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Date Topic Audio
2019-11-21 Dying & the Bright Light: What do you think about when people talk about their experience of dying and coming back?
2019-11-21 Satan Loosed: Will we know when Satan has been loosed? [Revelation 20:7-9].
2019-11-21 Women as Pastors: Where is the scripture that says women can become pastors? [I Timothy 2:12-3:7, Titus 1, Galatians 3:28].
2019-11-20 Unpardonable Sin: Can you explain the "unpardonable sin" described in scripture? [Matthew 12:21-32, Luke 12:10, John 16:12].
2019-11-20 Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Would you comment on the confusing line in The Lord's Prayer, that says, "lead us not into temptation"? [Luke 17:1, Matthew 4:1, 6:13].
2019-11-20 Helping the Homeless: I have a concern for the homeless, but am not sure how to best help, considering that some may be dangerous. Should we bring them home with us, as The Good Samaritan story seems to suggest? [Luke 10:25-37].
2019-11-20 Laws for Healthy Eating: Knowing that eating scavengers is not the healthiest thing to eat, can we think of these laws as suggestions for our health? [Leviticus 4].
2019-11-20 Rich Man Saved by Grace: Does the story of the rich man seeking eternal life illustrate that it is actually by grace that we are saved? [Matthew 19:20f].
2019-11-20 Medication Withdrawal: Is it possible that I am encountering the Holy Spirit because I have withdrawn all my medications and am doing great? [Acts 2:17-21].
2019-11-20 Parental Respect/ Rebellious Child: Can you advise regarding a young person who is mistreating their parents? [Ephesians 6:3].
2019-11-19 Self-defense & Pacifism: Why is the west so quick to use self-defense when it doesn't seem to have been commonly practiced in the early church?
2019-11-19 Holy Kiss: Regarding the "holy kiss" in the Bible, some say that we should do the same tradition, otherwise we are in danger of dropping other biblical examples. What do you think of this? [Romans 16:16, 2 Corinthians 13:12, 1 Peters 5:14, I Timothy 2:8, Mark 12:30-31].
2019-11-19 Forgiving Other's Sins: Would you comment on the passage about forgiving other's sins? [John 20:23].
2019-11-19 Biblical Inerrancy: I don't think there is any reason to call the Bible "inerrant", as it doesn't say that it is ... what do you think? [I Corinthians 1].
2019-11-19 Marriage Vows: Would you comment on marriage vows and traditions in contrast to those in Biblical days?
2019-11-19 Love Your Neighbor As Yourself: Jesus said He was giving a new commandment, "to love your neighbor as yourself", but since it was already in the law, what was new about it? [Romans 12:10, Philippians 2:3-4, I John 3:16].
2019-11-19 Creation Story in Genesis: May I get your feedback on my pastor not taking the story of creation literally? [Judges 9, Genesis 1].
2019-11-18 Disappointed in One's Self: When a believer is disappointed with one's own choices, rather than God, how should one process and apply what is to be learned?
2019-11-18 Obama & Racism: Caller claims that Steve said that Obama caused more racial tension, and he disagrees with that.
2019-11-18 Sacrificial Rituals: What did it look like in New Testament times, what did the sacrificial ritual look like? Are the sacrifices in China similar today? [I Corinthians 10:28].
2019-11-18 Sinless Perfection: How do I handle a wife who is thinking that we can obtain true sinless perfection? [Hebrews 6:1, Matthew 5:45-48, Luke 6:36, Colossians 2:10, I Corinthians 10:13, 2 Peter 3:18, Philippians 3:12-16].
2019-11-18 Idols in One's Life: How do you know when something has become an idol in your life?
2019-11-18 Dinosaurs & Death: How could death come into the world through Adam & Eve if dinosaurs lived longer ago and death existed before that? [Romans 5, I Corinthians 15].
2019-11-18 Trials & Suffering: Caller shares thoughts about suffering and trials being part of God's pruning us? [John 15].
