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Date Topic Audio
2020-4-30 Paul After His House Arrest: What happened to Paul after waiting to speak to Nero, while under house arrest, at the end of the book of Acts? [Acts, 2 Timothy, 2 Timothy 4:8].
2020-4-30 Amillennial View of Intermediate State Before the Resurrection: In the amillennial view, do believers live with Christ, while the unbelievers are not conscious until the resurrection, as in soul sleep? [Revelation 20].
2020-4-30 Dangerous Bible Translation Differences: Would you comment on the excluded passages in some of the translations which I maintain indicate dangerous doctrines. [Luke 4:4, Deuteronomy 8, I John 5:7-8].
2020-4-30 Christ Reigns in New Jerusalem: Is Christ going to reign in the New Jerusalem?
2020-4-30 Land of Israel Now: Why is there no significance to the land, the real estate, of Israel?
2020-4-30 Promises to Abraham: What are the three main promises God made to Abraham? [Romans 4:13, Psalm 2:8]
2020-4-30 Apollos' Eloquent Speaking: Is there scripture that indicates that Apollos was an enticing or eloquent speaker? [Acts 18:24].
2020-4-30 Wood, Hay, Stubble, Gold, Silver, Precious Stones: Is the wood, hay, and stubble, the wicked, and the gold, silver, and precious stones the faithful, in the letter to the Corinthians? [I Corinthians 1-3:6-14, I Peter 2:5, Malachi 3, Isaiah 1:22].
2020-4-30 Whose Blood in Revelation: Whose blood is on the robe in Revelation 19 - Jesus, Martyrs, or enemies? [Revelation 19:13, Isaiah 63:1-3]
2020-4-30 Parables-Bridegroom, Wineskins, Patches: Could you clarify Jesus' answer as to why the disciples don't fast like the Pharisees do, in the parables about the bridegroom, wineskins, and patches? [Matthew 9:14-17, John 3].
2020-4-30 Questions Answered by Email: Do you answer questions by email?
2020-4-29 Extraterrestrial Life: What is the Christian viewpoint of the possibility of extraterrestrial life and UFOs from other planets?
2020-4-29 Man of Lawlessness: Is the papacy the man of lawlessness? [2 Thessalonians 2:3-4].
2020-4-29 Against the Future Establishment of Israel & Davidic King: What is the best argument against the future establishment of the land of Israel and Davidic King? [Acts 2:36, Acts 13, Mark 11:10, Luke 17:40, Exodus 19:5-6, Deuteronomy 26 & 28:45-46, Leviticus 18:28].
2020-4-29 Church of Christ; Full Preterism & Baptism: What do you think about those in the Church of Christ who believe in Full Preterism and that baptism being required for Salvation?
2020-4-29 Preterists & the Second Coming: What do Preterists believe about the future events surrounding the second coming?
2020-4-29 Aliens, Extraterrestrial, Nephilim Theory: What do you think about my view of the possibility of aliens being of the mixing of angels with mankind described in Genesis? [Genesis 6, Daniel 2, 2:44, Jude, 2 Peter 2, Colossians 1:13].
2020-4-29 Sadduccees & Pharisees on the Resurrection: Were the Sadducees or the Pharisees more closely aligned to the teachings of scripture regarding the resurrection? [Acts 23:6, 24:16].
2020-4-29 Sadducees & Pharisees: Were the Sadducees like our modern liberals and the Pharisees, the conservatives?
2020-4-29 Church of Christ Bans Singing: Is the Church of Christ a cult because it bans singing?
2020-4-29 The Value of Reading the Bible's Genealogies: As a new reader to the Bible, is it really necessary to read the laborious genealogies? [Genesis 37].
2020-4-29 Abundant Life: What did Jesus mean by "abundant life"? [John 10:10, Luke 12:15, Galatians 5:22-23].
2020-4-28 Calvinism-Total Depravity or Elect: Is there a place in Calvinism in-between the two extremes; either elect (or called), or totally depraved? [John 12:32, Acts 10, 16].
2020-4-28 Saved Heads: Based on this verse in Amos, is God not too happy with people who shave their heads? [Amos 8:10].
2020-4-28 Jesus "a" God: What do you think about a woman who says the original text says that Jesus was a God, and that the word "a" was taken out by Catholics?
2020-4-28 Jesus a Sinner: What do you think about someone who said that Jesus had to have sinned or He would not have been human? [2 Corinthians 5:21].
