Eat My Flesh & Drink My Blood:How do you harmonize the Jewish restriction on eating human blood and flesh, and yet, Jesus told his disciples to drink his blood and eat His flesh? Why would He use such a distasteful analogy? [I Corinthians 11:23-25, Mark 14:22-24, Acts 10:9-16].
Casting Lots:Why was it acceptable for the disciples to cast lots when they selected Matthias as a replacement for Judas? [Proverbs 16:33, Acts 1:12-26, Luke 24, Matthew 19, Colossians 2].
Seeing God:In the Bible it is stated that "No man has seen God", yet in other places it indicates that some have, so would you harmonize this? [I John 4:12, John 1:14,18, Exodus 33:20, Genesis 18:1, 32:30, Isaiah 6:1, Hebrews 10:20, 2 Thessalonians 2:8, Revelation 20].
Holy Spirit Teaching Truth:Why do people seem to disagree on some points of scripture even though the Holy Spirit is intended to bring us into all truth? [I Corinthians 13:9, John 16:13].
America, Communism, Damage:How would you describe what is happening in America today, and the direction she is heading toward communism, from which I just recently escaped? And how this compromise is damaging families. [Proverbs 16:18, Matthew 10:35, 37-38].
No One in Heaven:If scripture indicates that no man has ascended into heaven, what does that mean for others that were said to have ascended? [John 3:13].
"Mansions" & "House of the Lord":What do you think of paralleling the John 14 verse to Psalm 23? Is the "mansions" or "house" really our lives in relationship with family? [John 14:2, Psalms 23:6, Ephesians 2:19, Psalm 27:4].
Forgive Them:"Forgive them, for they know not what they do" appears to be translated directly from the Greek as "forgive them not, for they know what they do?" - which way is it? [Luke 23:34].
People in Heaven Watching Over Us:Is there any scriptural support for the idea that beloved departed ones in heaven may be looking down and watching over us? [Hebrews 12:1].
Christian Myth:Isn't there evidence that supports the idea that Christianity is a myth and Christians actually unknowingly worship the sun, rather than the son? (Non-believer calling about the differences between his Gnostic belief and Christian beliefs).
Weapons of Warfare:Would you talk about about the weapons of warfare in 2 Corinthians and suggest some verse(s) that would helping us to battle the negative or sinful thoughts that come into our minds? [2 Corinthians 10:2-7, I Peter 2:11, Galatians 5:16].
Philip Not Laying on Hands for Spirit Filling:Is the Philip mentioned here, not the same as the disciple, Philip, and why did he not lay hands on people to be filled with The Holy Spirit? [Acts 8:4f, 9:17].
Laws in Conflict with Biblical Teaching:What can we do about laws that are being passed that inhibit our ability to speak about what the Bible teaches?
Greater Works (Miracles) in Jesus Name:When scripture indicates we will do "greater works", and can do anything "in His name", what does it mean? [John 14:12-14].
Satan Bound:When considering a past view (A.D.70) of Revelation, when was Satan bound for 1000 years already? [Revelation 20:1-3, 12: Mark 3:27, Matthew 12:29, 28:18-20, Luke 11:17-22, Hebrew 2:14, Colossians 2:15].
The Jewish Bible & Paradise:The Jewish Bible interprets the word, "paradise" differently in Luke. What do you think about that interpretation? [Luke 23:43].
Not Getting Victory When Doing His Will:Could you help me understand why God was not helping Israel to be victorious when they were doing His will, and as He had commanded? I thought God would keep his people in His favor in that case? [Judges 19-21].
Full Preterism:Are you familiar with Ed Stevens and how he differs with other Full Preterists in regard to the literalness of certain events (rapture, resurrection, etc.) described in the Bible?
Tribulation Saints:Who are the saints that the dragon is making war against in Revelation 13? I thought the saints were all gone in the rapture. [Revelation 13:7, 19:7-8].
Church replacing Israel:If the church was to replace Israel, why is it not mentioned in the Old Testament (old vs new covenants? [Jeremiah 11:16, Galatians 3: 14-16].
Old Testament Saved by Works:In the Old Testament, were the faithful saved by works rather than grace? [Hebrews 11, Micah 6:6-8, Psalm 51:17, Psalm 40:6-8].
Date of Writing of Revelation:Can you briefly review the evidence for both the contested dates of writing, before or after 70 A.D. (68 or 96 A.D.), for the book of Revelation? External and internal evidence contrasted. [Revelation 1:4,11:1-2, 17:10, 13:18].
Miracles of Jesus:Why did Jesus command people not to tell others about His miraculous works, especially since He was doing it in public? [Matthew 9:5-6, 17:9, 12:28].
Apostles & Disciples Distinguished:Would you help me understand the difference between "disciples" and "apostles" [Matthew 10:1-2, Acts 11:26, Mark 3:13, Luke 6:13].