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Date Topic Audio
2019-10-29 Covetousness: What is coventousness? [2 Corinthians 6:9-10, 2 Peter 2:3].
2019-10-29 Knowing the Truth: What does the Bible say about whether we have the ability to know truth? [I John 2:4, John 17:3].
2019-10-29 Eucharist-Body & Blood of Christ: Catholic caller wants to challenge Steve's critique of the Catholic view of the Eucharist and the questioning of the literalness of "The Body of Christ". [John 6:53, 63, 2:9, 3:1-21, 7:37, 4:14,32, 11:11].
2019-10-29 Miracles Being Viewed in Scripture: Caller challenges Steve's position that miracles in the Bible are always seen by witnesses in the Bible. [Mark 2:5-6, John 20:30].
2019-10-29 Pentecost-the Upper Room?: At Pentecost they were all in one place-where were they? Were they in the upper room [Acts 2:1, 1:13, Deuteronomy 16:16].
2019-10-29 Revelation-Temple Rebuilding: How will the prophecy of the temple and "man of sin" be fulfilled? And how does it apply to us? [2 Thessalonians 2, I Thessalonians 3:16, 2 Corinthians 6:16].
2019-10-28 God's Retribution & Forgiveness: Why is there God's retribution if there is God's forgiveness? [Luke 15:11-32, Romans 12:19].
2019-10-28 Truth Over Popular Opinions: How should we handle those that refuse to give up a popular belief, even in light of evidence to the contrary? How far do we push for the truth?
2019-10-28 Resurrection-Literal Third Day : When Jesus said he would be was in the heart of the earth for 3 days & 3 nights, did He mean that literally? [Luke 13:32-33, Matthew 12:40, Jonah 1:17].
2019-10-28 Church Discipline: Should we practice church discipline? [Matthew 18:15-17, 2 Thessalonians 3:14, Romans 16:15, I Corinthians 5].
2019-10-28 Seeking Truth: Should believers be careful not to love being right, sometimes more than finding truth? ... especially in marriage? [Titus 1:2].
2019-10-28 Believing Children Involved in Homosexuality: How do you deal with believing children who are actively living a homosexual lifestyle? [Mark 7, Matthew 15, 19:1-9, 7:21-23, Galatians 5:19-21, I Corinthians 6:9-11].
2019-10-28 Cremation: Does the Bible say anything about cremation?
2019-10-28 New Body in Heaven: Does the body get reformed when we go to heaven?
2019-10-28 Extraterrestrials: What do you think about extraterrestrial beings? Is there a possibility that they exist?
2019-10-28 Ezekiel's Wheel: What is Ezekiel's wheel? [Ezekiel 1-2, 10].
2019-10-28 Marijuana: What do you think about Christians who smoke marijuana?
2019-10-28 Three Days & Three Nights in the Tomb: How does the 3 days and 3 nights work in the tomb? [I Corinthians 15].
2019-10-25 Hell-Smoke Ascending Forever: I am wondering if a verse commonly used to describe hell, is actually about things happening on earth? Is the phrase "smoke ascending forever and ever about us remembering the event? [Revelation 14:10-11, 11:8, 19:3, Isaiah 34:5-10].
2019-10-25 Behavior Before Marriage: How should singles behave be before marriage? [I Timothy 5:1-2, Matthew 7:12].
2019-10-25 Chosen People: Did God choose the individual people or the Jewish nation? Are we the chosen people? [I Corinthians 16:22].
2019-10-25 Generational Curses: What is your view of "generational curses"? [Numbers 14:18].
2019-10-25 Feminism at Church: Should I speak to the elders about the way feminism has infiltrated our church?
2019-10-25 Home Churches: How do you find a home church?
2019-10-25 Men & Women Separated at Church: What do you think of men & women being separated into separate Bible studies? [Titus 2].
2019-10-25 Very Young Pastor: What do you think of a very young youth pastor?
2019-10-25 God Calls Himself "Us": Who is God talking to when He says, "let's make man in our image"? [Genesis 1:26].
2019-10-24 Mt. Zion & Maccabeus: Judas Maccabeus supposedly moved Mt Zion, what do you know about that?
2019-10-24 Church Hierarchy & Lead Pastors: Is there any scriptural support for lead pastors? [Philippians 1:1, I Timothy 3, 3 John, Acts 20, I Peter 5, James 5].
2019-10-24 Recognizing Each Other in Heaven: Will we be able to recognize one another in heaven? [Revelation 4].
2019-10-24 Enduring with Christ: Can you clarify 2 Timothy 12 and the references to dying and living with Him, and enduring and denying Him? [2 Timothy 12:11-13, Galatians 6:12-15, Titus 1:2].
2019-10-24 Saul Callling Up Samuel: When Saul went to the medium, was the spirit really Samuel or a demon? [I Samuel 1:15-28].
2019-10-24 Noah's Ark: How did Noah get down from Mount Ararat after the water receded following the flood? [Genesis 8:5]
2019-10-24 Could Jesus Have Sinned?: Do you think that Jesus had the potential to sin?
2019-10-24 One God, Jesus, The Word: Could you talk about Jesus in the beginning, from John 1, and how The Word is God, but there is only one God? [John 1:1].
2019-10-24 "About to Happen"-Revelation: Doesn't it seem strange that it was "about to happen" in Revelation, and yet the church age continues today?
2019-10-24 Noah & the Flood: Isn't Noah's flood only local because of reference to his being able to see from the east to the west, rather than worldwide? [2 Peter 3, I Peter 3].
2019-10-24 Baptism Necessary: Is baptism necessary to salvation? [Matthew 28:20].
2019-10-23 From the book, "Jesus Always": Caller just shared from Sarah Young's book, "Jesus Always." [Psalm 46:10, 62:8, Isaiah 41:23, Jeremiah 41:3].
2019-10-23 Good Ministries: Voice of the Martyrs, Open Doors, Food for the Poor, Mercy Ships, World Vision.
2019-10-23 Number of the Beast: What do you think the verse about number of the Beast means? [Revelation 13:18].
2019-10-23 Repentance & the Distractions: Why is it so hard to come back to the Lord, and battle all the distractions that seem to try to keep you away? [Ezekiel 33:11, 2 Peter 3:9].
2019-10-23 Bible Ignorance: Are you surprised how many people know very little about the Bible?
2019-10-23 Witnessing: Do you have a formula for witnessing?
2019-10-23 Ten Commandments & New Covenant: I am convinced that because we have been grafted into the olive tree, that the ten commandments are very important for Christians to obey. [Romans 11].
2019-10-23 Bible's Authenticity: If someone believes that the Bible is just story-telling and more like mythology in nature? [2 Chronicles, 2 Kings, Genesis 1, 2:24, I John 3:12].
2019-10-23 Repentance: Is there anyone in the New Testament that could not repent, because they had gone too far? [Revelation 2, Hebrews 12:17, Acts 2:42].
2019-10-23 Ellen G White: Have you ever read any books by Ellen G White?
2019-10-23 Christian Suicide: Will a Christian who commits suicide, will they go to heaven? And if it is someone with some mental challenges? [I John 3:15].
2019-10-23 Enemy Attack: Does the enemy attack more when one changes from one religion to another? [I John 4:4, James 2:19].