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Date Topic Audio
2016-9-16 The Prophet in Deuteronomy: Who is the prophet being referred to at the end of Deuteronomy? Could it have been Paul? [Deuteronomy 18:15]
2016-9-16 The Word being Jesus: Did Steve say the Word being referred to as Jesus only in 3 places, all by the apostle John, & IF so, John probably got it from the vision in Revelation 19, implying that it was written before the gospels? [John 1:1-3, Revelation 19:13]
2016-9-16 Fasting: Are we still supposed to fast today, & if we are, how are we supposed to do it?
2016-9-15 Andrew Murray: Do you know anything about Andrew Murray's theology?
2016-9-15 Demonic activity, Spiritual Warfare & Power of Suggestion: Demonic activity/Spiritual warfare: Can Steve please critique the caller's about how the power of suggestion? [Hebrew 4:12, 2 Timothy 2:6]
2016-9-15 Anti-Nomianism What is Anti-nomianism? Can Steve please explain it?
2016-9-15 God the Father's Looks: What does God the Father look like? Moses got to see Him. [Exodus 33:18-34:35, John 4:24]
2016-9-15 Woman of Revelation 12: What does the Woman & the 12 stars of Revelation 12 represent? Mary? [Revelation 12:1-17]
2016-9-15 Interpreting OT in light of NT: Why is the best interpretative way to understand the OT in light of the NT?
2016-9-14 Different Stages of Growth: People start from different places in growth in their faith or view of God (Lengthy Discussion w/ Michael the Buddhist)
2016-9-14 Demonic Presence: Could Steve please share the specific cases of demonic activity in houses he lived in, asked because of an answer he gave the day before.
2016-9-14 Restorarion of All Things: What is Steve's understanding of "Restoration of all things"? [Acts 3:18-24]
2016-9-14 Fool & Raca (worthless): Why does Jesus seem more upset about calling someone "fool" over "Raca"? [Matthew 5:22]
2016-9-14 Recovery Bible: Do you know anything about the Recovery Bible?
2016-9-14 Witness Lee & Watchman Lee & Cultic leaders, groups: Do you have any info about Witness Lee & Watchman Nee?
2016-9-13 Eternal Security & Life: Is it okay for a Christian to die once they have the Holy Spirit & Christ?
2016-9-13 Election, Free Will, Predestination: What does ALL this mean, Election, Free Will, Predestination? (Calvinism verses Arminianism)
2016-9-13 Lectures/Articles on Tithing: Do you have anything on your website about tithing & giving?
2016-9-13 Tithing & Giving: A church has this idea that each member has to give at least $7 because it represents completeness, but being pressured to give. Is that right?
2016-9-13 Book of Jasher & Hagar: Do we know when or where Abraham got Hagar from? Was she the daughter of the Pharaoh? The Book of Jasher says that she was. [Joshua 10:12-13]
2016-9-13 Tithing in the Old Testament: Caller makes a few insights about tithing from the Old Testament that he's learned & is relaying them to see if Steve agrees.
2016-9-13 Spiritual Warfare, Demonic Territories & Inanimate Objects: Do demons only possess human or real estate & inanimate objects as well?
2016-9-12 Charging for Leadership Classes: What does Steve think of people charging for leadership courses just to teach the Bible?
