Date | Topic | Audio |
2020-3-25 | Book of Hebrews' Authorship & Credibility: The book of Hebrews' authorship is unknown, right? So why is it in the Bible? [Hebrews 13:23]. |
2020-3-25 | Why No Hell in the Old Testament: Do you think the reason that "hell" is not mentioned more in the Old Testament is because God wanted His people to chose Him for Himself? [Daniel 12:2, Isaiah 66;24]. |
2020-3-25 | Why a Sermon on Sunday: Why do we gather once a week to listen to someone give a sermon, when it would be more beneficial to have a conversation? [Acts 2]. |
2020-3-24 | John the Baptist: What can you tell me about the life of John the Baptist, and also about his association with Elijah? |
2020-3-24 | John the Baptist: Do you think that we know so little about John the Baptist, because he didn't want to steal the thunder of the coming Jesus? [John 3]. |
2020-3-24 | John the Baptist: Didn't Jesus say that there is "no one greater born of a woman", but John the Baptist, but Jesus was born of a woman, so how to you harmonize that? [Luke 7:28, Matthew 11:11]. |
2020-3-24 | Cain's Sacrifice Not Accepted by God: Why didn't God accept Cain's sacrifice? [Hebrews 11, Romans 10:17, Luke 11:50-51, Genesis 4]. |
2020-3-24 | Teaching Gender Identity: Can you comment on my conviction in trying to raise my future children with respect toward their gender and the differences between the sexes? [Genesis 1, I Corinthians 11, Deuteronomy 22:5]. |
2020-3-24 | Gossip & Envy-Crimes Worthy of Death: How do you assess the list of crimes like gossip and envy, being identified as worthy of death? [Romans 1:30-32]. |
2020-3-24 | Woman Taken in Adultery: Do you think that Jesus would have agreed that the woman taken in adultery should be stoned, if the Roman government had allowed stoning? |
2020-3-24 | Angel Identity and Tasks: Does Hebrews 1:14 shed any light on how to understand Daniel 11:1 and the task and identity of angels? [Daniel 1, Hebrews 1:14]. |
2020-3-24 | Angels & Heirs of Salvation: Does Hebrews indicate that people, referred to as the "heirs of salvation",receive the ministering of angels even before they are saved? [Hebrews 1:14, Romans 8:17]. |
2020-3-24 | Eternal Damnation in Hell: Do you believe in eternal damnation in hell? [Mark 9:43-48, Isaiah 66:24, 2 Peters 2]. |
2020-3-24 | Demons as Offspring of the Nephilim: Do you think that demons are the offspring of the "Sons of Men" or Nephilim? |
2020-3-24 | Fallen Angels & Demons: Is there a difference between demons and fallen angels? |
2020-3-24 | Identity of the Rich Young Ruler: Do you think that "the rich young ruler" was Saul (Paul)? |
2020-3-24 | Peter & The Holy Spirit: Peter could not have possessed the Holy Spirit at the time of his denying of Christ, because the Holy Spirit had not yet come at Pentacost, right? [John 7:39]. |
2020-3-24 | Cain's Sacrifice Unacceptable to God: Do you think that it is possible that the reason Cain's sacrifice was unacceptable to God was because he had a wicked heart as it says in Proverbs? [Proverbs 15:8]. |
2020-3-24 | Signs of the Time: Are there any current "signs of the times" we should be acknowledging? |
2020-3-24 | Catholic Church Influenced King James Version: Did Catholic influence on the KJV obscure the fact that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday? {Mark 6:9, Matthew 28:1]. |
2020-3-24 | Tribes of Israel: How could the 144,000 refer to Christians in Jerusalem if they referred to the tribes in the northern kingdom? |
2020-3-23 | Christian Universalism: Could you comment on the Christian Universalism view? Did not God pay for 100% of mankind? [John 3:16-17, I Peters 3:20]. |
2020-3-23 | Jews the Only Worshippers of God: Why were the Jews the only ones to have a relationship with God? [Hebrews 11]. |
