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Date Topic Audio
2024-4-30 Steve's Debate with Atheist Max: Could you comment on your debate with the atheist Max and the odd focus on attention from the audience?
2024-4-30 Sexual Sin "in the body": Could you clarify the meaning of the verse about "sexual sin" being "in the body?" [1 Corinthians 6:18-19, 1 Corinthians 6:15-17].
2024-4-30 Speaking in Tongues (Filling with the Holy Spirit): Can you help me sort out the idea of being "Filled with the Spirit" and "Speaking in Tongues?" I am feeling a little pressured and am not sure what to make of it all. Ref: "They Speak with Other Tongues" by John Sherrill. Rec: Topical lecture "Charisma & Character." [Luke 11:9-13, Romans 5:5]
2024-4-30 Slap on the Cheek: Is the slap on the cheek passage referring to a back-handed slap of an insult? [Luke 6:29].
2024-4-30 Remarriage after Divorce: Could you help me understand more about remarriage after divorce?
2024-4-30 Defiled Bloodlines of Noah from Fallen Angels: What do you think about the defiling of the bloodlines of Noah's generation having come from the fallen angels having children with humans? [Genesis 6:2-4].
2024-4-30 Noah's Sons Populating the Earth: Where did Noah's sons get their wives?
2024-4-29 Adam & Eve's Spiritual or Physical Deaths: Would you comment on the Full Preterist view of the physical vs spiritual death of Adam & Eve when they ate of the fruit? [Genesis 2:17, 1 Kings 2:37, Ephesians 2:1-2, Colossian 2:13].
2024-4-29 Full Preterism: Don't Full Preterists believe that Jesus didn't have to die physically, but die spiritually?
2024-4-29 The Great Trib or Pre-Trib: Wouldn't the Dispensational view require two raptures? [Revelation 3:10, Daniel 9, John 17:15, Luke 2:1, Colossians 1:6].
2024-4-29 Dichotomy vs Trichotomy What is your view of the make-up of humankind (Ticholotmy or Dichotomy)? [Galatians 5:17].
2024-4-29 John, the writer of the Epistles: Which John was the writer of the epistles?
2024-4-29 Contentions between Traditions: Could you discuss the contention surrounding the customs about head-coverings and long hair? Rec: Topical Article "Head Coverings." [1 Corinthians 11:16, Numbers 6:21].
2024-4-29 Kingdom Passages in the Old Testament: Can you help me better understand the Old Testament passages that appear to be discussing the End Times? [Ezekiel 36-37, Jeremiah 31-33, 1 Corinthians 15:25-28, Romans 14:17, John 16:33, Hebrews 10:12-13].
2024-4-29 Timing of the Rapture: What is the timing and chronology of the rapture and judgment? [Matthew 25:31, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2024-4-26 Michael the Buddhist: Frequent caller, Michael the Buddhist, has been asked to leave the Calvary Chapel Bible study.
2024-4-26 The Wait for Jesus' First Coming: Why was it so long between the prophecy in Genesis and Jesus' first coming? [Genesis 3:15, Galatians 4:4].
2024-4-26 I am Going to Take the Mark: If the antichrist requires the mark, then I am taking it.
2024-4-26 Faith in the Old Testament: If an Israelite in the Old Testament was unfaithful to the Covenant, does that equate with New Testament salvation? [Genesis 15:6, Habakkuk 2:4-6, Deuteronomy 28:15].
2024-4-26 Mid-Trib & Post-Trib Views: Can you still be a Dispensationalist if you believe in either the "mid-trib" or the "post-trib"rather than "pre-trib" position?
2024-4-26 Post Millennialism: Do Post-Millennialists believe in a literal 1000-year Millennium?
2024-4-26 The Churches in Revelation: What is your exegesis of Revelation 3:10? Why don't you see the church mentioned after Revelation 4? Rec: Verse-by-verse lectures on Revelation 3. [Revelation 3:10, Revelation 4:1].
2024-4-25 Jesus-a Created Being: Would you clarify the views of Arius about Jesus as a created being? [Hebrews 1:3, 2 Corinthians 4:6].
2024-4-25 Criticizing Pre-Tribulation Rapture and Dispensationalism: Am I using this verse in John 17 correctly when criticizing Dispensationalism (Pre-trib rapture) because Jesus prayed that God not take them out of the world but protect them from the evil one? [John 17:15, Revelation 3:10].
2024-4-25 Light from God in Created Souls: Is Ezekiel 18 saying that the light from God creates each individual soul? What about John 1? [Ezekiel 18:4, Psalm 24:1, John 1:9].
2024-4-25 The Gift of Tongues: What can you say about the gift of tongues? [1 Corinthians 12, 1 Corinthians 14].
