Where the Eagles are Gathered:Why are the parallels in Matthew 24, Luke 17 & 21. about "where the eagles gather" so different? [Matthew 24:28, Luke 17:37, Job 39:30].
Binding the Strong Man:In Matthew 12 and Luke 11, who qualifies to bind the strong man, Jesus, or those that cast out demons? fasting as a ritual? [Matthew12:28-29].
Fasting & Wineskins:I am a little confused about references to fasting and general meaning in the passage about the new and old wineskins [Matthew 9:14-17].
Suicide:Is the verse about our bodies being a temple and the defiling of the temple resulting in destruction, actually about suicide not being forgiven? [I Corinthians 3: 16-17].
Jerusalem & Green Tree:This seems to be talking about the then future destruction of Jerusalem, but what is the part about the green tree talking about? [Luke 23:28-31].
Church Elders & Leadership:If one has a more unconventional church, without typical business-like structures, how does one exercise church discipline and distribute other responsibilities and duties? [Titus].
Extra-biblical Books:What do you think about some of the extra-biblical books such as, The Apocrypha, Gilgamesh Epic, and The Emerald Tablets of Toth? Do they predate the Bible?
YHWAH, YHVH, Yaweh:Would you talk about the Hebrew letters translated for the word God as LORD in our Old Testament (YHVH or YHWH, Yaweh/ Tetragram or Tetragrammaton, Adonai)?
Once Saved, Always Saved:When we are born again we are a new creature, so can we lose our salvation? If we lose it, do we become an old creation again? [2 Corinthians 5:17].
Forgiveness & Anger:Jesus forgave people as He was being nailed on the cross, who was He forgiving? What about being angry, but not sinning, and not letting the sun set on your anger? [Ephesians 4:26, Luke 23:34]
Sons of God & Nephilim:The sons of God came down and had sex with women. Who are the sons of God and the Nephilim and what is going on here? [Genesis 6].
Annihilationist View of Hell:How does it make sense to be punished and then just be destroyed? Would that not prevent someone from reflecting back on the crimes?
Mormon Beliefs about Baptism:Can you talk about this discussion I had with a Mormon friend regarding what makes an evangelical saved & not saved? He believed only the Mormon/LDS was saved because of being baptized by the right people.