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Date Topic Audio
2014-9-24 Institutional Church, Chaos & Early Church: Caller thinks institutional is sort've on its way out but doesn't want chaos but should go back to early church ways.
2014-9-24 Theology (Apologetics) verses Christian Living: Discussion about Christian living over knowing Theology, Apologetics.
2014-9-24 Son of Man: Why did Jesus refer to Himself as the, "Son of Man"? [Daniel 7:13]
2014-9-24 Devil & his Minions: What is the Biblical reason that God allows the Devil & Minions to scourge us in addition to what we already have to deal with in our own evil desires & carnal nature? So many things stacked against us, in addition to him & his associates! Why? {James 4:7]
2014-9-23 In Jesus' name: Is it necessary to say, "In Jesus name", when ending every prayer?
2014-9-23 Christian Science & the Interpreter's Bible: Do you know anything about the Interpreter's Bible?
2014-9-23 Studying Prophetic Scriptures: Did you say there is no value in studying Prophetic Scripture? What if the futurist paradigm was correct, would there be value in studying them? Why isn't there any value in what the Church Fathers believed about a future antichrist, a future temple.
2014-9-23 Taking Words out of Prophecy & Alpha & Omega: "I am Alpha & Omega, the beginning & the end." Modern Bibles have taken those words out of Revelation. Is there a good reason why this can be done? [Revelation 22:18-19, 1:10-11]
2014-9-23 Slavery - Servitude: If Jesus & the Apostles had perhaps been more opposed to slavery, there wouldn't have been such a problem in our own country. What say you?
2014-9-23 Witnessing To Christian Scientist: A follow up call about how to witness to Christian Science.
2014-9-23 Slavery follow up: We are all slaves.
2014-9-22 Love is Inclusive: Love is inclusive, you'd think, so why all this criticalness of one group bashing another group because of their beliefs?
2014-9-22 Not Judging your Neighbor Are we allowed to judge someone's behavior? [James 4:12]
2014-9-22 Wicked for a Day of Disaster: What does this verse mean, that God made the wicked for a day of disaster? [Proverbs 16:4]
2014-9-22 Importance of Man: Just how important is man?
2014-9-22 Not Peace but a sword: Doesn't it say that Jesus came to bring a sword & not peace? [Matthew 10:34]
2014-9-22 A future war of surrounding Israel: Caller has his Scripture ideas as to why there is going to be a future onslaught of Israel: "Redemption draweth nigh", there's no redemption in 70 AD; "There shall be a tribulation such as has never been before", & he feels 70 AD pales in comparison to the Holocaust. And then Satan makes war w/ the woman, caller correctly point out that the woman is remnant Israel. [Luke 21:20, Matthew 24:15, Revelation 12:17]
2014-9-22 No Dispensationalism, no 1948 Israel: Didn't some of the church fathers believe in a restoration of the land of Israel?
2014-9-22 Nephilim, Giants, Daughters of Men: This compromised the human makeup, the angels having sex w/ women. And so then God had the Flood to destroy them. [Genesis 6]
2014-9-22 God's Love for us: Why does God love us?
2014-9-19 Apocrypha books - Epistle of the Barnabas: Where does it say that an apostle can be the only ones that write a book of the Bible, & if it doesn't say that, why can't people like Mary Baker Eddy or Joseph write a book for the Bible?
2014-9-19 Protestants Saved or not Saved: In our last discussion you said Vatican 1 Protestants were condemned to hell, & that in Vatican 2 they were only separated brethren, but wasn't it the Council of Trent that said it & not Vatican 1?
2014-9-19 Time Lapse Between Jesus Birth & the end of Acts: How can the time between Jesus' birth & the end of Acts only be 30 years?
2014-9-19 Polygamy & the Mormon Church: Polygamy in the Old Testament, why did God permit it? There was polygamy in the Mormon Church, & they don't like having it in their history.
2014-9-19 Understanding the Bible in a new lens: I appreciate you teaching me how to study the Bible in a different lens than Evangelical Traditionalism.