2024-4-25 Church in San Diego: Can you recommend the church you liked in San Diego?
2024-4-25 Expectations in Prayer: What should my disposition in prayer be? When I prayed for the healing of my son, he passed. [Matthew 7:7-11, Psalm 34:10, Psalm 84:11].
2024-4-25 Declaring, Decreeing or Commanding Something: What about the practice of "declaring" "decreeing" or "commanding" something to happen?
2024-4-25 New Apostolic Reformation: Can you recommend a good book about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)? It seems like there is a lot of false teaching in it. [Job 1].
2024-4-25 When the Soul is Created: What are your thoughts about when the soul or spirit is created?
2024-4-25 David and His Men: Could you shed some light on if David had his men with him when he faked his insanity?
2024-4-24 "Few Are Chosen": In the parable of the wedding feast, what are we to make of the phrase "many are called, but few are chosen?" [Matthew 22:14, Acts 13:46, Romnas 1:16-17].
2024-4-24 Men's Fellowships in So L.A.: Are you familiar with any good fellowship groups in the South L.A. area?
2024-4-24 Taking the Bible Literally: Are we to take the Bible completely "literally?" [Isaiah 65:17-20, Isaiah 55:12, Revelation 20-21].
2024-4-24 Judging Angels: Could you explain what is meant by us "judging angels?" [1 Corinthians 6:3, 2 Peter 2:4, Jude 1:6-7].
2024-4-24 Demons into Swine: Why did Jesus send the demons into swine and compromise the income of the owners? [Colossians 2:15, Matthew 8:32].
2024-4-24 Coming out of Dispensational Premil: Can you help me with my final steps and confusion in leaving the Dispensational/ Premillennial view? [Genesis 2:1-4, Revelation 20, Isaiah 9:6-7, 2 Peter 3:8, Psalm 90:4].
2024-4-24 The Gaderenes & the Tribe of Gad: Were the Gaderenes the same as the Tribe of Gad? Were they raising swine?
2024-4-24 God's Responsibilty for Himself: Did God take responsibility for Himself by Christ's coming? [Isaiah 59:16].
2024-4-24 The Millennium Has Already Passed: Is it possible that the millennium kingdom has passed already, based on the evidence of historical elaborate buildings? Could we be in the "little season" of Satan being loosed? Rec: Topical lecture series "When Shall These Things Be?" [Hebrews 2:14, Revelation 20:9, 2 Thessalonians 1:8].
2024-4-23 "Heaven" in the Scriptures: Caller disagrees regarding the lack of emphasis on "heaven" in the Bible. Instead, he thinks there is significant emphasis. [Philippians 3:20-21, 2 Corinthians 5:8-10, Exodus 20:12, John 3:16].
2024-4-23 Jews & Gentiles: Regarding Jews and Gentiles, is there a correlation between these two verses? [Genesis 48:19, Romans 11:25].
2024-4-23 Olivet Discourse: Could you explain the meaning of "the sign of his coming" in Matthew 24 (Olivet Discourse)? Rec: for Steve's Bible study notes. [Matthew 24:3, Isaiah 19:1, Revelation 2:4-5, Acts 1:11].
2024-4-23 Blood & Flesh Symbolism: Is not the reference to flesh and blood in John 6, a very different context than in the Last Supper? [John 6:53-58, John 6:40, John 6:63].
2024-4-23 The Rapture, The Tribulation & God's Wrath: I am confused about "The Tribulation" and the "rapture" relative to the "Wrath of God?" [Romans 1:18 1, John 3:36, 1 Thessalonians 5:9, 1 Thessalonians 3:4, Revelation 16, 1 Thessalonians 2:15-16, Romans 1:18, John 16:33, Revelation 9:4].
2024-4-23 Unbelievers Benefits From God: God seems to help unbelievers who call out to Him, yet refuse to follow Jesus, and yet Scripture says if we reject Jesus we reject God. Can you explain? [Matthew 10:33, Luke 10:16, Exodus 23:5, Matthew 22:37-39, Matthew 5:45, Luke 23:34-38.
2024-4-23 Assyria as God's "Handiwork": Why is Assyria described as "God's handiwork" in Isaiah 19? [Isaiah 19:23-25, Isaiah 11:16, Isaiah 35:10, Isaiah 40:3, Ephesians 2:15-16].
2024-4-22 "Meticulous Providence" & "Predestination" (Calvinism): If the Calvinist theology of "meticulous providence" were true, then why would one bother? Wouldn't there be no point? Isn't the idea of "predestination" dangerous?
2024-4-22 MacArthur/Calvin Theology: What should I do if I have just discovered that the church I am attending strongly supports MacArthur and is Calvinist?