Generational Curses:Is it unbiblical to claim that someone is suffering because of something their ancestors did (generational curses)? [Ezekiel 18:20, Ezekiel 18:2, Jeremiah 31:29-33].
Abimelech & Calvinism:Does the story of Abimelech and Sarah support Calvinism? [Genesis 20:1-18, Psalm 21:11, Matthew 10:26-31, Genesis 50:20, Acts 2:23-24, John 7:6, Provebs 21:1, Hosea 8:4].
Preaching-Must Hear to Answer a Call:You mentioned that you have a hard time understanding the passage in Romans 10 about those who must hear-have you come to any new conclusion? [Romans 10:14-18, Joel 2:32, Isaiah 52:7].
Ten Commandments:Are there any moral laws not covered under the Ten Commandments? [Romans 13:10, 1 Timothy 6:10, Ephesians 5:5, Colossians 3:5, Jeremiah 31:33, Psalm 40:6-8, Romans 14:5-12, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Colossians 3:17].
4th of July & Revolution:What position would Jesus have taken regarding America's revolution against Britain (Independence Day)? [Luke 13:1-5, John 6:15, Luke 12:13].
Eschatology & My Church:How should I handle doctrinal differences over eschatology with the leadership of my Christian Missionary Alliance Church if they have strongly suggested my compliance and submission? [Mark 10:44, Matthew 20:26].
Lingering Souls After Death:Does someone's soul linger for several days after death? If so, how long? [2 Corinthians 12:2, 2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1:23].
The Two Witnesses:Who are "the two witnesses? Are they Moses and Elijah, or will it be two others?" Rec: Verse-by-verse lectures at the website.[Revelation 11:5, Malachi 4:5-6].
The "First" Resurrection:What was "the first resurrection" of Revelation 20? [Revelation 20:5-6, John 11:25-26, John 5:24-29, Ephesians 2, Colossians 2, Matthew 25:31].
Miracles & Healings Today:Didn't Jesus come to not only save us but to show us our potential on earth? Shouldn't we be putting our hands on others to bring healing and other miracles? [1 Corinthians 12:29-30, 1 Corinthians 12:8-9, 2 Corinthians 12:12, Acts 2:41-43, Mark 16:17-18, John 14:12].
Ethnicity of Modern Jews in Jerusalem:Are the Jews in modern Jerusalem the same ethnic Jews mentioned in Revelation? [Romans 2:28, Jeremiah 4:4, Revelation 2:9, Revelation 3:9].
Jesus' Glorified Body Bearing Scars:If Jesus had His glorified body when he rose from the dead, then why did He still have his scars? [Revelation 5:6].
Full Preterism:Do Full Preterists believe that the physical death of Jesus did not have to occur, only a spiritual death? If so, how do they get around verses like "Let this cup pass from me?" Rec: "Why Not Full Preterism?" book by Steve Gregg. [Matthew 26:39, Romans 4:19, Hebrews 11:12].
Forgiveness of Sin:Were Jesus and John the Baptist equal spokespersons for God regarding forgiveness based on repentance? Or did Jesus have more authority to do so? [Matthew 9:2, Luke 5:20].
Justification by Works:Could you help me understand justification by works, because James 2 seems contradictory to other passages? [James 2:24, Romans 4:1-10, Genesis 15:6, 1 Peter 3:21, Galatians 5:6, 1 John 3:15-20, Titus 2:14, Titus 3:1, Titus 3:14, Ephesians 2:8-10, 1 John 3:9].
"Will Not Taste Death":Did some not ever die in the generation that heard Jesus say "some standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom?" [Matthew 16:28, Mark 9:1, Luke 9:27, John 14:23].
Land of Israel Promise:Regarding the land promise in Joshua 21, do the Jews today still have rights to that land? [Joshua 21:43-45, Genesis 18:17, Jeremiah 18:7-10, Deuteronomy 28:15ff, Deuteronomy 28:63, Deuteronomy 30:2-4, Hebrews 8:13, Exodus 19:5-6, Romans 4:13, Matthew 5:5].
Polygamy:When Jesus said "it was not so from the beginning" it seems like he was clarifying that polygamy was not acceptable. [Matthew 19:8, Genesis 1-2].
Christians Seen as Terrorists:If we did things as in the Old Testament, would we not be seen as terrorists just like extremist Muslims and enacting Sharia Law? [2 Corinthians 10:5].
Denying Christ:How do you understand the scripture saying that we can't deny Christ? Is it one time and we are done? What about Peter? [Matthew 10:32-33].