2014-9-19 Inerrancy of the Bible - Mustard Seed: Jesus said that the Mustard Seed was the smallest seed, but in reality, it's not. So was He mistaken? The NLT version of the Bible sort've helped Him out by saying, "one of the smallest seeds".
2014-9-19 Homeless Ministry: Do you remember a homeless guy by the (nick)name of John 3:16 from the Jesus Movement?
2014-9-19 God in Unbeliever's Life: How involved is God in an unbeliever's life?
2014-9-19 Mustard Seed follow up: Caller says some information about a mustard seed.
2014-9-19 Bread & Wine: Why is Bread & Wine so important for Communion?
2014-9-18 Being in touch w/ your Heart: Isn't Christianity to just be in touch w/ your heart, to come back to that innocence that a child possesses?
2014-9-18 Apocrypha Books: What do you think of Apocrypha Books of the Bible, such as the Epistle of Barnabas?
2014-9-18 Canon of Scripture & its 66 Books: How would defend the Canon of Scripture as it stands today?
2014-9-18 Mary the Mother & Trinity: You had a call about the Pope making the Mother of Mary as part of the Trinity. I did some research on that, & he does say that indirectly.
2014-9-18 Condemned Already if no belief: Where does it say that someone is condemned if they don't believe on Christ? [John 3:18]
2014-9-18 Confessing Jesus before Men: Is it part of the judgment that if you don't confess Jesus before men He won't confess you before His Father? [ Mark 8:38, Luke 9:26]
2014-9-18 Sabbath: Are we supposed to keep the Sabbath Day from Friday Sundown to Saturday Sundown or is Sunday okay, or Wednesday? I don't want to feel guilty for going to church on Sunday. [Hebrews 7:12, 4:12]
2014-9-18 Sabbath follow-up: Didn't Jesus say to keep His commandments, & doesn't it say to "Remember the Sabbath", so isn't that one of the commandments that we are supposed to keep, keeping the Sabbath?
2014-9-18 Answering a Believer's Prayer for an Unbeliever: Is it true that God won't answer a Christian's prayer on an unbeliever's behalf for healing, or a financial crisis they are in, but only for their salvation & repentance? [James 5:16]
2014-9-18 Unbeliever's Prayer: A friend was telling that God will not answer an unbeliever who is calling out for help unless it's repentance & asking for Salvation. Is that true?
2014-9-17 Following Jesus Easy or Hard: Is following Jesus easy or hard? In some places Jesus says it's hard, like taking the Narrow Path, taking up the cross, but then He says His Yoke is easy & the Burden light? Matthew 7:13-14,11:29-30, 1 John 5]
2014-9-17 Delay in Punishment: What verses would you use to show you shouldn't sin even though you seem to be getting away with it right now? [Ecclesiastes 8:11-12]
2014-9-17 Annihilationism & EGW: One of the appealing things about SDA's is their belief about what happens to the wicked. Holding up Ellen G. White to a prophetic status. If she had just been declared a teacher.....
2014-9-17 Seventh Day Adventism: Is there anything that SDAs teach in their eschatological scheme that you agree with or see value in?
2014-9-17 Think to Change Times & Laws: But what about their belief that the Papacy changed "times & laws" in Daniel, that the Catholic Church changed the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday? [Daniel 7:25]
2014-9-17 Polygamy: Wasn't there a commandment/rule about only having one wife in the Law of Moses? [Deuteronomy 17:17]
2014-9-17 Homelessness: Becoming homelessness to evangelize. What if you become homeless not of your own choice?
2014-9-17 Tradition & Legalism: When do you think the traditions some of us have all of a sudden become legalistic? When are we officially crossing the line? Is there anything that we do that would be deemed legalistic?
2014-9-17 Having Children: Are we supposed to have children?
2014-9-15 Water Baptism: Is Water Baptism necessary for Salvation? Some people use the thief on the cross as why you don't have to be.