2019-11-15 The Lord's Prayer: Why doesn't Jesus mention thankfulness to God in His example in the Lord's prayer? [Philippians 4:13].
2019-11-15 Gay Daughter Doubts God's Love: How do I respond to my newly revealed gay daughter when she doubts that God still loves her. And how do I handle my own disappointment in God?
2019-11-15 Woman Taken in Adultery: Regarding the story of the woman taken in adultery, some claim that it is not a true story, what do you think about it? [Matthew].
2019-11-15 Saved in Childbirth: When Paul says that women will be saved in childbirth, what does he mean? [1 Timothy 2:15, 3:1, 1 Corinthians 7].
2019-11-15 Prayer & Supplication: Can you sort the differences between prayer and supplication? [Philippians 4:6].
2019-11-15 Old Testament Law: How does one break from the Old Testament law? [John 13:34, Galatians 5:22-23, Romans 13, James 1].
2019-11-15 Tower of Babel: Would you comment on the building of the Tower of Babel? [Genesis 11:3-6, 9:1, 10:9-10].
2019-11-15 Turn the other cheek and self defense: What does it mean to turn the other cheek relative to self-defense? [Matthew 5:38-48].
2019-11-14 False Teachers: Can you talk about the false teachers who fall away in I John? [I John 2:19, Hebrews 3:1,12, 2 Peter 2, I Corinthians 8:11, I Peter 1:5].
2019-11-14 Churches in Revelation: Why were there only seven churches addressed in the book of Revelation? [Revelation 1:4-17].
2019-11-14 Second Coming: Could you help me with understanding the second coming of Christ?
2019-11-14 Birth Control & Fertility Intervention: How would you respond to those that might question why we did not trust God with having children, if we went to a fertility clinic? And then how do you parallel that to going to the doctor for any reason?
2019-11-14 PTSD healing: How do I get past some of the abuse and stress of PTSD and get involved and contribute to a body of believers? [I John 3:24-26].
2019-11-14 Health up to God: Doesn't God actually determine how healthy he wants us to be?
2019-11-14 Kept in Christ (Eternal Security): When Peter denied Jesus, Jesus prayed that Peter's faith would not fail, so does that not mean that he would be kept in the faith? [Luke 22:32, I Corinthians 10:13, Isaiah 65, Matthew 23:37].
2019-11-14 Baptism in Water vs. Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Can you explain the difference between water baptism and baptism of the Holy Spirit? [Acts 19:1-7, Acts 8].
2019-11-14 Noah's Drunkeness: So what happened in Noah's tent after he got drunk?
2019-11-13 Times of the Gentiles: When do you think that the "times of the gentiles will be filled" [Luke 21:24, Romans 11:26]
2019-11-13 John Nelson Darby & Dispensationalism: How do you find the truth about John Nelson Darby and the origins of the Dispensational view of end times?
2019-11-13 False Prophets: Does this verse about the dangers of false prophets mean that believers can be deceived? [Matthew 24:24].
2019-11-13 Royal Priesthood: Are those that are "the royal priesthood" mentioned here, Christians or Jews? [I Peter 2:9-10, 4:3, Hebrews 8:13].
2019-11-13 Resources to learn about Eschatology: My pastor doesn't really teach about the end times, so where do I go to learn more about it? [Acts 1:7].
2019-11-13 The Tomb & Spice Embalming: Why would the women bring spices to the tomb of Jesus, if He was already buried? And how did they expect to roll the stone away? [John 19, Mark 16:1-3, Luke 7:46].
2019-11-13 Punishment in Heaven: How do we know that we won't be punished in heaven for or sins, or the things we have neglected, such as not casting out demons?
2019-11-13 The Generation to See Jesus' Return: Isn't there a generation that will see the return of Christ, so they should be studying about it? [Matthew 24:44].
2019-11-12 Racial Tension Between Believers: What do you think about the racial tension between believers?