Righteous & Unrighteous Resurrected Together:Is there any place in scripture where the righteous and unrighteous are specifically raised together, in contrast to there being two resurrections? [John 5:28-29, Acts 24:15].
Two Deaths & Two Resurrections:What do you think about the fact that there seems to be two deaths and two resurrections in scripture? [Revelation 20:5-6, Revelation 20:15].
Steve Gregg's New Books:Caller commends Steve's ministry and his new books; "The Empire of the Risen Son"-("There is Another King", Vol 1. & "All the King's Men", Vol. 2).
Paul "Under the Law":How does Paul become "as those under the law" when he is with them, clarifying the meaning of the Greek word being "in" rather than "under"? [I Corinthians 9:19-23, Acts 19].
New Apostolic Reformation & False Prophets:New Apostolic Reformation & false prophets seem to be supported in my church, should I look for another church?
Imputed Righteousness Availing Much in Prayer:Will our prayers be effective and avail much because of God's imputed righteousness? [James 5:16, I John 3:7].
Ornan, the Jebusite (or Araunah):Is there any more information about Ornan, the Jebusite (or Araunah) - who was he, and why was he not afraid of the angel ? [I Chronicles 21:15-25, 2 Samuel 24].
Defining "Judging":Have you ever heard someone use Leviticus to help to define what a witness is, particularly relative to a judgment within the church? [Leviticus 4, Leviticus 5:1].
God's Love & Mercy:Comment that many imprisoned sinners often are products of a hard life, so Steve talks about God's love and mercy toward sinners. [Psalm 103, Romans 5:8].
Marriage & Infidelity:At what point does one give up on one's marriage if infidelity is likely taking place, but has not be absolutely proven? [I Corinthians 7:15].
One or Two Physical Resurrections for Believers?Is there is only one physical resurrection for believers, or are there two? [Revelation 20:5, John 5:24-29, Ephesians 2:1, Colossians 2:12-13, Acts 24:15].
Hebrew Roots (Messianic Movement):Can I listen to a replay of a call you had on the radio program about the Hebrew Roots (Messianic) movement? Recommended lecture; Hebrew Roots. [Galatians 5:4].
Liturgy & Traditions for Worship:Should our worship include some of the liturgy of the Catholic church or Old Testament Jewish traditions? How do we determine what to include?
Catholic Traditions & Inconsistencies:Are not Catholics inconsistent when they indicate there are not new revelations since scripture was written, however they have all these oral traditions, such as various beliefs about Mary?
Spiritually Disadvantaged in Cities:Do you think that there is more concentrated sin in areas of dense populations, and are the people more spiritually disadvantaged living there?
Amillennialism in Scripture:Can you give two verses that support Amillennialism? Recommended lecture: "When Shall These Things Be?" [Matthew 12:26, Revelation 20:1-3, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, Revelation 10:9, 2 Timothy 4:1].
New King (After the Exile and Before Christ) :How did the Jews establish a new king after Ezra and Nehemiah (after the exile and before Christ) and the Babylonian exile?
God's Sovereignty & Control Over One's Salvation:Could you help me understand God "works all things" relative to one's salvation? [Ephesians 4:1, Philippians 1:6, I John 2:19, John 17:12, I Timothy 4:1, Hebrews 3:1, Hebrews 3:12].
Salvation & Sanctification:What role does God have in salvation and sanctification? If we have a part in it, doesn't it take away the glory that is His alone?
Alcohol & Addiction (Twelve Steps Programs):Do you think that drunkeness is an addiction, as they say in 12-step programs, or it that an inappropriate term? [Galatians 5, I Corinthians 6:9-11].
Praying for Jesus' Return:Are we really to be praying for Jesus to come back, because aren't we then praying for things to get really bad (as in the tribulation)? [Matthew 6:10].
Various Views of Hell & Controversy:Do you think that the "Conditional Immortality" view of hell should be an issue over which one should break fellowship? [Matthew 25:31-46].
Nicodemus-Born Again:What exactly does Jesus expect Nicodemus to already to understand about being born again? [John 3:1-21, Numbers 11:17, Ezekiel 36: 25-26].
Seventh Day Adventists-Great Disappointment:Isn't it hypocritical of you to criticize the Seventh Day Adventists making a mistake about Jesus' return in 1844, since you also have made mistakes in the past about Dispensationalism?
Suffering in Trials:Can you give me some scripture to help me through the suffering of these really devastating past few years ? Recommended lecture: "Making Sense of Suffering." [Job, Psalms].
Date of Writing of Revelation:What do you think about the early vs late date of writing of the book of Revelation? Recommended Revelation lectures or Steve Gregg's commentary; "Revelation Four Views".