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Date Topic Audio
2024-12-02 The Survival of Christianity: How is Chritianity going to survive when it is based on so many false ideas and false views of God? [Daniel 2:35].
2024-12-02 Age of Adulthood: Would you consider kids in high school adults? [1 Corinthians 13:11-12].
2024-12-02 Refusal to Sit Under a Women's Teaching: What do you think about two men leaving a women's teaching session to a high school class, because of their conscience about the restriction on women teaching in scripture? [1 Timothy 2:12].
2024-12-02 "Land of Milk & Honey": Why does the Bible call Israel "a land of milk and honey?" [Exodus 3:8, Numbers 14:8].
2024-12-02 Judging Others: When the Bible cautions us about judging others, when do we cross the line in doing so? [Matthew 7:1-5, Matthew 7:24, 1 Corinthians 14:29].
2024-12-02 Calvinism vs Free Will: Whey you refute Calvinism, how to you reconcile verses that says God determines the beginning and the end? REC: Topical lectures series "God's Sovereignty & Man's Salvation." [Isaiah 46:9-10, Ephesians 2:6, James 1:17, 2 Peter 3:9, Ephesians 2:1, Hebrews 11:4, Romans 11:19, John 6:44, Luke 15:24, John 12:32, Matthew 23:37].
2024-12-02 Prayers Following the Assination Attempt on Trump: Why wasn't there prayers for the shooter in the assination attempt on Trump, and it was only for the police and fireman?
2024-12-02 Satan's Fall from Heaven: What did Satan do to get kicked out of heaven? REC: Topical lectures series "Spiritual Warfare, Origins of Satan." [John 8:44, 1 John 3:8, Isaiah 14:12f, Ezekiel 28:12f].
2024-12-02 To the Jew First: Is there any application to teach to "the Jew first" or us today?" [Romans 1:16, Romans 2:9-10, Acts 13:46].
2024-11-29 "Abomination of Desolation": Do the words "Abomination" and "Desolation" always mean the same thing, the "Abomination of Desolation" in scripture?
2024-11-29 Smoking Cigarettes: Am I sinning if I am still smoking cigarettes? [1 Corinthians 6:19, Matthew 15:11, 1 Corinthians 10:31].
2024-11-29 Pre-Trib Rapture & the Last Day: Can you help me understand the two different events at the Second Coming-the rapture and the final coming, because I can't find them in Scripture? [John 6, John 12:48, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, 1 Corinthians 15:53].
2024-11-29 The Last Day: Could "the last day" have a an alternate meaning, rather than the very last day of the world? [2 Peter 3:10-13, Revelation 21, John 7:37].
2024-11-29 Baptism in the Name of Jesus: Is there a difference in getting baptized in the name of "Jesus," or in the name of the "Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" or is it the same?
2024-11-29 Smoking Cigarettes: Caller shares an encouragin scripture for someone who called previously about being addicted to cigarettes. [Philippians 2:13] (Editor's note: It was actually a female caller that called, not a gentleman.)
2024-11-29 God's Will & Sovereignty (Calvinism): Would you comment on the idea that God will declare the outcome of all things, particularly in light of Calvinism? [Isaiah 46:9-11, 1 Thessalonians 4:3].
2024-11-29 The Tribulation: How does "The Tribulation" fit into the Second Coming? Will God protect His people? [1 Thessalonians 3:3, Matthew 24:21, Matthew 24:34, Acts 14:22, 1 John 16:33].
2024-11-29 Long-term Curse of Canaan & Free Will: In light of the long-term curse on Canaan, how does this idea impact the idea of free will when the curse affected multiple generations? [Matthew 26:34, Isaiah 44:7].
2024-11-27 Women Pastors: Caller disagrees with Steve about women pastors. [Jeremiah 31:22, 1 Timothy 2:12-15, 1 Corinthians 14:37, Matthew 18:18-20].
2024-11-27 One Who Rejects God: If a friend of mine says he doesn't want anything to do with Christians and doesn't want to be saved, is he "given over to a reprobate mind?" [Romans 1:28-32, Isaiah 66:3-4].
2024-11-27 The Ability of Demons: Can a demon see the combination on my lock?
2024-11-27 Inspiration of Scripture: Could you talk about the inspiration of scripture and what that really means? [Ephesians 3:5].
2024-11-27 The Unbelieving Nation of Israel: How do we view the unbelieving Nation of Israel?
2024-11-27 Marijuana (Cannabis): Is marijuana bad? Do I need to give it up if I want to stop sinning and get closer to God? [Proverbs 31:6-7, 1 Corinthians 6:12, Proverbs 25:28].