2020-3-23 | God Communicating Through Coronavirus: Do you think that God is trying to get something across to us using the Coronavirus? If so, what? |
2020-3-23 | Distancing Oneself from the Church: What do you think about my wife, a good Christian woman, who has distanced herself from the corporate church? [Hebrews 10:25-31]. |
2020-3-23 | Christians Universalism & Reconciliation: How can one consider Universalism or Universal Reconciliation, when it is not possible for everyone to be saved and justify it scripturally? [Matthew 26:24, Hebrews 9:27]. |
2020-3-23 | Recommendation of Steve's Book on Hell: Caller highly recommends Steve's book on Hell. |
2020-3-23 | Signs for the Coming of Christ? Could you talk about the signs for the second coming of Christ, particularly in the second half of Matthew 24? [Matthew 24:34-44, I Thessalonians 5:1-5]. |
2020-3-23 | Demons: Can demons be something more broad, like a worldview, or attitude, or something similar? [John 8:31-32]. |
2020-3-23 | Love One Another to Unarm Demons: If we just love one another, would that sufficiently render demons ineffective? [John 8:31-32]. |
2020-3-23 | Calvinism vs Arminianism: Is there one place, or book, that would martial all the arguments for and against Calvinism? |
2020-3-23 | No Longer Death Penalty for Some Things as in Old Testament: Where does scripture tell us that we no longer are to levy Old Testament punishments on people today? [Romans 13]. |
2020-3-23 | Journey to Heaven or Hell: Where does scripture teach us that we take a journey to some place after we die, like heaven or hell? [Isaiah 14, Luke 16:19-31, Philippians 1, 2 Corinthians 5:6]. |
2020-3-20 | Doug Batchelor: If you are still in touch with Doug Batchelor, you should correct him about being a false teacher? |
2020-3-20 | Beast Into Hell in Revelation: How do you explain the verses about the beast and false prophet cast into hell if this is about 70AD? [Revelation 19]. |
2020-3-20 | Revelation about End Times: What parts of Revelation do you apply to 70 AD? |
2020-3-20 | Soften Heart: Can you give me some examples of where God softened someone's heart? [Ezekiel 36:26, Acts 16:14]. |
2020-3-20 | The Watchers in the Bible: What do you know about "the watchers" in scripture? [Daniel 4:13]. |
2020-3-20 | Crispus and Sosthenes: Were the rulers Crispus and Sosthenes the same man in the passage in Acts where Paul was beaten? [Acts 18:18]. |
2020-3-20 | The Gospel in Mark: What does Mark mean when he refers to the gospel in his writings? [Mark 1:15, Isaiah 52:7]. |
2020-3-20 | Cremation: What doe the Bible say about cremation? |
2020-3-20 | Curtain Torn in the Temple: Why does only the book of Matthew record the curtain being torn in the temple? [Matthew 27:51]. |
2020-3-20 | Can One Lose Their Salvation: Do you think someone can lose their salvation? [2 Thessalonians 2, Hebrews 3:1, 12, I John 5:11, Luke 15]. |
2020-3-20 | Coronavirus: What do you think about the Coronavirus and its ramifications? |
2020-3-20 | Beasts in Revelation: I just want to point out the two beasts in Revelation and their identity and how it is connected to the papacy and Catholic church. [Revelation 13]. |
2020-3-20 | Call failed: Call failed. |
2020-3-20 | Calvinist Views of Election & Predestination: Could you talk about the Calvinist views of election, being chosen, and predestination held by some of the leading Calvinists, such as Calvin and Sproul? [Romans 8-9]. |
2020-3-20 | Coronavirus: The Coronavirus did not come from China. |
2020-3-20 | Rapture Can Happen Any Time: What do you think about those that say that the rapture can come at any time, even though there seems to be some things that need to happen first? [2 Thessalonians 2]. |
2020-3-20 | Garden of Eden: Do you think that scripture indicates that the Garden of Eden was a separate place, like in a bubble? [Genesis 3:1]. |