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Date Topic Audio
2025-1-06 Women Crucified: Were women in biblical times also crucified? If not, what punishments were they subjected to? If so, was she stripped and hanged there naked?
2025-1-06 Joke (Dog & God): If a dog is man's best friend, what does that make God? The opposite (DOG vs GOD).
2025-1-06 The Prophecy of the Virgin Birth: Regarding the Isaiah prophecy typically applied to the birth of Christ, couldn't the word for "virgin" just mean "a young woman" and is about Isaiah's child? [Matthew 1:14, Isaiah 7:15-16, Isaiah 8:4-8, Isaiah 37:22].
2025-1-06 The Flood Narrative (Local): Is there a biblical argument that supports a regional flood (rather than a global one)? Evidence given for a global flood.
2025-1-06 "I Never Knew You" (Assurance of Salvation): In light of Jesus saying "Depart from me, I never knew you," what do we need to do to make sure He knows us? [Matthew 7:21-23, Luke 6:46, Luke 13:25-27, Galatians 5:17, Romans 7:15, Matthew 16:24, Matthew 25:23].
2025-1-06 Evidence for the Flood: Caller shares her thoughts about the evidence for the flood.
2025-1-03 Chronology Error 2 Chronicles: How could Ahaziah be 42 years old when he reigned, but his father, Jehoram, died at age 40? (How do you reconcile errors or contradictions)? [2 Chronicles 22:2, 2 Kings 8:25-26].
2025-1-03 Age of Grace & the Tares: As a non-Dispensationalist, do you believe that we are we living in the Age of Grace? Can "tares" be saved (like the Pharisees)? [Matthew 13:24-30, 37-43].
2025-1-03 Current Political Climate & Revival: In light of current political changes and climate, including "Christian Nationalism," is America heading toward revival?
2025-1-03 "The Lord's Prayer" Variances in Gospels: Why is part "The Lord's Prayer" in Matthew 6:12, not in Luke 11? (Matthew 6:12, Luke 11].
2025-1-03 Changing Scripture "One Jot or Tittle": How do we reconcile variations in scriptural text if we are not to change "one jot or tittle?" [Matthew 5:18, Proverbs 30"6, Deuteronomy 4:2, Revelation 22:18].
2025-1-03 Steve Gregg's Speaking Schedule: Are you planning to come to Arizona again this year?
2025-1-03 Leading Others to a Deeper Walk with Christ (within the Same Household): What is the best way to help others in the same household to know Christ, as I do (as an adult son)? REC: Steve's books on the Kingdom of God "Empire of the Risen Son, Vol 1 & 2" or the free audio books at the website.
2025-1-03 Imagination: Most Bible references seem to be negative about "imagination," so what purpose does "imagination" be? [Romans 1:21, 2 Corinthians 10:5, Psalm 6:18-19, Genesis 6:5, Philippians 4:6-7, Psalm 84:11, Romans 10:17, Matthew 5:28].
2025-1-03 Mormon Guest at Christian Bible Study: What do you think about my wife's reservations about a Mormon attending our Bible study?
2025-1-03 Sex Education of Children: How should we, as Christian parents, begin to talk about the "birds and bees?" Should we, and if so, when?
2025-1-02 Origins of the Pharisees & Sadduccees: What is the origin of the Pharisees and Sadduccees? [Mark 7:5-9].
2025-1-02 Hell-Eternal Conscious Torment (ETC): Why do so many denominations require agreement with the "Eternal Conscious Torment" view of hell for church membership? Do they think the fear factor is the most effective evangelical method? REC: "Why Hell?" by Steve Gregg.
2025-1-02 Differences Between Denominations: What is the biggest difference between the various Christian denominations? [Romans 14:1-5, 1 Corinthians 1:12].
2025-1-02 Adam & Eve Fruitfulness: Why weren't Adam and Eve being frutiful and multiplying before the fall? [Genesis 1-4].
2025-1-02 Billy Graham & the Masons: What is your take on Billy Graham, in light of some strong criticism about his involvement in the Masons, and so on?
2025-1-02 Holy "Ghost" & the Holy "Spirit": Is there a difference between the "Holy Spirit" or the "Holy Ghost?"
2025-1-02 Serving God in the Afterlife & Deathbed Conversions: Will we be serving God in the afterlife? Will those who get saved on their deathbed be able to serve God then? [Matthew 16:27].
2024-12-31 Laws Regarding Eating Animals: Would you explain the Leviticus laws about animals that were not to be eaten? Was this law for everyone? REC: Verse-by-verse lectures on Leviticus. [Leviticus 11:2-4, 1 Timothy 4:4-5, Matthew 15:11, Romans 14:14].
