Date | Topic | Audio |
2018-3-15 | Satan & Music: Someone said that Satan was responsible for all the music of the earth. Is this true? |
2018-3-15 | Prediction of Jesus: Is the chute referring to Mary? I know the branch is referring to Jesus. Is the Holy Spirit wisdom? [Isaiah 11:1-2, Proverbs 8] |
2018-3-14 | Jesus' Atonement: Do we as Christians really understand the full benefits purchased by Christ until we see Him? Did Adam & Eve understand it better than us? |
2018-3-14 | Rebuking a Brother: When is the best opportunity to rebuke a brother? |
2018-3-14 | Cremation: Is cremation acceptable? |
2018-3-14 | Adam & Eve & Noah: How old were Adam & Eve before they started having children? What about Noah & his wife? |
2018-3-14 | Eastern Orthodox Church: What do you think of Hank Hanegraaff switching over to eastern orthodox church? How can he possibly still be a legitimate host of The Bible Answer Man? |
2018-3-14 | Knowing Koine Greek: Just because you understand New Testament Greek does not mean that you know all the truth, error-free. |
2018-3-14 | Adam & Eve Reproducing: God had a time plan to when Adam & Eve started reproducing, the caller thinks. |
2018-3-14 | The Forbidden Fruit: Was Eve the "forbidden fruit"? |
2018-3-14 | Limited Negatives: Could Matthew 5:17 be considered a Limited Negative? [Matthew 5:17, Ephesians 2:14-15] |
2018-3-14 | God Speaking through Dreams: Can God really speak to us in dreams? My daughter thinks she had a dream of a particular person God wants her to marry. |
2018-3-13 | Loving your neighbor as much or more than yourself: Paul says to love others MORE than ourselves, but Jesus only said to love others as MUCH as ourselves [Romans 12:10, John 13:34, Philippians 2,3,4] |
2018-3-13 | Walking in the Light: Walking in the light & living a sinless life, is he talking to Christians or non-believers? [1 John 1:9] |
2018-3-13 | Freedom of Speech: How important do you think freedom of speech is as a Christian? How much of a decline in Europe do you think is a result of freedom of speech? |
2018-3-13 | Jesus' first Miracle & Wine: Was Jesus' first miracle the turning water into wine & are Christians allowed to drink alcohol? |
2018-3-13 | Paradise & life after Death: What & where is paradise? Where do we go as soon as we die? |
2018-3-13 | The book, "The Secret": Do you have any thoughts about, "The Secret"? |
2018-3-13 | John Dominic Crossan: John Dominic Crossan, and other "apologetics", what do yo think of them? |
2018-3-13 | Islam-Muslim: How did islam start? Is it a cult? What do they believe in? Are they saved? |
2018-3-13 | Millennium, varying views: Can you please explain the differing Millennium views? Amillennial, Premillennial & Postmillennial? |
2018-3-12 | Discipleship: When someone is discipling you, what does that mean? [1 john 2:27] |
2018-3-12 | Jacob Wrestling with God: How could Jacob wrestle w/ a Man for such a long time? How could he possibly win against God? [Genesis [32:24-30] |
2018-3-12 | Seeing God: There seems to be a contradiction in Scripture here because it says that Jacob saw God face-to-face, yet when Moses encountered God, God told him no one can see Him & live. [Genesis 32:30, Exodus 33:20] |
2018-3-12 | 613 Jewish Laws: The 613 laws, were those from God or man? |
2018-3-12 | Tithing in the NT I've been listening to Doug Batchelor & he quoted a verse in Matthew that talks about tithing & says that tithing is for the New Testament Christians also. What do you think? [Matthew 23:23] |
2018-3-12 | Calvinism verses Arminianism: How can you reconcile, "no one can come to Me, unless the Father draws them" w/ your view of Arminianism? You asked a hypothetical question in one of your lectures, What is the difference between person A & person B, if it's about Free Will & a person choosing of their own ability to believe? [john 6:24-25] |
2018-3-12 | One Book in the Bible: If you could only have access to ONE book from the Bible, which one would it be? (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Romans, Acts & so on) |
2018-3-12 | Hell & Annihilationism: I was talking to a friend the other day who holds to the position of Annihilationism of hell, but when I read the parable of the sheep & the goats, the goats go to EVERLASTING/eternal punishment or hell. |
2018-3-08 | Dispensationalism & Steve Gregg: What made you change your views about the pre-trib rapture? |
2018-3-08 | Witnessing to Mormons: How do you convert Mormons, make them see the truth? 8, 1, 2, 83 |
2018-3-08 | Abraham's Bosom: Does abraham's bosom still exist? Did all the people who were resurrected during Jesus' resurrection come from Abraham's Bosom? |
2018-3-08 | Apostles: Are there other apostles besides the 12? Are there apostles today? Was Mary Magdalene an apostle? |
2018-3-08 | Gifts of the Spirit: Are the gifts of the Spirit for today? |
2018-3-08 | Baptizing for the Dead: Why does paul saying being baptized for the dead like the Mormons do? [1 Corinthians 15:29] |
2018-3-08 | Giants & the Nephilim: Can you explain the Giants & Nephilim described in Genesis 6? [Genesis 6:4] |
2018-3-08 | Reprobate Mind: Comments about a Reprobate Mind |
2018-3-08 | Our Carnal Nature: Are we being tempted of ourselves, our flesh, our carnal nature, just as much as we are being tempted by Satan? |
2018-3-08 | The Devil's Powers: Does satan have powers to control us? |
2018-3-08 | Atheism by Default: Is there such a thing as being an atheist by default? |
2018-3-08 | Self-Baptism: Is there such thing as self-baptism? |
2018-3-08 | Adam wasn't deceived: Caller disagrees with Steve that Adam was deceived. [1 Timothy 2:14] |
2018-3-07 | Suing Fellow Christians: Are christians allowed to take others to court? [1 Corinthians 6] |
2018-3-07 | God's Name: All caps "LORD" in the Bible, what does this mean? YHWH |
2018-3-07 | Tithing in Christian History: When did tithing start becoming a thing in the Christians church? |
2018-3-07 | Calling someone a Fool: Does calling someone a fool make you in danger of hell? [Matthew 5:22] |
2018-3-07 | Reprobate: What does "reprobate" mean? [Romans 1:28] |
2018-3-07 | Tithing: Caller responds to something he heard about Tithing earlier. [Malachi 3] |
2018-3-07 | Saturday to Sunday: When they Christians stop keeping the Sabbath & start meeting on Sunday? |
2018-3-07 | Job: What did Job do wrong...if anything? |