2016-9-12 Identifying Speaker in Isaiah: It says in the Isaiah that the "...Lord GOD, and His Spirit, hath sent Me.", who is the me?/Me? Is this referring to Jesus? Is it in relation to the Godhead/Trinity? [Isaiah 48:16b]
2016-9-12 Denominationalism: Can carnally-natured people be true Christians? The very beginning of denominationalim seems to start right then. [1 Corinthians 3:1-4, Romans12:1-2]
2016-9-12 Kingdom of God is at Hand: At what point did or does the Kingdom of God come into existence? Because it says in places that it's near & in other places it says it's in our midst & yet in other places it says it's still to come. [Luke 17:21, Matthew 12:28, Matthew 23:36, Matthew 24:34]
2016-9-12 Double-fulfillment Prophecy: So this is a double fulfillment in Matthew, both applying to Israel & Christ? [Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:14-15]
2016-9-12 The Second Coming in the OT: Are these verses the first time the Second Coming is mentioned or was it mentioned in the Old Testament as well? [Acts 1:9-11]
2016-9-12 Besetting Sins: Why is it hard to break some sins more than others, or why some people can't seem to overcome certain besetting sins? [Galatians 5:19-26, Romans 7:14]
2016-9-09 Kingdom of God Visible & not Visible: Steve says Matt 24 puts Luke 17 & 21 together, So if the Kingdom of God is w/ out observation & yet His Kingdom is supposed to be visible, so how do you put the 2 together? (caller is a full preterist)
2016-9-09 The 2 Witnesses of Revelation 11: The 2 witnesses, 3 1/2 days, Spirit of life entering into them, but especially verse 15, can Steve explain this? [Revelation 11]
2016-9-09 Lack of Calls-Android Announcement: Because there is a lack of calls at the moment, Steve makes important announcements involving the Narrow Path Minsistries, features, etc.
2016-9-09 John Piper's Writings: Has Steve ever been influenced by John Piper's writings?
2016-9-09 Church as an Evangelistic Mission Tool: When did the Church become exclusively all about evangelism instead of church discipleship? Is it exclusively an American phenomenon or around the entire world?
2016-9-09 Churches an Incubator: Some of the Churches in America are just incubators for infant Christians but not really making Disciples of Christ.
2016-9-09 Pre-existence of Jesus: Didn't Jesus exist before His incarnation?
2016-9-08 Carnal Christians: Some use 1 Corinthians 3:15 to prove that carnal sinners will be in Heaven. What does Steve think?
2016-9-08 Two Kinds of Salvation: Caller heard a speaker say there are two variations of salvation, one for getting out of hell & the other for your sins.
2016-9-08 Torah: In the Torah is there a distinction between the Sinaic & Horab?
2016-9-08 "None of These Diseases": None of These Diseases by a S. I. Mcmillen, do you consider that a good book?
2016-9-08 Blasphemy Against the Hoiy Spirit & Univerasalism: How do Universal Reconcilliations/Restorationists deal with Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit & that passage? [Matthew 12:31-32]
2016-9-07 Parallels of Calvinism & Reincarnation: Caller (Michael the Buddhist) thinks Calvinism, God saving some & not saving others, is very similar to reincarnation, better conditions sometimes for the people born again.
2016-9-07 Psalm 44, Suffering even though Righteous: Why is the Psalmist lamenting the suffering of Israel & himself, & why is it happening in the first place since they were being faithful? [Psalm 44]
2016-9-07 Full Preterists Vilified: Why are Full Preterists believers so demonized? Or, having humility in the church even though differing views.
2016-9-07 Jesus Can Call 12 Legions Angels: Caller is converned that preachers misquote the verse about Jesus calling Legions of Angels or having His father doing it. [Matthew 26:53]
2016-9-07 Jesus the Son of God: Jesus had to have been fully human (& not the Son of God) because otherwise how could He fully rely on the Father and expect us to?
2016-9-07 Aaron Budjen & Living God Ministries: Caller wonders if Steve is familiar with "Living God Ministries" with an Aaron Budjen?
2016-9-07 Budjen & the Mosaic Law: Budjen talking about the 2 covenants, the Mosiac Law. It was there to prove it couldn't be kept perfectly. What does Steve think about that?
2016-9-06 10 Missing tribes of Israel: Whatever happened to the other 10 tribes, since Benjamin & Judah came bacck?
2016-9-06 Allocation of Medical Eesources: So what do you think about spending more in the last month than your entire life in medical expense to stay alive? Is there something better i should spend my money on?