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Date Topic Audio
2014-7-28 Steve's answer to the disagreement: Caller agrees that God is Sovereign, but He does allow calamity happen. [Romans 1]
2014-7-28 Bodies of the wicked: What will the bodies of the wicked resemble? [1 Corinthians 15:42]
2014-7-28 Hedge of Protection: Has God possibly gotten rid of Hedge of Protection for the United States like He did for Israel because we as a nation are turning more & more from Him? [Job 1:10, Psalm 34:7]
2014-7-28 The book & movie, America by Dinesh D'souza: Caller wanted to know if Steve ever heard of a book & the movie called, "America" by Dinesh D'Souza?
2014-7-28 Replacement Theology: Have you had a chance to read an article by John Piper on "Replacement Theology"? Israel rejecting Jesus the Messiah, they've broken their covenant w/ God, & because the Gentiles share the inheritance of Abraham, we share in the inheritance of the Jews.
2014-7-25 Killing the Jews: There is no rhyme or reason as to why people would want to kill the Jews, including the Muslims.
2014-7-25 The Jews Flourishing: If Satan could stop the flourishing of Israel, would he be making God out to be a liar?
2014-7-25 The land of Israel: Even though Israel owns the land right now, they haven't always owned it, but God promised them that they'd own it foever, & God promised Abraham that his seed would be as the dust of the earth, the stars of the sky. [Genesis 28:14, Genesis 13:16, Galatians 3:16, Romans 4: , Psalm 2:8]
2014-7-25 Disclosing a known crime: I heard that even if you confess a heinous crime such as murder, that the priest can not tell the state. Isn't it more important that they share w/ them about bad crimes instead of keeping them a secret?
2014-7-25 Priest telling State: If a priest or pastor DOES learn of a crime, should he pretend he's not going to say anything & say something or tell the person up front that's he's going to tell the authorities if they don't?
2014-7-25 Going against your Conscience: I sort've feel like i'm sinning if I do these things I shouldn't do, even though i'm no longer going to that church.
2014-7-25 Women's attire: I was going to a denomination that made me only wear dresses, wear no make up & no cutting of my hair. Is there any biblical basis for that?
2014-7-25 Eternal Punishment: If Eternal Life means eternity, you'd stand to reason think that Eternal Punishment also means eternal suffering, wouldn't you? [Matthew 25:41, 46, John 3:16]
2014-7-25 Salvation is of the Jews: What did Jesus mean when He told the Samaritan woman that "Salvation is of the Jews"? [John 4:22]
2014-7-24 God being Angry, Vindictive in OT: Does God seem to be a little bit angry, vindictive or even hateful in the Old Testament? Killing just for breaking the Sabbath?
2014-7-24 Prayers an Abomination: I heard a preacher recently say that if we have any sin in our heart, God will not answer us. Is that true? [Psalms 66:18, Proverbs 28:9]
2014-7-24 Satan tempting: Does Satan try to get us to think we are the only ones going through a sin/temptation & that it's okay to succumb to it? [1 Peter 5:8-9]
2014-7-24 The Perfect Christian: Some people seem to have a wrong idea of what being a Christian is. It doesn't mean you are PERFECT at all times.
2014-7-24 Doctrinal Differences: How do learn to be edified from a teacher who you disagree with doctrinally?
2014-7-24 Evangelical Covenant church: Do you know anything about the Evangelical Covenant church?