2020-4-28 Jesus-Half Human & Half God: Was Jesus half God and half human?
2020-4-28 Jesus as The Everlasting Father: When Jesus is called various titles in Isaiah, they make sense, until one gets to "the Everlasting Father". Can you clarify? [Isaiah 6, 9:6].
2020-4-28 Biblical Language for Politically Evil People: Is there Biblical language that describes what the disrespectful press and leftist people are doing to Trump, and what can He say to them more effectively?
2020-4-28 Multiple Marriages: Can you help me understand my status before the Lord, since I have been married several times? [I Corinthians 7:15, Matthew 5: 32, 19:9].
2020-4-28 Clarifying Who Did Not Recognize Him: Who is Jesus referring to in Matthew 17:12, when He says "they"? [Matthew 17:12, 3:7, Malachi 4:5-6, Matthew 11:14, Revelation 11].
2020-4-28 The Two Witnesses: Have the two witnesses come yet, or is that still future?
2020-4-28 Peter & the Keys to the Kingdom: Why did you leave out the verse about Peter getting the keys to the kingdom, in your lecture on The Kingdom of God? [Matthew 16:19, Acts 10].
2020-4-28 End Times Disagreement: In yesterday's show you said several things about end times that I hope to challenge with the scripture you requested; the 7-year tribulation, the appearance of Antichrist, [Daniel 19,11:22, 31-35, Matthew 24].
2020-4-27 Seventh Day Adventist View of Mark of the Beast: Caller disagrees that Steve's view that the Seventh Day Adventist view that the mark of the beast is in reference to those that choose to worship on Sunday is not biblical. [Daniel 7]
2020-4-27 Seventh Day Adventist View of the Sabbath: Caller describes her reasons for believing that we must still keep the Sabbath as believers today.
2020-4-27 Partial-Preterism: Are you a Preterist or a Partial-Preterist? [Micah 5:2].
2020-4-27 Preterist, Partial-Preterism, Historicism, Supersessionism: Discussion of Preterism, Partial-Preterism, Historicism, Supersessionism.
2020-4-27 Prayer in Biblical Inquiry: What place should prayer have in discussions when biblical questions are asked in order to gain unity? [Romans 14]
2020-4-27 Wailing, Gnashing Teeth, Fiery Furnace for Christians Today: Why are Christians today being put in the same torturous circumstances described for the wicked in the Bible, such as wailing, gnashing teeth, and the fiery furnace? [Matthew 13:42, Luke 13:28, I Peter 1:7]
2020-4-27 Doctrines of Demons: Are the many varied translations of the Bible the Doctrine of Demons described in scripture? [I Timothy 4, 2 Timothy 3:1, Revelation}.
2020-4-27 "The Scriptures" Bible Translation: What is your opinion about "The Scriptures" Translation Bible?
2020-4-27 Dispensational View of the Nation of Israel: Does this verse in Jeremiah mean that there must remain a nation of Israel? [Jeremiah 31:35-36, I Peter 2:9-10, 1:8, 2 Thessalonians 2, Daniel 9].
2020-4-27 Corona Virus & Government Regulation: Do you think that the whole country and government is overdoing this Corona Virus thing?
2020-4-27 Great Tribulation: Could it be that The Great Tribulation has been going on since A.D.70?
2020-4-24 End Times Timeline: Is there anything in the book of Revelation that would tell us where we are on the end times timeline? [Revelation].
2020-4-24 Keeping the Sabbath: Caller doesn't agree with Steve regarding keeping the Sabbath. [Exodus 20:8-11, Deuteronomy 4 & 5, Matthew 5:18].
2020-4-24 Baptism & Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Does the Holy Spirit baptize us into the body of Christ and is water baptism similar to a wedding and commemorating our entry into a relationship with Jesus? [I Cor 12:13].
2020-4-24 Who is the Restrainer of the Man of Lawlessness: Who is the restrainer that restrains the Man of Lawlessness ? [2 Thessalonians 2, Daniel 7, Acts 17:7].
2020-4-24 God or Jesus Judging in Two Judgments: Who judges us, God or Jesus, and are there two different judgments, because of the reference to the other books, in addition to the Book of Life? [Revelation 20:12, 2 Timothy 4:1, Matthew 25:31, 7:21-22, John 5:22, 28, I John 3:10].