21 days to get an Answer:Why did it take an angel 21 days to get to where Daniel was, him having to deal w/ a blockage of the king of persia? Why couldn't God had just blown him out of the way?
Destruction of the Flesh:Putting one out of the church & giving them over to satan, that his spirit might be saved, doesn't this sort've defend once saved, always saved? [1 Corinthians 5]
Marriage & Divorce Situation:Not rightly divorced previously, has remarried & thinks he's in a pickle now. He explains his situation. Wants Steve's input.
Partial Preterist verse Dispensationalism:Those who believe in a pre-trib rapture, the Dispensationalists, seem to be a little more complacent that partial preterists. Do you find that to be true?
Forgiveness but then giving up on them:Jesus said to forgive 490 times a day, but God seemed to give up on people & quit forgiving them, turning them over to a reprobate mind, according to Romans 1? [Romans 1]
Pastor having Authority:Pastor seems to have no humility & thinks he has more authority & has a better understanding than others. What do you think? [Matthew 20:25-26, Hebrews 13:17]
Mary, the Mother of Jesus:Was Mary completely without sin both before & after Jesus was born? Does the bible say whether she ascended to heaven or not?
Investigative Judgment:When debating Doug Batchelor, ask about the false doctrine of the investigative judgment, because if they were so wrong about that, how can they not be wrong about everything else, including keeping the Sabbath?
The Heart:It says in Jeremiah that "the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?", so do Christians have a deceitful & wicked heart, & what's the difference between the heart & the flesh, if there is a difference?
Pagan Holidays:God was getting really upset w/ a king for doing this idolatry stuff yet claiming to be following God, so how is that different than us celebrating pagan days such as Christmas & Easter?
Beatitudes-Sermon of the Mount:The Beatitudes that are mentioned in both Matthew & Luke, is that all one sermon, recorded differently, or is it 2 separate sermons? [Matthew 5-7, Luke 6:20-49]
Women's Authority:Women authority, in church AND secular venues? What would Paul have thought of Women leaders in the secular realm? [1 Timothy 2:11-12]
Pharaoh's False Predictions:Pharaoh said that Moses would never see his face again, & that if he did, Moses was going to die. But they did see each other again. Were they just being macho?
God's Foreknowledge, yet Murder of Innocent People:Why would God permit a son to murder his very christian parents if He had foreknowledge & the ability to stop it?
Boundary Lines for the Millennial Temple:My dad thinks that they are setting the boundaries for the Temple that is going to be built during the Millennium. Is that indeed talking about the same thing as this future temple that they think is going to be built? [Ezekiel 43:10=11]