Date | Topic | Audio |
2022-6-28 | Natural Immortality: Have you said that we don't automatically have immortal souls? [I John 5:10-12, I Timothy 6:16, Romans 2:7]. |
2022-6-28 | Unbelievers After Death: Please explain God's plan for unbelievers after death? |
2022-6-28 | Family Crests: Is there anything in scripture about the "Family Crest" of Jesus? |
2022-6-28 | Christian Festival Announcement: Caller shares info about "True Love Christian Festival." ( |
2022-6-28 | Fellowship to Keep From a Hard Heart: Caller suggests that to escape a hard heart one should stay in fellowship? |
2022-6-28 | Christianity's Influence in Culture: Caller suggests that if our nation was founded by mostly Christians, instead of Deists, we would have a totalitarian government. |
2022-6-28 | Death of Animals Before Adam's Sin: Does the "young earth" view require that there was no death before Adam's disobedience-even of animals? [I Corinthians 15:21, Romans 5:12]. |
2022-6-28 | Physical Bodies in Heaven: Is there anything in scripture that says we will be corporeal bodies in heaven? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Matthew 5:5, Romans 4:13]. |
2022-6-28 | Others Resurrected When Jesus Did: Did other people literally resurrect from the dead when Jesus did? [Matthew 27:52-53]. |
2022-6-28 | Steve's Reason for Attending Home Church: How did you make the decision to go to a home church instead of a traditional church? |
2022-6-27 | False Prophets Today: What does the Old Testament say about what we should do about "false prophets"? [I John 4:1, I Corinthians 14:29, I Corinthians 14:37].. |
2022-6-27 | Jonah & Ninevah: Could you talk about why Jonah was so set against going to Ninevah? |
2022-6-27 | Children Beginning to Compromise the Truth: What can you advise about my 7-yr-old child who is beginning to show signs of compromising the truth and lying? [Proverbs 28:13]. |
2022-6-27 | Any Other "Steve Greggs"?: Is there anyone else like you out there? |
2022-6-27 | Guns: Should Christians own guns? |
2022-6-27 | Steve Gregg's Church Attendance: Do you go attend a local church? |
2022-6-27 | "Wrath of God" vs "Gentleness of Jesus": Can you reconcile the "wrath of God" and the "gentleness of Jesus", when scripture indicates that Jesus was God? |
2022-6-27 | God's Wrath as Consequence: Can you think of a biblical example when God's wrath was not consequential? |
2022-6-27 | Greg Laurie of Calvary Chapel: What do you think of Greg Laurie-his doctrines and ministry (Calvary Chapel)? |
2022-6-27 | Martin Luther King, Jr.: Were Martin Luther King, Jr.'s infidelities and improprieties actually ever really substantiated? |
2022-6-27 | Cremation: What do you think about cremation? |
2022-6-27 | Guns (Against): Caller comments on previous call about guns, and tends to disagree with gun ownership. [Romans 12:17-19, Deuteronomy 32:35]. |
2022-6-27 | Organ Donation: Is there anything wrong with "organ donation"? |
2022-6-27 | Martin Luther King, Jr.: Caller comments that he was offended by Steve's criticism of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s. |
2022-6-27 | Unbelievers New Bodies in the Resurrection: Will unbelievers get new bodies in the resurrection? [John 5:28-29]. |
2022-6-24 | Politics & the Left: Is staying in states that are primarily leftist a little like living in Sodom and Gomorrah? [2Peter 2:7]. |
2022-6-24 | Roe vs Wade: What is a Christian's responsibility in living in states that don't uphold restricting abortion,now that Roe vs Wade has been overturned at the federal level? |
2022-6-24 | Prophecy of Luke 21: Is the time that is being prophesied referring to that time, or in the future (to our time)? Could it be talking about both then and now? [Luke 21:5, Luke 21:32, Luke 21:21, Isaiah 13, Isaiah 34, Ezekiel 32, Joel 2]. |
2022-6-24 | Covenants in the Bible: Could you talk about all the covenants of the Bible (Abrahamic, Davidic, New, etc.) and how they overlap, etc.? Recommended topical lecture: "What are we to Make of Israel?" [Galatians 3, Exodus 19:5, Deuteronomy 28:63, Matthew 21:43, 2 Samuel 7, Acts 2, Acts 8]. |
2022-6-24 | Angels: Are angels created "by God" or born "of God"? [2 Peter 2, Jude 1:4]. |
2022-6-24 | Sinless Living: Is "whoever is born of God does not sin" actually to be understood as it seems? [I John 3:9]. |
2022-6-24 | Augustine: Catholic caller says that Steve said Augustine was a Protestant. |
2022-6-24 | Extreme Discipline in the Old Testament: Is not the punishment for an rebellious child a little extreme in the Old Testament? How would you explain this passage to an atheist? [Deuteronomy 21:18-21]. |
2022-6-24 | What Have You Learned Recently?: What is something you have recently learned? |
2022-6-24 | Population After Creation & the Flood: Was the earth populated by incest after the creation and the flood? [Genesis 1]. |
2022-6-24 | Judging Others: What did God mean about not judging others? [Matthew 7:5, Luke 6:42, John 7:24, I Corinthians 2:15]. |
2022-6-23 | Acupuncture: Is there anything in the BIble about acupuncture? |
2022-6-23 | Predestination (the Elect): Is "predestination" a biblical concept, or is it a branch of Calvinism? [Romans 8:29-30, I Peter 1:2, Ephesians 1:4, Ephesians 1:11, I Johhn 3:2, Romans 8:23]. |
2022-6-23 | Catholic Caller Comments-Purgatory: Catholic disagrees with Steve about biblical support for "Purgatory." [2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippisans 1:23, I Corinthians 3:13] |
2022-6-23 | Value of the Catholic Church to Civilization: Catholic caller comments and what the Catholic church has done to build civilization. Recommends book: "How Catholicism Build Civilization." |
2022-6-23 | Lazarus & the Rich Man: Was the parable of "Lazarus & the Rich Man" possibly prophetic, since a real Lazarus is raised by Jesus, and people do not believe? [Luke 15:19-31, John 11:1-21]. |
2022-6-23 | Satan Still Active: Could you explain how Satan is still active and continuing to deceive, in light of Revelation 20 and his being locked up? [Revelation 20:3]. |
2022-6-23 | "Antinomian" or "Legalist"?: Could you clarify your position on "antinomianism" and "legalism"? [Ephesians 2:8-10, Jeremiah 31:33, Ezekiel 36:26, 2 Peter 1:4, Titus 3:5, Titus 2:14]. |
2022-6-23 | Jesus' Genealogy: Could you explain Jesus' genealogy and how it seems like it would be through Mary? [Matthew 1: 1-20, Luke 3:23, Luke 3:31]. |
2022-6-23 | Witnessing & the Bible's Truth: When witnessing, how can one fully explain the truth of the Bible's and its value to unbelievers? Recommend lecture series; "Authority of Scripture." |
2022-6-23 | Caller Testimony: Caller shares his testimony. |
2022-6-23 | Breaking Fellowship with Some: Could you clarify more about the scripture that indicates that we should cut relationships and not even eat with some people? [I Corinthians 5:11]. |
2022-6-22 | Afterlife: When we die, what happens immediately, to both believers and unbelievers? Will we know one another? [Luke 16:18f, John 5:28-29, 2 Corinthians 5:8]. |
2022-6-22 | Forsaking Your Family for Christ: What context would understand the verse about one who would forsake their family members for Christ's sake? [Matthew 19:29]. |
2022-6-22 | Suicide: Caller share an alternate perspective on suicide. |