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Date Topic Audio
2020-7-14 Hell and Jesus' Eternal Torment: If Jesus took our punishment for sin, and the punishment is eternal damnation, will Jesus then suffer eternally? [Romans 3:23, Ezekiel 18:20-24].
2020-7-14 Cashless Society: What is the best answer for the Dispensationalist's concern over the threat of shortage of coins suggesting a coming cashless society? [Revelation 13:17].
2020-7-14 Christian Parents and Child's Homosexual wedding : Should I attend my adult son's homosexual wedding? What should I say to him regarding my position?
2020-7-14 Lazarus and the Rich Man: Does the story of "Lazarus and The Rich Man" tell us what hell is going to be like? [Revelation 20, Luke 16:19-31].
2020-7-13 "Day Off" for Jesus & the Prophets: Did Jesus or the prophets ever take a "day off"?
2020-7-13 Jesus at Capernaum: When Jesus was waiting at Capernaum, was it a time for rest and relaxation, or was He waiting for a specific timing?
2020-7-13 Prophet (Elijah) Rest and Depression: Was the prophet, Elijah, who struggled with depression, needing "time off"?
2020-7-13 Prophetic Dreams in the 1970s: Were there a lot of prophetic dreams about end times in the 1970's? (Original call started at 1:25)
2020-7-13 Prophetic Dreams Today: Is it true that many of the "prophetic" dreams of many today regarding current events are primarily coming from Dispensationalists? (Original call started @ 1:25)
2020-7-13 PayPay for Donations: Can we use PayPay to donate that now?
2020-7-13 Third Temple Mystery: Isn't the Third Temple the mystery of Christ and the church?
2020-7-13 Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Is the power lacking in the church today because many may not have experienced the "Baptism of the Spirit"? [Acts 10, Acts 19].
2020-7-13 Believers Not Experiencing the Power of the Holy Spirit: What do you say to a believer who has not experienced the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives?[Hebrews 8:10, Ezekiel 36:25, Ezekiel 11:19, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 5:18].
2020-7-13 Power No Longer Manifested in the Church: Is not the church not manifesting the power of God today as it should be? [Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:4, I Corinthians 4:20].
2020-7-13 Books Removed from the Bible: Why did church leaders remove some of the books of the, such as, Enoch, and Maccabees?
2020-7-13 Sabbath Required: Messianic Caller comments on salvation coming from the Jews, and the need to worship on the Sabbath and keep The Mosaic Law (Steve disagrees and recommends his lecture series, "Jewish Roots" at
2020-7-13 Antichrist is Present Now: Is it possible that we may be missing the presence of the antichrist in our culture today? [I John 2:18-22, 2 John 1:7].
2020-7-13 Damage from Dispensationalism Culture: Do you think that some of the fall-out from the Jesus movement and Dispensationalism did some damage to the reputation of the church which is evidencing itself today?
2020-7-10 Point of No Return: Is there a condition noted in the Bible that describes "a point of no return"? [Romans 1:28, Matthew 7:6].
2020-7-10 Responding to "Black Lives Matter": Responding to "Black Lives Matter" painting on the street, should Christians write "White Lives Matter"?
2020-7-10 God Loves Me More than Anything: What verses would you say would be the best support the idea that God loves us and really wants us to be saved more than anything? [John 3:16, I John 3:16, Romans 5:8-10].
2020-7-10 Great and Terrible Day of the Lord: What is the "great and terrible day of the Lord" in Malachi? [Malachi 4:5-6, Deuteronomy 28, Leviticus 26, Joel 2:31, Acts 2, 2 Peter 3:10-12].
2020-7-10 If We Fail God in Helping Another Come to Christ: What would God do with us, if we were responsible for someone's salvation, and we didn't do what we needed to do? [Matthew 18:6, Luke 17:2].
2020-7-10 Regarding My Unsaved Relatives: (Caller never asked a question.) [John 12:47-48].
2020-7-10 Animals & Plants Eternal Lives: Would plants and animals have lived forever as Adam and Eve would have, if they had not sinned? [John 3:16].
2020-7-10 Sinners Will or Will Not Inherit the Kingdom of God: Did you mean that no one can inherit the Kingdom of God if they fall into sin? [I Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21].
2020-7-10 Parable of the Mustard Seed: Is the parable of the mustard seed not what it first appears, but about something bad developing in the church? [Luke 13:18-20, Ezekiel 17:22, Ezekiel 31:6, Daniel 4:1-18, Luke 8:5, Revelation 2:28, Revelation 22:16, Isaiah 14:12].
