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Date Topic Audio
2019-7-01 Dogs in Church: What do you think about people bringing their dogs to church (not service dogs)?
2019-7-01 Christians Under The Law: Are Christians under the Law?
2019-7-01 Learning the Bible: What is your advice about how one can really absorb and learn more of the Bible? [Psalm 1:2].
2019-6-28 Israel & Seed of Abraham: Who is Israel and the seed of Abraham? [John 8].
2019-6-28 Liars Who Acknowledge Christ: Is this verse saying that there are liars that acknowledge that Jesus is the Christ? [Matthew 24:5]
2019-6-28 Best Translations of the Bible: What are the the best three translations of the Bible, (King James Version, New King James, New American Standard)?
2019-6-28 Trinity or Oneness: And what do you believe about the trinity and the oneness doctrine?
2019-6-28 Mary's Purity (Virginity): Does the word understood for indicating that Mary was a virgin, necessarily mean "virgin" in other passages? [Hebrews 13:4, Matthew 1:25, 2 Samuel 6:23].
2019-6-28 Origins of Egypt in Genesis: What is the background and origin of Egypt in Genesis? [Genesis 10:6f].
2019-6-28 The Masons & Salvation: What will a Mason hear when he faces God after death?
2019-6-28 Unconditional Election (Calvinism): Are we unconditionally chosen or elected to be saved? If so, how then, could God be upset if we didn't make the choice? [Ephesians 1:4, Acts 17:30].
2019-6-28 The Everlasting Covenant with Israel: How can you say that the covenant to Israel isn't everlasting? Am I not part of the new Israel? [Hebrews 8:13, Deuteronomy 28)
2019-6-27 Inerrancy & Authority of Scripture: Would you clarify the concept of "inerrancy of scripture"? What does this mean in terms of human fallibility and the authority of scripture? [Numbers 25:9 & I Corinthians 10:8, I Corinthians 1:14-16].
2019-6-27 Variation in Manuscripts: What about the parts of the Bible that are not in some manuscripts? [John 7:53-8:12, Job 42:7-17]."
2019-6-27 Drinking Alcohol: Did they drink real wine in the Bible? Should we serve wine now? [I Timothy 5:23, I Corinthians 11:21, Ephesians 5:20-24].
2019-6-27 Angel Guarding Tree of Life: Was the angel with the flaming sword preventing Adam and Eve from returning to eat from the Tree of Life, because if they had, they would not have died? [Genesis 3:22, Isaiah 59:1].
2019-6-27 Divorce & Remarriage: Do the Old and New Testaments contrast on remarriage and grounds for divorce? [I Corinthians 7:9-15].
2019-6-27 Defiling the Body (The Temple): What does it mean to defile the body (the temple)? [I Corinthians 6:19, 3:17].
2019-6-27 Moses & Divorce: Didn't Moses indicate that one should give a written bill of divorce when putting away his wife? [Deuteronomy 24:1-4].
2019-6-27 Full Preterist Shunned at Church: As a Full Preterist, how does one handle churches who can't tolerate this difference of opinion?
2019-6-26 Cain & Abel: Why was Cain's sacrifice not accepted and clarify the "driven me out ... from the face of the earth"? [Genesis 4:1-16]
2019-6-26 Dispensationalists & AD 70: Why don't the dispensationalists believe Revelation is about AD 70?
2019-6-26 Land or Earth: How does the word for land or earth apply in the book of Revelation?
2019-6-26 Must Read Books: Would you share your list of "must read" books?
2019-6-26 Steve's Views on Hell: Which view of Hell do you lean toward?
2019-6-26 Steven Anderson of Tempe AZ: Are you familiar with Pastor Steven Anderson of Tempe AZ? (King James only)?
2019-6-26 Chronology of the book of Ezekiel: Is the book of Ezekiel out of chronological order? And does this make the promise of the temple conditional? [Ezekiel 29:1,26, 1:2-3].
2019-6-26 Measuring Temple (Revelation): Who is the John in Revelation, who is to rise and measure the temple? [Revelation 11:1].
2019-6-26 Jesus as Firstborn & Reconciliation: Would you explain these verses; particularly in regard to Jesus as the "firstborn" and the "reconciliation"? [Colossians 1:15-16, 18-20, Romans 8, Psalm 2:7, Acts 13:33, Philippians 2:10-11, Matthew 10:28].
2019-6-25 Heaven: Is anyone in heaven right now? Are we immediately present with the Lord? [2 Corinthians 5:8, 12: 3, Luke 23:33-43, Philippians 1:23, 1 Thessalonians 4:14].
2019-6-25 Christians Obeying the Mosaic Law: Are Christians expected to obey the Mosaic Law? [Luke 16:16-17, Matthew 5:17-18, Galatians 4-5, Matthew 5:23, Romans 13:8].
2019-6-25 Keeping One's Zeal: Do you have advice for someone who wants to never lose their zeal and commitment for the Lord.
2019-6-25 Prophets: Were the prophet's reputations destroyed before they were killed? How do you recognize and confirm modern-day prophets?
2019-6-25 Who is the Beast: Who is the beast in Revelation? [Revelation 13:1-10, 13:11-18].
2019-6-25 Tree of Life: If Adam and Eve were created as immortal, then why would the tree of life be there and What was the purpose of the angel with the flaming sword? [Genesis 2-3, Genesis 2:9, 17, I Timothy 6:16, Romans 2:7, I John 1:8, Revelation 22:2, John 6:53-57, Genesis 3].
2019-6-25 Inspiration of Scripture: How do we sort out what inspired scripture is? What does it mean to say, "inspired word of the Lord"? [I Corinthians 7, 2 Timothy 3:16].
2019-6-24 Head Coverings, Men's Long Hair: Can you help me understand this passage about head coverings, especially the part about the "power on her head because of the angels?" [I Corinthians 11:2-16, Psalm 119:11].
2019-6-24 Slavery & Employers Today: Since this is actually written to slaves, isn't it being misapplied to us in the workplace today? [Colossians 3:22].
2019-6-24 Intermarriage Consequences in Adamic Period: Why were there not more birth defects in the early days of Adam and Eve, when there was so much intermarriage within families?
2019-6-24 Abigail: What application should we get from the story of Abigail? [I Samuel 25].
2019-6-24 The Greeks: Why did Paul refer to the Greeks, rather than calling them Romans?
2019-6-24 Women Adorning Themselves: Could you clarify the verses about women adorning themselves? [I Timothy 2:9, I Peter 3:3-4].
2019-6-24 Speaking in Tongues: Is speaking in tongues always automatic or is it sometimes generated?
2019-6-21 Heresy: What is heresy? What makes one a heretic?
2019-6-21 Head coverings & Cross-Dressing: What does scripture actually mean when discussing women and wearing head coverings? [I Corinthians 11:10, 16].
2019-6-21 New Jerusalem: Who is referred to and found inside and outside of the city in the New Jerusalem. [Revelation 22:3, 14, 20:15, Hebrews 12:22-23, Hebrews 6:5].
2019-6-21 Lost Retirement Investment: Do you have any advice for one who has lost most of their savings for retirement, through no fault of their own? [Matthew 6:19-20].
2019-6-21 End Times Events & Armageddon: Where does Armageddon fit into the Amillennial view? [I Thessalonians 4].
2019-6-21 Sinful Nature: Is man born with a sinful nature, or do they just become sinful? [Romans 5:12, Psalm 51:5].
2019-6-20 Frank DeRemer, a Narrow Path Trustee, Passes Away: Steve announces the passing of the Narrow Path ministry's bookkeeper, Frank DeRemer.