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Date Topic Audio
2024-8-15 "No Deadly Thing Will Harm You": What is scripture referring to when it says "no deadly thing will harm you?" [Mark 16:17-18].
2024-8-15 "Let the Dead Bury the Dead": What did Jesus mean by "Let the dead bury the dead?" It seemed a little rude. [Luke 9:59].
2024-8-15 "Antichrist" in 1 John: Is it significant that when referring to "antichrist' it says "it?" [1 John 4:3].
2024-8-15 "Spirits" in 1 John: Is the word "spirits" referring to a person or the Holy Spirit? [1 John 4:1-12, 1 Corinthians 14].
2024-8-15 "Truth" & "Light": Is "truth" and "light" the same thing in 1 John? [1 John 2:8-9].
2024-8-15 Relaxation Tapes: Is it acceptable as a Christian, to listen to "relaxation" tapes? [Jeremiah 17:8, Philippians 4:7].
2024-8-15 Proverbs & Ecclesiastes: Caller recommends Proverbs and Ecclesiastes for answers to questions they have.
2024-8-15 Provoking Your Children to Anger: How should I respond to my adult daughter when she is easily and unjustifiably angered, quotes the verse about not provoking children to anger? Isn't this for little children, not adults? [Ephesians 6:4, Ephesians 4:31].
2024-8-15 Organization-Bible Study Fellowship: What do you think of the Christian organization "Bible Study Fellowship" (BSF)?
2024-8-15 Personal Bible Study: What is the best way to do personal Bible study? [John 7:17].
2024-8-14 Repetitive Verses in 1 John: Why are there almost identical repetitive verses in 1 John? Is it a scribe's error? [1 John 2:12-14].
2024-8-14 The "Seed" in 1 John: What is the "seed" in 1 John 3:9? Is it the Holy Spirit? [1 John 3:7-10].
2024-8-14 Bible Study on Matthew: Do you have a favorite book for study of Matthew? Reference to "Wonders of Bible Chronology" by Philip Mauro. Recommended, "The Training of the Twelve" by A.B. Bruce, "The Life & Times of Jesus the Messiah" by Alfred Edersheim, Tyndale Commentaries.
2024-8-14 The End of Solomon's Life: What do we know about the end of Solomon's Life? [1 Kings 11:1-13, Ecclesiastes 12:1-3, Ecclesiastes 12:13].
2024-8-14 "Conditional" or "Eternal" Security: How do you understand Galatians and the "putting on Christ" when considering "conditional" or "eternal" security? [Galatians 2:26-27, Galatians 5:3-4, John 15:6].
2024-8-14 Living Water & Conditional Security: What is the conditional security view of one never thirsting again once taking His "living" water? [John 4:13-14, John 7:37-39, John 2:19].
2024-8-14 Thanks to Steve Gregg: Caller thanks Steve for his ministry and his influence to be baptized as a believing adult.
2024-8-14 Jesus Preaching in Hell: If Jesus went to preach to those in Hades (like Sodom & Gomorrah and Solomon) after His death, was He making a way for those there to repent? [1 Peter 3:19-20].
2024-8-14 God Winks: What do you think about "God winks?" [Acts 17:30-31, Romans 1:20, Psalm 19:1].
2024-8-13 Simon Peter: Was Peter's name always Simon Peter? [John 1:42].
2024-8-13 Women's Head Coverings: Should women wear cloth head coverings, or is their hair a head covering? Rec: Steve's article on Head coverings at the website. [1 Corinthians 11:1-6, 1 Corinthians 11:16].
2024-8-13 Dating Relationships, Birth Control & Choosing Not to Have Children: Is having children a biblical mandate? Am I wrong to think that a potential spouse of mine is wrong to not want children? Rec: The book "The Way Home" by Mary Pride, and topical lecture "Vision for Children." [Romans 14:23, Psalm 127:4].
2024-8-13 Church Youth Groups: Is the typical church youth group helping or hurting our kids? [Luke 14:28].
2024-8-13 The "Image" of God: What does "in the image of God" mean? [Genesis 18:1, Genesis 1:27].
2024-8-13 Head Coverings: How do the little caps (yamakas) on Jewish men's heads fit into the scripture about men not wearing head coverings? [1 Corinthians 11:7, 1 Corinthians 11:16].
2024-8-13 Disagreement about Eternal Security: What do you think about these verses and how they imply that we cannot lose our salvation? [2 Peter 1:5-11, 2 Peter 20-21].