2024-11-27 Grieving Over Lost Souls: As I grieve lost souls, I ask, why do I get to go to be with God and they don't? I don't feel worthy. [Matthew 5:29-32].
2024-11-27 The Title of "Rabbi": Why do some use the titles, even though we are told not to use titles, like "Rabbi?" [Matthew 23:8-9].
2024-11-26 Obedience & the Eye of the Needle: What do you think about my view of the "camel through the eye of the needle" passage? [Matthew 19:16-24].
2024-11-26 The Law Written on Our Hearts: Do you think that the "writing of the law on our hearts" is not really a metaphor? [Jeremiah 31:31-34].
2024-11-26 Christian Standard Bible (Holman): What do you think of the Christian Standard Bible (Holman)? [Matthew 16:24, Psalm 23:26, Exodus 21:6].
2024-11-26 The "Hour" in Revelation: Does the "hour" in Revelation refer to time in the same way as in other scriptures [John 5:28, Revelation 2:10, Revelation 17:12].
2024-11-26 Mom's Favoritism toward Sibling: How do I handle my relationship with my mom, as she favors my younger brother unfairly? As a Christian, should I just let it go? [Psalm 27:10, Matthew 10:38].
2024-11-26 Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit: Caller balances comment on Steve's view of the passage about the "blasphemy of the Holy Spirit." [Matthew 12:31-36].
2024-11-26 Worldwide Church of God (Cults): Is the Worldwide Church of God (Herbert W Armstrong & Garner & Ted Armstrong) a cult?
2024-11-26 Antichrist & the Last Hour: What do you think about the antichrist and the last hour passage in 1 John? [1 John 2:18, 1 John 2:22, Matthew 24, 1 John 4:1].
2024-11-25 Rick Warren & Women Pastors: What do you think about Rick Warren and his approval of women pastors? [1 Corinthians 14:1, 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, 1 Timothy 2:12-15].
2024-11-25 God's Love for Unbelievers: Does God have a different kind of love for unbelievers than for believers? [Luke 10:29, Jeremiah 31:3, 1 John 4:16, Matthew 22:37-39, Malachi 1:2].
2024-11-25 Dead Sea Scrolls & Extrabiblical Books: In the collection of Dead Sea Scrolls, there are a number of books like the Book of Melchizedek and the Book of Enoch. Is it OK to study these?
2024-11-25 Born into Sin (Original Sin): Could you discuss how we are "born into sin" thus inheriting sin from Adam, and how that affects sinlessness? [Psalm 51:5, Romans 5:12].
2024-11-25 The Creator "Us" in Genesis: Who are the creators called "us" in the Genesis creation story? [Genesis 1:26].
2024-11-25 The Lost Years of Jesus: Can you speak of the "lost years of Jesus?" [John 21:25, John 20:30-31, Luke 2:49].
2024-11-25 "Free Will" in Light of Calvinism: What do Calvinists say to the idea that angels have free will, but we do not? [Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4].
2024-11-25 Trials Working Patience in Us: In James 1, what does the passage about "trials working patience in us" mean? [James 1:3-4, 2 Timothy 2:12, 1 Peter 1:6].
2024-11-22 Tithing: I think I disagree with you about tithing, can you comment about these verses in Matthew, Luke, and Jeremiah? [Matthew 23:23, Luke 11:42, Jeremiah 31:31-34].
2024-11-22 Anyone Could be Part of Israel: Isn't scripture saying that anyone can be part of Israel, just as Paul says later in the New Testament about Christians? REC: Topical lecture "What are We to Make of Israel?" 1 Kings 8:41-43, Exodus 12, Romans 9:6, Romans 9:27].
2024-11-22 Abortion (Ritual for Adultery in Numbers): What do you think of the Numbers passage (about a ritual for a woman accused of adultery) relative to abortion? [Numbers 5:11-31].
2024-11-22 The Fatherless & Widows: As a fatherless child, is it appropriate to be encouraged by the passage about God being a "friend to the fatherless, defender of the widow?" [Psalm 68:5].
2024-11-22 Born of God, Not by Decision: Would you clarify the meaning of John 1:12-13 about being "born of God, not by decision, or husband's will?" [John 1:12-13].
2024-11-22 Planets without Satan: If we could escape to another planet, would there be no Satan and less evil and war? [James 4:1-10, Psalm 115:16].
2024-11-22 Sodomy in Marriage: Can one commit sodomy in marriage?
2024-11-22 Born in Sin & Conscience (Romans 7:9): Would you explain Romans 7:9 and its relationship to innate (inborn) sin (total depravity? [Romans 7:9. Roma 8:10, Romans 7:21, Romans 6:6, Ephesians 2:1, Ephesians 2:5, John 8:34}.