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Date Topic Audio
2013-8-05 Bore our Griefs & Sorrows: How do you interpret the famous verse in Isaiah about boring our griefs & sorrows, or is it our pain & sicknesses? [Isaiah 53:4]
2013-8-02 Matthew Rose Guest Hosting with Steve Gregg: Matthew Rose is a guest host on the show today, but he's only added his input on a couple of answers.
2013-8-02 Sins Preceding a Person: What does this passage in scripture mean about someone's sins proceding them & some will be found out later, & someone's good works are known & some are not? [1 Timothy 5:24-25]
2013-8-02 Billy Graham & Going to Heaven without Jesus: Did Billy Graham really say in a Youtube video that people can be saved without Christ? If he did, what do you think of that idea, that major shift?
2013-8-02 R. J. Rushdoony & Christian Reconstructionism: How do yuo reconcile the Old Testament law to the New Testament law? Should we be using the Mosiac Law as the standard? [Matthew 5:17-18]
2013-8-02 "The Lord is My Shepherd I shall Not Want": Was David going without? [Psalms 23]
2013-8-02 Anointing with Oil: Do you know who I could call to have an anointing for healing?
2013-8-02 Better to Have Never Been Born: Where does it say that it is better to have never been born than be enlightened? [Mark 14:21, 2 Peter 2:21]
2013-8-02 Retinopathy Diabetes Caller requested prayer for her diabetes, not being able to control the blood pressure & a chance of going blind.
2013-8-02 Christians Consuming Alcohol: Is it okay for Christians to drink wine (alcohol)? [Ephesians 5:18, 2 Peter 4:3, 1 Corinthians 11:29]
2013-8-02 Speaking in Tongues: What are Steve's thoughts about speaking in tongues?
2013-8-02 Women Speaking in the Pulpit: Can a woman preach in a pulpit?
2013-8-01 Satan Being Bound, the Resurrection & the Millennium: If your view of Satan being bound right during this "millennium", how do you deal with the resurrection that is in Revelation 20? [Revelation 20:5-6, Acts 24:15, Matthew 5:28-29, John 5:24]
2013-8-01 Satan being Loosed: Wouldn't Satan being loosed nullify the Victory of Jesus in the end?
2013-8-01 New Man God Created: Can Steve please explain a verse in Ephesians abut the "new man"? [Ephesians 4:24]
2013-8-01 "Millstone Hanged About His Neck": Caller feels condemned about a verse in the Bible about offending a child & wants freedom. [Matthew 18:6]
2013-8-01 Incest in the Bible a Stumbling Block: Caller has a friend who is an unbeliever & wonders how Christianity deals with the fact that incest had to happen in order for the human race to begin.
2013-7-31 Defending Dispensationalism: Discussion Defending Dispensationalism.[Daniel 9:24]
2013-7-31 Millennial Reign: Why don't you believe in a literal 1000 years? [Revelation 20]
2013-7-31 Buddhist Closer to Jesus: Buddhist caller feels he's getting closer to Jesus.
2013-7-31 Rich Christians: Is it okay to be a rich Christian?
2013-7-31 Choosing the Jewish Race: Why did God choose the Jews? Why did He choose Abraham?
2013-7-31 Buddhist Caller May be Near Conversion: Caller repents what he thought about Michael the Buddhist because it almost sounds like he's coming around. He thought Steve was wasting his time talking to him.
2013-7-31 Wrath of God Did Jesus drink the cup of wrath? Is He going to spew it out when He comes back? [Isaiah 21-23]
2013-7-30 "Spirit being given in Measure": What does Steve know about a verse in the Gospel of John where it says the Spirit will be given in measure, & who was even saying it, John the Baptist or Jesus? [John 3:34]
2013-7-30 Number of Time Jesus Comes to Earth: How many times has Jesus been here? How many "second comings" is He going to have?
2013-7-30 Childlikeness to Enter the Kingdom of God: Jesus says to be childlike in order to enter the Kingdom & yet Paul says that he put away his childishness. Why the contradiction? [Luke 18:16-17, 1 Corinthians 13:11]
2013-7-30 The Form by Which Jesus Returns: Are the angels saying Jesus is going to come through a womb again? [Acts 1:9-11]
2013-7-30 Blotting Out Names-"Book of Life": Because scripture says only that names are blotted out of the "Book of Life", are our names in there before we are born? [Revelation 3:5].
2013-7-30 Ezekiel's Temple Still Future: Caller's pastor thinks there's no way Ezekiel is not talking about a future temple.
2013-7-30 Truth about the Catholic Church: What is a really good source on Roman Catholicism? Are Catholics Christians? Rec: "The Gospel according to Rome" by James G. McCarthy.
2013-7-30 God Before Time: Where is the verse that talks about God being before time? [1 Timothy 1:9]
2013-7-29 Connecting with God: How do you "connect" with God?
2013-7-29 Worship God in Truth & Spirit: What does it mean to worship God in Truth and spirit? Bad call connection. [John 4:23-24]
2013-7-29 Baptism of the Holy Spirit & Speaking in Tongues: Are you supposed to be able to speak in Tongues as soon as you are filled with the Holy Spirit?
2013-7-29 Wrestling with Doubt: Caller is having doubts about his faith after debating with a Muslim.
2013-7-29 Teaching Revelation: Church doesn't teach from the book of Revelation & caller is concerned about that.
2013-7-29 Christianity Borrowed from Ancient Religions: A friend of the caller said that Christianity is just originating from Ancient Religions that also had the same things like a Virgin Birth. (Steve recommended a video called, "Zeitgeist" on YouTube, 2 parts.)
2013-7-26 Tree of the Knowledge: Did Adam & Eve receive knowledge of Good & Evil? Why were they ashamed that they were naked?
2013-7-26 David Wilkerson: What do you think of David Wilkerson as a prophet?
2013-7-26 Not Really 12 Disciples: Why does it say there's 12 disciples when in reality, there was only 11, since Thomas & Judas Iscariot were not there? [Luke 24:9]
2013-7-26 Crushing Satan: Was Paul just giving his opinion when he said that God would crush satan under our feet soon? What does "soon" mean? [Romans 16:20]
2013-7-26 Revival to Reverse Culture Trend: Revivals change things for the better, so can we get one started by intercessory prayer & sharing the gospel?
2013-7-26 Church Membership: Is Church Membership-being forced to sign a piece of paper-biblical? [1 Corinthians 1]
2013-7-26 "Our Father in Heaven": For some people, praying to the Father is emotionally awkard and can't relate to it.
2013-7-26 Church Membership: Is it for tax reasons (501c3)that they want you to join the church?
2013-7-26 Preaching to the Dead: Was Jesus preaching to the dead when He was dead? [1 Peter 3:18-19, 1 Peter 4:6]
2013-7-26 Tree of Life before Tree of Knowledge: Why didn't Adam & Eve eat from the Tree of Life, before eating the Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil?
2013-7-25 "Impossible to Renew to Repentance": What does it mean in Hebrews that it's impossible to renew somebody to repentance? [Hebrew 6:4-6]
2013-7-25 Dietrich Bonhoeffer, David & Saul: The other day you had a caller talking about Bonhoeffer, but you never pointed out that David refused to kill Saul even though he was an evil leader. [1 Samuel 24:6]