2024-8-13 Disagreement-About Having Children: Why do you think that commands in the Old Testament still apply to us in regard to having children? [1 Corinthians 7:2, Matthew 19:10].
2024-8-13 Daniel's Return to Earth: Could you explain the scripture about Daniel's return and resurrection? [Daniel 12:13].
2024-8-12 Plagiarized Sermons: What do you think about a pastor using plagiarized sermons? How do we handle approaching him about this?
2024-8-12 Meaning of the Parable "Lazarus & the Rich Man": Isn't the main point of the parable of "Lazarus & the Rich Man" simply telling us to be generous? [John 5:43-44, Luke 16:19-31].
2024-8-12 Helping Drug Addicted Adult Children: What scriptures teaches limits one should have in helping their drug-addicted son? [Luke 9, Proverbs 19:18, Hebrews 12:6].
2024-8-12 Eternal Security (Cannot Snatch Us Out of His Hand): How literal is Jesus being when He says that no one can "snatch" us out of His hand? Is this hyperbole or literal? [John 10:27-29, Isaiah 53:6, Hebrews 3:12, Romans 8:35].
2024-8-12 No Apostasy Possible (Never Really Saved): How do you respond to someone who says that if anyone ever seems to leave the Lord (apostasy), they were never really saved?
2024-8-12 The Ignorant (or Innocent) Destined to Hell: How do you address the claim that those that don't know Christ are destined to hell, even if they have never heard of Him? [Romans 7:9, Matthew 19:14, Matthew 16:27, Romans 2:5-10, Matthew 25:31-46, 2 Corinthians 5:10, 1 Peter 1:17, Revelation 20:12, 2 Timothy 2:12, 1 Corinthians 4:5].
2024-8-12 Addressing Church Structure with Leadership: As an involved member of my church, am I in a position to address problems in our church structure? Rec: Topical lectures "Some Assembly Required."
2024-8-09 Assurance of Salvation & Receiving the Holy Spirit: Accolades from a 91 yr old former fighter pilot and then a series of inquiries about being assured of his salvation, the receiving of the Holy Spirit, and living according to the law. [Romans 8:9, Galatians 3:3-5, Matthew 7:11, 2 Corinthians 13:5-6].
2024-8-09 My Sin Makes Christ a Sinner: Since I am part of the body of Christ, if I sin, does that make Christ a sinner?
2024-8-09 Sex, Confession & Church Discipline: Do you think that two years relief from missions work is enough discipline for someone who fell to sexual sin with his fiancée?
2024-8-09 Jesus Ministry Only for the Jews: Scripture seems to indicate that Jesus' ministry was only for the Jews (Israel), but later we know it was also for Gentiles. Did the plan change, or was that the plan all along? [Matthew 15:26-28, Matthew 8:5-13, Luke 7:1-10, Luke 4:27, 2 Kings 5:14, John 10:16].
2024-8-09 Jesus Wrong about His Coming Being Soon: Scripture says that Jesus was going to return before some there were to see death, but how can that be since it was so long ago? [Matthew 16:24-28, Luke 9:27, Mark 16:28].
2024-8-09 Samuel and Saul: Why was Samuel grieving over Saul? Wasn't Samuel lying when he chose to not tell the whole truth about the anointing the king? [1 Samuel 16:2].
2024-8-09 Steve Gregg as a Pastor: Caller compliments Steve's ministry and says that Steve is his pastor.
2024-8-09 Wife's Family Doesn't Like Her Husband: What do I do about my wife's family who doesn't like me, and yet she continues to have a relationship with them?
2024-8-09 "His" People: If He saves His people, who are "His" people? Is it everyone? [Matthew 1:21].
2024-8-09 Homosexuality Makes God Sin: Doesn't two homosexuals having sex cause God to sin? Can't God forgive Himself any number of times, because He is God? [1 John 1:9].
2024-8-09 Luke's Conversion: When do you think that Luke was converted? [Colossians 4:10-14].
2024-8-08 Contradiction about Non-Christian Friends (Unequally Yoked): Should we have non-Christian friends? It seems there is a contradiction in Luke 16 and 1 Corinthians 6. [Luke 16:9, 1 Corinthians 6:17].
2024-8-08 Divination and Casting Lots: Can you help me sort out the seeking the Lord's will by "casting of lots" contrasted with divination? [Proverbs 16:33, Acts 1:12-26].
2024-8-08 Employment in a Secular Company: What do you think about someone being in higher management in a secular company?
2024-8-08 Conundrum-John Baptizing Jesus While in Prison: How could John have baptized Jesus if he was in prison? [Luke 3:20-21].