Marriage a Lifelong committment:A lifelong committment is what marriage is about, & divorces are just like fast-food express, getitng one anytime they want nowadays, Michael the Buddhist want to chime in regarding the first call.
Hell-Universal restoration:Caller believes in the 2nd chance doctrine once they are in hell, & so what is hell & who goes there & how long is it going to last? (Steve's answer cuts out a lot, like not a good internet connection.)
John MacArthur's & Reckless Teachers:Caller says that MacArthur thinks there's a lot of reckless Bible teachers out there. (again, audio cuts out a lot.)
Widow's Mite & John NacArthur:John MacArthur thinks the interpretation of the Widow's Mite story is wrong....that she should've given all of her money, that Jesus wasn't commending her but admonishing her. [Mark 12:41-44, Luke 21:1-4]
Home Church:Who's interpreting the Bible in a home church setting, & caller thinks steve is using circular reasoning. He also answers a question a caller asked this caller on the previous show specifically for him, about what is the role of Holy Ghost. (Lengthy Discussion; kept seeming like it was going to end, but then continued.)
Think not that i came to Destroy:Jesus did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill, but that still doesn't make the law obsolete, does it?, the caller would like to know. [Matthew 5:17-19, Jeremiah 31:31] (A very lengthy debate about still needing to keep the law.)
Source Criticism:Caller would like Steve to talk about "source criticism" for the synoptic gospels & wondering if he believes it's true or not & what evidence do we have?
Jesus Equal with God & Broke the Sabbath:Jesus broke the Sabbath & claimed He was equal with God, but is there any ambiguity of what it is saying? [John 5:15-18]
No Condemnation by not indulging in the Flesh:Tbere is o condemnation, so does that mean just not indulging in the flesh & living by the Spirit? Some think that just as long as you say you are a Christian, you have a license to sin, & there's no condemnation. What do you think? [Romans 8:1]
Mark of the Beast being a Sabbath Issue:Caller thinks that the Mark of the Beast is going to be an issue of worship, whether you worship on Saturay, the Sabbath, or on Sunday or not.
Speaking in Tongues or Love:Speaking in tongues is the only real evidence that you are filled w/ the Holy Spirit, according to the listener's friend. What does Steve think about this? [1 Corinthians 13:1]
Gjving Samuel to the Priests in the Sanctuary:Caller thinks children being given to priests in the Bible seems pretty offensive to her, worried about sexual abuse like has happened in the Catholic Church. [1 Samuel 1, 1 Samuel 2, Matthew 10:37]
Roles of the 3 Person Godhead:Can Steve please talk about the different roles of the 3 Persons in the Godhead, is it okay to be worshipping the Holy Spirit?
Keeping the Law:God told us to keep the law, so Jesus never said NOT to keep the law, that He was speaking the Doctrine of His Father, which taught the law, so we have to keep it.
Jesus' Disciples Baptizing:What were the disciples baptizing for since Jesus hadn't died & rose again yet? The same as John the Baptist's baptism about Repentance? [John 4:1-2, Acts 19]
Punishment Despite God Letting People Go:Is there still a judgement & punishment for the people God had already let go with reprobate minds? [Romans 1]
Purpose of God's Wrath:What is the purpose of God's wrath? Is it to satisfy His righteous requirements or is it just leaving man to his own devices? [Romans 1, 2 Thessalonians 1:6, Ezekiel 33:11]
Putting on the Full Armor of God, combating Demonic Activity:Caller is concerned about having the full armor of God, fighting emonic or supernatural influences in her home, feeling very afraid. [Ephesians 6:14-17] (same caller as 2nd of same show.)
Animal Sacrifice & Zionism:Messianic Jews, final sacrifice, the time between the 69th & 70th week of Daniel, & caller thinks Zionism is a very dangerous idea: