The Inspiration of the Bible:Daughter in law has a problem believing in the authenticity of the Bible because when she went to school she was told that the Bible was just man-made.
Hell, Traditional View:Hell seems to be a place of eternal punishment, & how do you reconcile the 5 verses that seem to suggest that it is eternal? [Matthew 25:41, 46, Revelation 20:10, 14:11]
Noah's Flood & Sodom & Gomorrah:So do you think there won't be major catastrophe like happened in the ancient days like Noah's Flood & Sodom & Gomorrah?
Paul's conflicting instruction towards widows:Why did Paul seem to contradict himself in his instruction to widows, where he advised some to get married again & others not to get married? [1 Timothy 5:11-14]
Feeding & Clothing the Poor:We need to have Christ-like behavior towards our fellow man according to this passage of Scripture, feeding & clothing the poor & so on? [Matthew 7 & 25]
Son of God at Jesus' Incarnation:Where could I find a good resource or book about the "Son of God" only referring to Jesus after His Incarnation? [John 1]
The word "Eternal":If everything else that talks about being eternal is actually "eternal", why wouldn't eternal punishment & eternal fire mean the same thing also? [Matthew 25]
Creation Week & the Angels:Were the Angels created at the same time the universe was created or were they created before God the Heavens & the Earth? Were the angels bored? was Satan & the demons originally angels?
[Zechariah 6:1-8 & Revelation 6:1-8]:Are these verses talking about the same thing, & or can you please just explain the 4 Horsemen? [Zechariah 6:1-8, Revelation 6:1-8]
Being born-again before the Cross:How could the lady caught in adultery be told to never sin again & be a born-again, regenerate Christian, since Jesus hadn't died yet, & the Holy Spirit hadn't come upon people? Or how could Nicodemus be rebuked for not understanding the process of being born-again since it hadn't happened yet? [1 Peter 1:11, John 3, 8:1-11]
God forgiving but also demanding Justice:Jesus told the Father to not hold the charge of killing Him to their charge, & Stephen asked the people stoning him to be forgiven, but what about the Justice God demands of people who haven't repented themselves? [Luke 23:34, Acts 7:60]
Full Preterism:What verses prevents you from going into Full Preterism, since you are a preterist? [Revelation 21:1-4, Matthew 22:30, 1 Corinthians 15:53-55, Romans 8:18-25]
Sowing & Reaping:Sowing & Reaping, why did they have to wait until the 3rd year to sow & reap? Does it have to do with being that the 3rd year is a Jubilee? [2 Kings 19:29-30]
Tribulation:So you seem to think that we are going to go through a tribulation, but it says we are not supposed to go through the wrath of God, so doesn't this necessitate that there's going to be a pre-trib rapture? [1 Thessalonians 5:9, Luke 17:22-37]
Study Bibles & too much Doctrine:Sometimes you just need to sit down & read the Bible & let the Holy Spirit just take over. What is the best study Bible, though?
Justified & Sanctified:Michael the Buddhist called to give some insight & ask about justification & sanctification. It's all God's glory that we want to exploit, it's not about ourselves.
Speaking in Tongues:Speaking in tongues as a sign that you are filled w/ the Holy Spirit, & does Paul contradict himself about speaking in tongues? [1 Corinthians 14:22-23]
1290 Days & 1335 Days:Can you explain the difference between the 1290 days & 1335 days, after the sacrificial system ceased, which is found at the end of the book of Daniel? [Daniel 12:11-12]
Differing Accounts of the Gospels:The man who had the demons, who lived amongst the tombs, there seems to be 2 differing accounts, one version that Mark & Luke mention in contrast to what Matthew depicts. What's going on here? [Matthew 8:27-34]
Apparent Contradiction:There's a verse that says God is a rewarder of the those that diligently seem Him, but then there's another verse that says NO ONE seeks after Him. How do you harmonize these verses? [Hebrews 11:6, Romans 3:11, Psalm 14, 34, Jeremiah 29]
A Liar & a Murderer from the beginning:Wasn't Satan a created being, a good/neutral being? How did he become so evil? When did the demons join him? When it says that he was a murderer & a liar from the beginning, is that just hyperbole to prove a point about him? [John 8:44]
Hebrew Roots - Messianic Jews:There are some legalists in EVERY group, but just because you want to do additional things than most Christians do, like keeping the festivals, that does NOT mean you are a legalist...necessarily. [Romans 14:5-6, Colossians 2:14-18, Galatians 4:8-10]
Gift of Prophecy:What is the role of prophecy for today? Someone thinks 2014 & 2015 are going to be turbulent times, martial law & so on. [1 Corinthians 7:7, 1 Peter 4:11, 1 Timothy 4:14, 2 Timothy 1:6, Ephesians 4:11, Galatians 5:22-23, Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 14:1-15]
Searching for Perfect Church & 2 by 2's:My son & daughter in law have come across a group called, "Two by twos", who strongly believe in home church, & just wondering if you have any thoughts on this group?
Matthew Henry & the NLT (New Living Translation):What do you think of Matthew Henry? What do you think of the NLT, especially in Spanish, where they seem to change a lot of things?