Harold Camping, Prophecy, & the Last Day:Do you know what the method that Harold Camping used to try to determine the day of the second coming of Christ? [Matthew 24:36].
Jephthah's Sacrifice of His Daughter Could you share your thoughts of the story of Jephthah and if the offering was actually a burnt offering of his daughter? If so, how would that be reconciled with our God? [Judges 11:30-31, 39].
Who Flies Away?:Are the people who fly up into the skies at the return of Christ, the believers, or will the believers be left on the earth? [Luke 17:33-37, I Thessalonians 4:17, Matthew 24f, Psalm 91].
Kingdom of God Enacted:Are we at that place in God's timeline suggested in Genesis 3, where the kingdom of God is enacted and progressing-in the crushing of Satan's head? [Genesis 3:15, Romans 16:20, Psalms 47:3,
Authority to the Popes to the Apostles:Do the popes have the authority of "binding and loosing" that Jesus promised to the apostles? [Matthew 16:19, 18:18, 2 Corinthians 8:23].
Mary & the Saints Perfected in Righteousness:Relative to the Catholic claim that Mary and the saints are prefected in righteousness, are we not already prefected in righteouseness in Christ? [3 John].
Coronavirus Pandemic Controls:Would you comment on my struggle with the government controlling the closure of businesses during the Coronavirus pandemic?
Death and Hell:Is there anything in the Greek and Hebrew that better describes what kind of death we suffer, and how permanent it is, that will help us understand the consequence of sin and hell?
End Times Cashless society:In light of recent government plans to make a cashless society, do you still think that it is a sign of the times according to Revelation and the U.S. is not the 2nd beast? [Revelation 13:11-13].
Medical Pandemic-Coronavirus:How do you handle those in your own household that are not being careful and help reduce the threat of the pandemic threat of Coronavirus?
144,000 & The Twelve Tribes of Israel-Now or Then:Were there Jews from all 12 tribes in Jerusalem in the 1st century, so that we can identify the 144,000 (from all 12 tribes) as the believing Jews at that time, rather than at the end times?
Jesus' Being Impolite:What do you say to someone who finds some of Jesus' statements difficult, such as, describing one not saying "thank you" to a slave? [Luke 17:10].
Why No Hell in the Old Testament:Do you think the reason that "hell" is not mentioned more in the Old Testament is because God wanted His people to chose Him for Himself? [Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 66;24].
Why a Sermon on Sunday:Why do we gather once a week to listen to someone give a sermon, when it would be more beneficial to have a conversation? [Acts 2].
John the Baptist:Do you think that we know so little about John the Baptist, because he didn't want to steal the thunder of the coming Jesus? [John 3].
John the Baptist:Didn't Jesus say that there is "no one greater born of a woman", but John the Baptist, but Jesus was born of a woman, so how to you harmonize that? [Luke 7:28, Matthew 11:11].
Teaching Gender Identity:Can you comment on my conviction in trying to raise my future children with respect toward their gender and the differences between the sexes? [Genesis 1, I Corinthians 11, Deuteronomy 22:5].
Woman Taken in Adultery:Do you think that Jesus would have agreed that the woman taken in adultery should be stoned, if the Roman government had allowed stoning?
Angel Identity and Tasks:Does Hebrews 1:14 shed any light on how to understand Daniel 11:1 and the task and identity of angels? [Daniel 1, Hebrews 1:14].
Angels & Heirs of Salvation:Does Hebrews indicate that people, referred to as the "heirs of salvation",receive the ministering of angels even before they are saved? [Hebrews 1:14, Romans 8:17].