitting or retaining the sins of people". What does that mean? [John 20:23]
2015-11-11 Acts 2 Church & SG's background: Can you please tell me your background, especially about the Acts 2 churches?
2015-11-11 Church Community: Do you belong to a church community like that?
2015-11-11 Modern Day Pastors: The caller's pastor friends don't like the idea of just being a member verses preaching in the pulpit every week the way it happens in modern times.
2015-11-11 Write the things thou hast seen, which are, which shall be hereafter: Are things involving that verse, the things John has seen, the things which are & the things will still have yet to take place, talking about things in chronological order? Revelation 1:19
2015-11-11 Abraham paying tithe to Melchizedek: what does this all mean, Abraham paying tithe to Melchizedek, including for Levi before he even was born? [Hebrews 7:4-10]
2015-11-11 Hell & the Early Church: What was the view of the early church about Hell?
2015-11-11 Roman Catholicism: Is the Catholic Church Christian?
2015-11-11 Answers to Prayer: In Philippians 4:6, is that basically a verse that he's going to say no, that He'll be saying no? Is there a verse in the Bible to let you know that the answer will be no? [Philippian 4:6]
2015-11-10 "Throw it all out": Doesn't it say somewhere in the Bible that if a portion of the Bible is bad to throw it all out?
2015-11-10 Mormonism & Fallacy of the Bible: That's what the Mormons say, that some of the Bible is wrong, because, for example, it says "repented" of the evil He was going to do to the Israelites for worshipping other gods. [Exodus 32:14]
2015-11-10 Marriage & Children: Love toward wife more important than children, is that true? [Matthew 19:5-6]
2015-11-10 Healing: Why didn't God heal a baby? Not enough Faith? It's true that Jesus didn't heal everyone on the planet while He was here, but didn't He heal everyone who came to Him?
2015-11-10 1st & 2nd Resurrection: Listening to your audio on Revelation, could you clarify the 1st resurrection & no mention of a 2nd resurrection, the 2nd death but no 1st death. Can you explain that? [Revelation 20, John 5:24, Ephesians 2. Colossians 2:12-13]
2015-11-10 Dispensationalists: Where does the construct of Revelation not follow the chronological order like Dispensationalists think it does? [Revelation 11, Revelation 12, Revelation 6]
2015-11-10 Lazarus & Abraham's Bosom: Where were they when they were dead? [Luke 16:19-31]
2015-11-10 Transfiguration, Moses & Elijah: Where did Moses & Elijah come back from? How did the disciples recognize them?
2015-11-10 Lukewarmness: Who are the hot, cold & lukewarm? [Revelation 3:15-16]
2015-11-09 Lord's Pray variations: Why is the wording of Lord's prayer differ, trespasses verse sins? [Matthew 6:9-13, Luke 11:2-4]
2015-11-09 Deacon, Overseer, & Pastors: So would pastors, overseer & deacon be the same synonym? [Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 5]
2015-11-09 Looking for a church: What kind've church would you look for?
2015-11-09 Modern Day Pastors: Was there pastors in the early church like there are today?
2015-11-09 Homosexuality: What do I do about relatives who profess Christianity but live in a fornication/homosexual lifestyle? [1 Corinthians 5:11-12]
2015-11-09 Love but not Approve: Jesus loves us, & we are to love others, but He didn't, & we don't have to, approve their behavior.
2015-11-09 Witch of Endor, Saul & Samuel: Why would God permit Samuel to talk to Saul? [1 Samuel 28]
2015-11-09 Battle of Armageddon Statistics: Do you remember the call about the person who called in about the Battle of Armageddon, 200 million tanks?
2015-11-09 Dispensationalism vs Preterism: Can you say what each camp DOES say about the 200 million army, both of Dispensationalism & Preterism? [Revelation 9:15-18]
2015-11-09 Battle of Armageddon: I thought Israel was supposed to ultimately win in the end?
2015-11-09 Tree of knowledge of good & evil & Tree of life: Can you explain the 2 main trees in the Garden of Eden? [Genesis 2:9]
2015-11-06 Original Sin: Why did Adam sin if he didn't have any sin in him in the first place? Is there a difference between having a sinful nature & just being tempted, like Adam was?
2015-11-06 Eternal Security & Habitual Sin: Am I still saved if I continual fall in the same habitual sin?