2024-12-31 "Foolish Things Confound the Wise": Could you explain "God has chosen the foolish thing to confound the wise?"[1 Corinthians 1:26-27, 1 Corinthinas 2:1-6, 1 Corinthians 1:21, 1 Corinthians 1:29].
2024-12-31 Proverbs on Evil Man's Wealth: Could you explain the proverb about evil men's wealth ending up in the hands of the righteous? [Proverbs 13:22, Matthew 5:5]
2024-12-31 "I Am". Why did God say His name was "I Am" and why don't we refer to Him by that name? [Exodus 3:7-8, Exodus 3:13-14].
2024-12-31 Socerer's Limitations: Why could the sorcerers in Exodus do some of the miracles (or tricks), but not all of them? [Exodus 8:18].
2024-12-31 70th Week of Daniel: Was the 70th week of Daniel possibly referring to a week instead of a year? [Matthew 23].
2024-12-31 Covering or Protection Passages: Could the covering (or protection) of God suggested in Matthew and Daniel be relative? [Matthew 23, Daniel 9:27].
2024-12-31 Salvation or Coverting a Soul: If people say or pray the right things (as they are guided in good tracts) can that save them? [Matthew 16:24, Luke 9:23, Isaiah 29:13].
2024-12-31 "The Rapture" in Scripture: Is there anything in the Bible about "the rapture" and where that if found? REC: Topical lectures at the website "When Shall These Things Be?" [1 Thessalonians 4:16-17].
2024-12-31 Eschatology of Steve Gregg: What is your eschatological view? Are you Amillennial?
2024-12-31 Full Preterism vs Partial Preterism: What is the biggest difference between partial and full preterism? REC: Steve's book "Why Not Full Preterism?"
2024-12-30 Full Preterism: If Full Preterism is true, then wouldn't everyone born after A.D. 70 be born in the pre-sin condition as was Adam?
2024-12-30 Isaiah & Future Deliverance: What is the significance and application of this verse about deliverance from Babylon and its relationship to the future? [Isaiah 46:13].
2024-12-30 Exorcisms with Paper Bags: What did you say about exorcisms where they handout bags for people to throw up the demons?
2024-12-30 Benefits to God (Motivation for Salvation): Why do you emphasize the importance of God's benefits over ours when we are saved, rather than the benefits to us in the resurrection and eternity in heaven? [Matthew 16:24-25, 1 Corinthians 15:32].
2024-12-30 Liturgy & Eastern Orthodoxy: Could you talk about the lack of liturgy of the early church, in contrast to what the Eastern Orthodox Church claims? [1 Corinthians 12-14, 1 Corinthians 11:21].
2024-12-30 Old Earth (24-hour Days): Could the days in Genesis actually be symbolic of long periods of time, rather than 24-hr days, thus justifying "old earth" and aligning with science? [Genesis 1:14, Revelation 21:23].
2024-12-30 "The Jesus Christ Show" (Radio Program): Isn't "The Jesus Christ Show" blasphemous?
2024-12-27 "Angels on Her Head" & Head Coverings: Could you explain the verse about women's head coverings and "angels on her head?" REC: Topical articles "Headcoverings and Women." [1 Corinthians 11:10, 1 Corinthians 11:3-16, Numbers 6:1-21].
2024-12-27 Motivation for "Christian Living" Disagreement: Is my understanding of the motivation for living the Christian life different than yours, when it comes to the pending judgment and the rewards of heaven? [Matthew 16:24-27].
2024-12-27 Caller compliments the ministry on the website
2024-12-27 Seek Marriage? or Stay Single? Online Dating?: What about seeking a wife and online dating? [1 Corinthians 7:9, 1 Corinthians 7:1-2, 1 Corinthians 7:26].
2024-12-27 Orthodox Churches: What red flags should we be aware of when exploring the Orthodox Churches (Eastern Orthodox)?
2024-12-27 Head Coverings: Caller shares Chris Vallotin's (Bethel) book "Fashioned to Reign: Empowering Women to Fulfill Their Divine Destiny" for more information on head coverings.
2024-12-27 Abraham's Circumscison: Who circumscised Abraham? Was he the first? [Genesis 17:24].
2024-12-27 Call No Man "Teacher, Father, Rabbi": What was meant by "call no man teacher, rabbi, or father?" [Matthew 23:7, 1 Corinthans 4:15].
2024-12-26 Conspiracy Theories: When did conspiracy theories become such a focus of Christian churches?