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Date Topic Audio
2021-3-01 Conversion at Baptism: Could you help sort out the idea of conversion at baptism, rather than at a separate time? [Ephesians 1:13].
2021-3-01 Spiritual Interpretation of Genesis: Have you interpreted any other chapters of the Bible in a spiritual way as you did in Genesis 1? [Genesis 1, I John 3, 2 Corinthians 3:18].
2021-3-01 The Calvinist Position on The Fall: Caller attempts to clarify the Calvinist position on election and free will. [John 6:44].
2021-3-01 Only Four People on Earth: If there were only four people on earth then who was Cain afraid of (and who did he marry)? [Genesis 5:3-4, Genesis 4:13-14].
2021-3-01 Breaking the Least of the Commandments: Could you help me understand what is the "least of these" in regard to breaking the commandments? [Matthew 5:17-20, Matthew 12:28, John 5:46].
2021-3-01 Jesus' Law: Is it possible that Jesus meant that we are to fulfill His laws, rather than the law of the prophets? [Matthew 5:17-20].
2021-3-01 Capitalized Pronouns in Bible: Who decided which pronouns are capitalized in Bibles?
2021-3-01 Words in Red in Revelation: Why are some parts of Revelation in red? [Revelation 1:8, Revelation 1:18].
2021-2-26 Nebuchadnezzar Literally a Beast: What happened to Nebuchadnezzar, was it literal when he was mentally degranged (eating grass, etc.)? [Daniel 4].
2021-2-26 The Great Commission School by Steve Gregg: Would you tell me more about The Great Commission School and what led you to start it and what did you do there?
2021-2-26 Does God Love Me Enough: Caller having suffered terrible abuse in marriages, that resulted divorces, asks, Does God love me enough, and I am forgiven? [I John 1:7].
2021-2-26 Unforgiving Children and Other Christians: How do you deal with unforgiving Christians, and even your own children?
2021-2-26 Book of Enoch: What is your insight as to the validity of the "Book of Enoch" and how does it to our lives as Christians? [Jude 1:9, 2 Peter 2:4, Acts 17:28].
2021-2-26 Catholic Practice of Lent: When did "lent" begin, and what do you think about those that practice it?
2021-2-26 God Speaking: As I am going through a difficult marriage with an adulterous wife, how does one know when God is speaking to you? [Colossians 3:15].
2021-2-26 Satan Getting into Prayer: Can Satan get a hold of people through their prayers to a more generic God, and use it to mislead?
2021-2-26 Caller shares His Miracle: Caller shares his recent miracle.
2021-2-26 Lent: Caller offers insight into the origins of "Lent".
2021-2-26 144,000: Where does the 144,000 come into the beliefs of the Amillennial Partial-Preterist view?{Revelation 7, Ezekiel 9, Revelation 14:4, James 1:18].
2021-2-25 Calvinism: Isn't it counterintuitive to be a Calvinist and also be an evangelist?
2021-2-25 Contradiction in Proverbs: Can you help me understand the apparent contradiction in Proverbs about the fool? [Proverbs 26:4-5, Galatians 6:2-5, Philippians 3:12-15].
2021-2-25 Sabbath Day: Which day is the Sabbath Day? [Exodus 31:13, Hebrews 8:13].
2021-2-25 Oneness & Trinity Doctrines: Can you help me understand the differences in the "Oneness" vs the "Trinity" Doctrines? [John 1:1].
2021-2-25 Biblical Guidance on Marital Separation: How would the Bible suggest my wife and I go about her choice to separate because of our difference in my new Christian faith and her spiritual new age views? [I Corinthians 7:12-15, Matthew 5:32, Matthew 19:9].
2021-2-25 Civil War Cause: Caller challenges why people fought and died in the Civil War.
2021-2-25 Feeding the Poor: Would you shed some light on our responsibility to feed the poor? [Acts 4:32-34].
2021-2-24 Josephus' View of Jesus as Evidence: Caller explains that since Josephus was a Pharisee who didn't believe in Jesus as Christ, his records would be quite compelling evidence for Christ.
2021-2-24 Saved by Grace or Law of Moses: Can you respond to the claim that we are not saved by grace, but by being under the Law of Moses, and also, that neither Jesus nor Paul ever taught "saved by grace"? [Hebrews 11, Romans 4:5-6].
2021-2-24 The God of This World-Jesus: Could it be that Jesus was the "God of this world"? [2 Corinthians 4:4, Isaiah 6, Matthew 13, Mark 4, Romans 11, Revelation 20:9, James].
2021-2-24 The Kingdom of God, Not of This World: How does "The Kingdom of God is not of this world" fit into your new book? [Matthew 12:28].
2021-2-24 Lead Us Not Into Temptation: Could you talk about "Lead us not into Temptation"? [James, Luke 4, Matthew 6:13, Luke 22:40].
2021-2-24 Sinning Unto Death & the Unpardonable Sin: Would you talk about the "unpardonable sin" and the "sin, not unto death"? [I John 5:15-16].
2021-2-24 Chosen for the Book of Life: Did God choose who would be faithful, or did He just know who would be, when he wrote the names in the "Book of Life"? [Revelation 3:5, Revelation 20:15, Psalm 69:27-28].
2021-2-24 Jesus 100% Human or Not: Was Jesus 100% human, or was He half God? [John 14].
2021-2-23 Christian Obligations (Law of Moses & Good Works}: What do you think about the idea that we should keep the Law of Moses and the necessity of doing good works? [Romans 4, Galatians 5:6, James 2:8, John 13:34, Titus 1:16, Titus 2:14, Titus 3:1, Titus 3:14, James 2:14-26, I Corinthians 6:9-10].
2021-2-23 Prophets Today: Are there still prophets today-since the coming of Christ? [I Corinthians 12:29, I Corinthians 1:7, I Corinthians 13:12].
2021-2-23 Baptism Required for Salvation: Do you have to be baptized to be saved? [Acts 2:38, Matthew 28:19].
2021-2-23 Evidence the Bible is True: What is the minimum amount of evidence that we need to prove the truth of the resurrection and bible record?
2021-2-23 Ist Century History of Jesus: Are there any first century writings about Jesus?
2021-2-23 The Talmud: What is the Talmud and when was it written?
2021-2-23 "Satisfaction Theory" of the Atonement: What is your view of Saint Anselm's "Satisfaction Theory" of redemption? [I Corinthians 5:7, Leviticus 16].
2021-2-22 Steve Gregg's New Books: Caller commends Steve's new book; "Empire of the Risen Son" (Vol 1, "There is Another King", and Vol 2, "All the King's Men").
2021-2-22 Those That Don't Want to Hear: How does one evangelize those that know about Christ and just don't want to hear about it? Recommended book; "The Kneeling Christian" by the Unknown Christian.
2021-2-22 Catholic View of Revelation: Where do Catholics stand in light of the four views of Revelation and end times?
2021-2-22 Partial Preterist View of Revelation: Could you share your Partial Preterist view on the book of Revelation and the four various views, particularly, about the fall of Rome and A.D. 70?
2021-2-22 Fallen Angels & the Book of Enoch: Do you think some of what is written about fallen angels in 2 Peter and Jude, might have come from the Book of Enoch? [2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6].
2021-2-22 Christians Heavenbound: Will all Christians go to heaven?
2021-2-22 Saved by Grace: Are we sinners saved by grace? [Ephesians 2:8-9].
2021-2-22 Sinners in Heaven: Will sinners get to heaven? [I Corinthians 6:9-11].
2021-2-22 Mordecai Not Bowing Before Haman: Why did Mordecai not bow before Haman?