2020-7-10 Sons of Kingdom Cast Out & Weeping & Gnashing of Teeth: Could you clarify the meaning of the passage about being "the sons of the kingdom will be cast out where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth"? [Matthew 8:11, Exodus 19:5-6].
2020-7-10 God's Sovereignty: Isn't God completely sovereign? If God wants a child to be born, is there anything we can do to prevent that? [Matthew 10:29, Genesis 50:20, Acts 2:23].
2020-7-10 Struggle to Live Righteously: Can you help me understand the struggle in our spiritual lives - on one hand we are not to live in sin, and yet we keep falling to it. It is scary to consider the consequences! [Romans 7:14-25, Philippians 1:6, Matthew 26:41, Galatians 5:17, James 3:2].
2020-7-09 Contrasting the Calvinist View of Election: In contrast to the Calvinist view, would you talk about your view of election in light of John 6? [John 6:44, John 6:65, John 16:8, John 12:32, Jeremiah 31:3, Hosea 11:4, Matthew 23:37, Acts 2:37, Acts 7:54].
2020-7-09 Four Horses of Revelation: What is your view of the symbolism of the four horses in Revelation 6? [Revelation 6:2, Ezekiel 14:21].
2020-7-09 Roger Williams: Do you know anything about Roger Williams who was the founder of the Baptists?
2020-7-09 Woman (Harlot) in Revelation: What do you think of the woman (the Harlot) in Revelation 17 represents? [Revelation 17:18].
2020-7-09 Jehovah Witness View that Jesus is Not God: What do you say to a Jehovah Witness to respond to their belief that Jesus is not God? Topical series recommended:Knowing God. [John 1:1].
2020-7-09 Jehovah Witness Views of Government Involvement: How would you respond to the Jehovah Witness view of not becoming involved in government issues? [Matthew 25:31-36, James 2:16].
2020-7-09 Kingdom of God-Now or Later: Would you reconcile the two verses about "The Kingdom of God" and whether it is now or later? [Acts 1:6, Daniel 2:44, Mark 1:15, Mark 4:26-29, Matthew 3:2, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 13:31-33, Luke 17:20 ].
2020-7-09 Moses Meekest Man: It is hard to believe that Moses was the most humble and meek man, and odd that he wrote this about himself. Would you comment? [Numbers 12:3, Matthew 11:29, Deuteronomy 34:10-12].
2020-7-09 Revelation Mostly Fulfilled (Partial Preterist): Could you comment on your view that most of the book of Revelation has been fulfilled? [Revelation 11:1-2, Revelation 1:1-3, Revelation 22:10, Revelation 13:18].
2020-7-09 Regarding the "Mark of the Beast": Do you see a parallel between Arabic symbols and the "Mark of the Beast"? [Revelation 13:18, Revelation 14:1, Revelation 22:10, Daniel 12:4-9, Revelation 1:1-3].
2020-7-09 Encouragement Needed: What would you recommend I do to help me feel less discouraged with current events in our culture? [Psalms].
2020-7-09 Fellowship Suggestion for Davis (Sacramento), CA: Do you have any suggestions about connecting to people for fellowship near Davis (Sacramento), California.
2020-7-08 Bible Commentators: Would you recommend some authors of Bible Commentaries (Derek Kidner, F.F. Bruce, Tyndale series).
2020-7-08 Prophets & Idol Worship in Church Today: Regarding prophets and idol worship in the church today-how does it look and how does one judge them? [I John 4, Deuteronomy 18, Deuteronomy 13, Jeremiah 28, Acts 11, Acts 20, 2 John 1:7].
2020-7-08 Dating One's Wife: Do you think that the counsel of "dating your wife" is wise and according to scripture and Paul's exhortations. [I Corinthians 7:29, I Peter 3].
2020-7-08 Counsel of the Gods & Michael Heiser: What do you think of Michael Heiser's ideas, especially the "counsel of the gods"? [Psalm 82].
2020-7-08 Why Did God Create the Evil Realm: If God is so good and all-powerful, why would He create a evil realm, its consequences, and competition for righteousness?
2020-7-08 Eternal Security: Do you have lectures available on the topic of "Once Saved, Always Saved"?
2020-7-08 Judgment Because of Abortion: Do you think that we are suffering judgment because of our sinfulness and supporting abortion? [2 Kings 21].
2020-7-08 Baptism and Verse from Old Testament: Could one link these verses to baptism? [2 Kings 6:6, Job 26:5].