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Date Topic Audio
2016-2-15 Increasing Crisis Indicating Jesus Imminent Return: Do you think certain crisis that seem to be increasing & getting worse are evidences that the end is near & that Jesus is coming back soon?
2016-2-15 Sin Unto Death: What are your thoughts on this? [1 John 5:16-17]
2016-2-15 Minor Prophets: Do you have anything you'd recommend about the minor prophets & how & when they existed wit everything else?
2016-2-15 Baptizing in only Jesus' Name: It says in Acts that people who were baptized only in the name of Jesus didn't receive the Spirit. Why not? ; why didn't they receive the Holy Spirit at conversion/water baptism then?
2016-2-15 Receiving Holy Spirit: why didn't they receive the Holy Spirit at conversion or water baptism then?
2016-2-15 Receiving the Holy Spirit & Being Completely Filled: How do you become completely filled by the Holy Spirit?
2016-2-15 Jesus Coming by Water & Blood: What is your take on this verse? [1 John 5:6-8]
2016-2-15 John the Baptist-The Last & Greatest Prophet: What made John the Baptist the last & greatest prophet of the Old Testament? [Luke 7:28]
2016-2-12 Covenant with Abraham Involving the Land: Was Israel given the land forever?
2016-2-12 The Promised Land: What is the promised land & did the Israelites ever obtain it all?
2016-2-12 Hyper-Grace & Dispensationalism: Have you found it to be true that hyper grace SEEMS to run along the beliefs people who believe in dispensationalism? Do you find this to be true?
2016-2-12 Taking the Lord's name in Vain: What does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain?
2016-2-12 "Be ye Perfect": What does Jesus mean by being as perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect? [Matthew 5:48, Luke 6:34-36]
2016-2-12 God Speaking or the Devil Speaking: How would you discern if it's the devil or God talking to you?
2016-2-12 Calvinism-Predestination: Can you talk about Predestination?
2016-2-12 God Creating Evil: Did God create evil?
2016-2-12 Conversing with JWs: I want you to please tell me how i can answer Jehovah's Witnesses & their questions, such as we need to go back to using Jehovah.
2016-2-11 Fasting & Wine Use: When they were fasting, were they still mixing the wine with water, & what about the people who took the Nazarite vow? Were they exceptions?
2016-2-11 Baptism for Church Membership: Most churches seem to think you are getting baptized into their church & becoming a member, learning & accepting their doctrines, rather than just being a disciple of Christ.
2016-2-11 Probation Period before Baptism: In some churches you have to go through a 30-day program before you can be baptized.
2016-2-11 The Importance & Expediency of Baptism: Why isn't baptism emphasized as much as it should be? Why such tarrying in getting baptized verses immediately?
2016-2-11 Christian Having Joy, Peace & Love: They say you are supposed to have joy, peace & love all the time as a Christian, so I'm beginning to question my faith now.
2016-2-11 Grace Movement What do you think about the "hyper-grace" movement that says we only need to repent once & we are good to go? [1 John 1:9]
2016-2-11 Good Churches in the Sacramento Area: Believe it or not there are a lot of churches that DO teach biblical teachings in the Sacramento area.
2016-2-10 Paul & Wrath: Paul uses the word "wrath" 3 times. what is this wrath he is talking about & is it still future? {1 Thessalonians 1:10, 1 Thessalonians 2:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:9]
2016-2-10 Names being Blotted out of Book of Life: People think names in the Book of Life would never be removed, but it says that people would be. Can you explain this? [Exodus 32:32-33]
2016-2-10 Tribe of Dan: Why is Tribe of Dan missing from the 12 tribes listed Revelation regarding the 144,000 [Revelation 7]
2016-2-10 Reunited with Loved Ones: Is there any biblical evidence that we may be reunited with loved ones when we die or not until the other side of glory?
2016-2-10 Stoning Disobedient Children: Michael the Buddhist calling, asking about duet, a rebellious child being stoned to death? That seems too harsh for him. [Deuteronomy 21:18-21]
2016-2-10 "What are we to Make of Israel?": Caller comments on lecture series “What are we to Make of Israel?”, saying how good they are, & that he's on his second time of listening to them.
2016-2-10 Contradictory Numbers in Scripture: Was it 20 years or 40 years that the Ark remained in Kirjathjearim because the math doesn't seem to be working out in light of what it says in [1 Samuel 7:2, Acts 13:22]
2016-2-10 Missing Tribe of Dan: Caller has a theory responding to a previous call about why Dan was not included in the list of Revelation 7. [Revelation 7:4-8]
2016-2-10 Unpardonable Sin: Can you give all the commentary you can about the unforgiveable sin & did Jesus do away with all of that at the cross?
2016-2-09 Abrahamic Covenant & the Land of Israel: Since there types & anti-types couldn't the land of Israel could still be fulfilled physically, even if it was already fulfilled spiritually under the Abrahamic Covenant?
2016-2-09 Blaspheming the Holy Spirit: How do I know if I've blasphemed the Holy Spirit or not?
2016-2-09 God's Forgiveness: Is there any sin that God won't forgive?
2016-2-09 A Physical Burning of the Earth: Regarding the New Heaven & Earth, literal physical burning? [2 Peter 3:10-13]
2016-2-09 All Israel Shall be Saved: A remnant of Israel will be saved discussion, & caller feels Steve needs to mention the premillennialist view more often. [Romans 11]
2016-2-09 Premillennialist view New Heaven & Earth: Caller comments on previous call about the earth burning on Jesus second arrival.
2016-2-09 Old Testament Prophecy to still be Fulfilled: Can you list the things that still need to be fulfilled in the Old Testament?
2016-2-09 Steve's Experience with Speaking in Tongues: The caller's wife wanted a brief testimony of Steve speaking in tongues & being filled with the Holy Spirit.
2016-2-05 Jesus' Glorified Body: Was Jesus' resurrected body the same as His other body?
2016-2-05 Order of Appearances of Jesus after His Resurrection: can you tell me the order of the events of the resurrection appearances of Jesus?
2016-2-05 Open Theism: Open Theism, free will, God's omniscience & caller tries to link john 19:11 with free will. [John 19:11]
2016-2-05 Calling Evil Good & Good Evil: Is there a verse that says they'll call evil good & good evil? [Isaiah 5:20]
2016-2-05 Memorizing Scripture: How do memorize Scripture or is most of your knowledge just as a result of you reading the Bible so many times?
2016-2-05 The White Horse: Who do you think the white horse actually is? Jesus? The roman armies when they first start the onslaught of Jerusalem? You don't seem hard enough on people who believe dispensationalism. [Revelation 6:1-8]
2016-2-05 Joining Freemasonry: Is joining the freemasonry a good idea or bad idea as a Christian?
2016-2-05 Steve Not Agreeing with Current Events as a Sign of the End: Caller can't understand how Steve can't see how the end time events are matching up with what the Bible says is going to happen & wants Steve to comment. (Newspaper Eschatology)
2016-2-04 Bethel of Church in Redding: What are your thoughts about the Bethel church in Redding?