Date | Topic | Audio |
2017-12-20 | Fellowshipping: Is not going to church affecting my salvation? [Hebrews 10:25] |
2017-12-20 | Taking Communion Unworthily: (hard to hear the question) If I have something against someone, is it a problem to take communion? [Matthew 5:23-24, 1 Corinthians 11:27] |
2017-12-20 | Pilate's Wedding: a callers comments about it possibly being about Pilate's wedding., (i personally couldn't make heads or tails out of it.) |
2017-12-19 | Birth Control: A discussion about Birth Control ensues. |
2017-12-19 | Celebrating Halloween & other Pagan Holidays: What about Christians taking pagan holidays & turning them toward Christ, holidays such as Halloween & Christmas? |
2017-12-19 | Good Teachers: Did you say we don't need Teachers? |
2017-12-19 | Doubting the Bible: Listener is doubting his faith, doubting the reliability of the Bible, & he needs assurance about the authority and integrity of it. |
2017-12-19 | Jesus being a Eunuch: Was Jesus a Eunuch? Was Daniel? |
2017-12-19 | Jesus During His Death: Where did Jesus go after He died, to hell? |
2017-12-19 | Partial Preterism Debate: Caller challenges Steve partial-preterist view on end times prophesy, Israel, & unconditional covenants. (cont after break) |
2017-12-19 | Preterism: So you don't agree with all of Revelation is the model of Preterism, relative to 3.5 year? [Revelation 10-13] |
2017-12-19 | Replacement Theology: Salvation of the Old Testament was the same as the New Testament, was it? |
2017-12-19 | Falling Away: Departing from Christ, Falling Away & Judaism, what do these Scripture mean about Falling away & going to Judaism? means in scripture? [Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 6:4-6] |
2017-12-19 | Not Laying Again the Foundation: What does it mean, "not laying again the foundation of repentance"? |
2017-12-19 | No Salvation Apart from Catholicism: Not being a Catholic will prevent me from being saved, someone has told the caller. What does Steve say? |
2017-12-18 | Loving like a Christian: We shouldn't just love as a surface issue, but doing good works & loving like a Christian. |
2017-12-18 | Satan Reading our Thoughts: Does Satan know our thoughts? How does he introduce things to our mind? |
2017-12-18 | Carnal & Spiritual Man: A Christian doesn't sin, the spirit man doesn't sin though fleshly man does as Romans 7 says. [1 John 3:6-10, Romans 7, Galatians 5:16-17] |
2017-12-18 | Hades & Paradise: Can you explain what you were saying about Hades & Paradise? |
2017-12-18 | Righteous in Eternity: Where do the righteous go after the judgment, to heaven & come back again to the New Earth? When is the judgment day? What is the judgment for? |
2017-12-18 | Replacement Theology & Dispensationalism: All Israel shall be saved, the Olive Tree, what was Israel chosen for? [Romans 11:25-26] |
2017-12-18 | Mosaic Covenant: Will you defend your claim that the mosaic covenant is conditional? |
2017-12-15 | Doubts the Inerrancy of Scripture: Can a person who doubts the inerrancy Word of God be considered a Christian? |
2017-12-15 | Calvinism: Does it mean God made us believers or we do? [Acts 13:48] |
2017-12-15 | Marriage License issued from the State: Getting married without a state license. |
2017-12-15 | Believing a Lie: What is the lie that is brought by delusion that Paul is talking about in 2 Thessalonians 2? [2 Thessalonians 2:11] |
2017-12-15 | Calvinism being a Heresy: Is Calvinism a heresy? |
2017-12-15 | Authorship of Isaiah: Do the Dead Sea Scrolls support the Isaiah authorship? |
2017-12-15 | King Cyrus Predicted: How come the Bible isn't considered inspired by more unbelievers that it is since Isaiah so accurately predicted about King Cyrus 150 years before he was born? [Isaiah 44:28-45:1] |
2017-12-15 | Contending over the Body of Moses: Why was Michael contending with Satan over the body of Moses? [Jude 1:9] |
2017-12-15 | Called According to His Purpose: "Called according to His purpose", is this phrase from the well-known verse of Romans 8 something special that just making Jesus the Lord of our lives or is just tied to them who love Him? [Romans 8:28b] |
2017-12-13 | Remembering the Verse References: How important is it to remember Bible verses & references? |
2017-12-13 | Walking in the Spirit, Is it not simply doing the right thing rather than ignoring one's behavior? Is behavior modification really something to focus upon? [Galatians 5:16] |
2017-12-13 | Hebrews Roots Movement: Someone's friend is going that direction & the caller wants to be guided as to what to say to her. |
2017-12-13 | The 3 Wise men-Magi: How did the Magi even know to look for a star that was connected w/ the Messiah? |
2017-12-13 | Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil: The tree of knowledge of good & evil, what was it all about? |
2017-12-13 | Jerusalem as the Capital: What do you think about Jerusalem becoming the capital of Israel? |
2017-12-13 | Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton: Caller inquiring as to why Steve didn't like Hillary Clinton but likes donald trump |
2017-12-06 | Divorcer Still a Christian: Is a woman who left her husband for no cause a true Christian? |
2017-12-06 | The Septuagint: Is the Septuagint reliable? |
2017-12-06 | The Term, The Rapture: When did the term "rapture" start & develop? |
2017-12-06 | Parable of the Unjust Steward: Can you explain the Parable of the Unjust Steward? [Luke 16:1-13] |
2017-12-06 | Laws of the OT Forever: I've been reading in the Old Testament that the laws will be forever, so why are they gone? |
2017-12-06 | Dead in Christ shall Rise First: The dead in Christ shall rise first, the pre-tribulation view. [1 Thessalonians 4:16-17] |
2017-12-06 | Fellowshipping with Believers: Are we sinning if we don't assemble ourselves together with fellow believers? [Hebrews 10:25] |
2017-12-06 | Skeptical at first, but now a Solid Listener: Caller who was at first skeptical of the radio program has found Steve to be very educational & is appreciative of him. |
2017-12-06 | Slave or Friend: Are we a slave or a friend of Jesus? |
2017-12-01 | Adam as a Sacrifice: Jack hayford says that if Adam had not sinned, but Eve had, he could've been an acceptable sacrifice instead of Jesus. What do you think about that idea? |
2017-12-01 | Greatest in the Kingdom of God: What can you tell about this verse? [Matthew 18:1] |
2017-12-01 | Judgment Private or Public: Will the judgment be private or public where everyone can see it? [Romans 2:16] |