2014-7-24 Two Witnesses of Revelation: Who are the Two Witnesses of Revelation? Moses & Elijah? Enoch & Elijah? [Revelation 11:3-13]
2014-7-24 Law of Sin: According to Watchman Nee, dealing w/ "law of sin" is like the law of gravity, but we can defy it. [Romans 8]
2014-7-24 Swearing by anything: Listener was surprised to learn that it says it's evil to swear by anything. [Matthew 5:36]
2014-7-23 Sabbath: If Jesus had broken the law, His mission as Saviour would've failed so He only broke man's added laws to it, according to this listener. [Matthew 12:1-8, John 5:18]
2014-7-23 Spirit & Truth: What if you are listening to good, sound teachers that don't have ALL the truth? [John 4:24]
2014-7-23 Holy Spirit: When does the Holy Spirit come to live inside you? [1 John 4:13, Romans 8:9]
2014-7-23 Disobeying God & Severe Punishment: I've been reading in the Book of Numbers that for sins of ignorance no big deal, but if you defiantly disobey & sin, you get in big, big trouble. Can you help me w/ the punishment you receive for doing certain sins? [Numbers 15:32-36]
2014-7-23 Evil for Good: How far does God allow evil to be done so sometimes good come out of it like what happened to Joseph being sold into slavery by his brothers? [Genesis 45:4-8, Romans 8:28]
2014-7-22 Submitting to the Higher Powers: Do Christians have to participate in an illegal war? [Romans 13]
2014-7-22 Sovereign of the World: Who is Sovereign of this world? Is it God or Satan?
2014-7-22 Lazarus being raised: Could Lazarus have refused being raised from the dead? [John 11]
2014-7-22 Satan being created: Why did God create Satan if He knew he was going to turn out the way he turned out?
2014-7-22 Character Test: God tests us, & we need to pass the tests & Fear the Lord. [1 Corinthians 10:13]
2014-7-22 Carcasses & Eagles Gathering: What did Jesus mean by, "Where the carcasses are the Eagles will gather"? [Matthew 24:28]
2014-7-22 Gift of Healing: If someone really has the "Gift of Healing", you'd think they'd go to hospitals & sanitariums & be able to actually heal people.
2014-7-22 Kingdom of God lectures: I think your 8 serie lectures on the Kingdom of God is excellent.
2014-7-22 Date of the book of Revelation: What is the evidence that the book of Revelation was written before 70 AD?
2014-7-22 Elijah - John the Baptist: Elijah's spirit will be implemented in someone again right before the Rapture to announce Jesus' imminent arrival. [Malachi 4:5-6]
2014-7-22 Elijah coming again just like Jesus coming "again": What if Elijah was supposed to come again in the sense that Jesus came or is coming twice, came in the 70 AD & coming yet again?
2014-7-22 Great Tribulation: When did the great tribulation which what never be, like never happened or will happen again, fall into the place of history or future? [Matthew 24:21]
2014-7-22 Revelation not for us: By you suggesting Revelation was fulfilled in the first century, he seems to be diminishing its value for us.
2014-7-21 Pranic Healing - Energy Medicine: What do you think of a practice called, "Pranic Healing", Engergy Medicine?
2014-7-21 Letters of Paul: How did the early Christians receive the instruction from Paul before the New Testament was put into the Bible & grow from it before it was?
2014-7-21 Wrath of God revealed from Heaven: How can we make the leap from Paul addressing people in the 1st century church to it applying to us now? [Romans 1]
2014-7-21 Baptizing for the Dead: I was talking to a couple Mormons the other day, & we were talking about baptizing for the dead, & they brought up these Scriptures. My curiosity got the best of me. Can you explain them? [1 peter 3:19, 1 Corinthians 15:29]
2014-7-21 Jesus Preaching to the Souls in Hell: Can you explain the Scripture where it talks about Jesus preaching to the souls in prison when He supposedly went to Hades? [1 Peter 3:19-20]
2014-7-21 Sins of our Fathers: Compare the potential in-laws to your spouse to determine what your spouse is going to be like, the way they treat their family & so on.
2014-7-21 Steve being married 4 times: Has Steve noticed this, his wives resembling their mother & family traits?
2014-7-21 God or gods: Is this verse talking about the Jehovah God or gods? [Daniel 11:37]
2014-7-21 Fits of Rage: My friend just seems to have these fits of rage, anger, & wondering if he's possibly demon-possessed & wondering if there's a way to determine if he is or not? [Galatians 5:19-21]