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Date Topic Audio
2018-8-31 The Book of Ecclesiastes: Would you say that Ecclesiastes was basically the life of an unbeliever?
2018-8-31 Cowards: What is the significance of the emphasis on cowards? [Revelation 21:8]
2018-8-31 Male & Female: Why does it say that God created He Male & Female, before Eve was even made. What does that mean? [Genesis 1:27, Genesis 1, Genesis 2]
2018-8-31 No Longer on KKMC: I just heard that you're going off KKMC, the longest running show The Narrow Path has been on.
2018-8-31 Creation or New Covenant & Kingdom of God: Is this proof of Jesus as God or is it regarding the creation of the new covenant or new creation instead of the typical understanding the original creation of the world? [Colossians 1:16]
2018-8-31 Literary Devices: Struggling with biblical proof of the deity of Christ, & have heard of literary devices found in the Bible.
2018-8-31 No Church Desire for Evangelism or Discipleship: If a church doesn't seem to want to support one's desire to evangelize & disciple, is it time to find another church?
2018-8-31 Old Testament Emphasis: Caller think there's too much emphasis on OT scripture, instead of focusing on the NT & what is happening in the world today
2018-8-31 On the Brink of Nuclear War: Caller thinks we are on the brink of War with Russia (in 2018).
2018-8-31 Sikh Temple Gatherings: Similarity between other religions & Christianity, attends a Sikh gathering, because they provide food, & it takes the pressure off of the Christian format.
2018-8-31 Steve's Questions: What questions remain unanswered for Steve Gregg?
2018-8-30 Seed-Single or Plural: Seed is both singular & plural, why? [Galatians 3:16]
2018-8-30 Technology: Is technology part of God's intended creation?
2018-8-30 Turning Hearts: Turning hearts of children to their fathers & the hearts of the fathers to the children. What is the meaning of those last verses of the Old Covenant, Old Testament? [Malachi 4:4-6, Luke 1:17]
2018-8-30 Epistle of Barnabus: What is the gospel (actually epistle) of Barnabus?
2018-8-30 Gnostic Gospels: what is the Gnostic gospel?
2018-8-30 Feast Days: I'm confused about the Passover & feast of Unleaven Bread timeline
2018-8-30 Tithing: I am surprised that you told a caller that they might want to ask the church how much they expect in their monetary contribution.
2018-8-30 Hebrew Roots Movement & the Trinity: Trinitarian vs Non-Trinitarian in the Hebrew Roots Movement, can you explain why they are saying Jesus only existed since Mary's Immaculate Conception? Have you heard of this before?
2018-8-30 Good Study Bible: Can you recommend a good study Bible?
2018-8-29 Using the Lord's Name in Vain: How do we deal with people who take the Lord's Name in Vain as a cuss word? [1 Corinthians 5:12]
2018-8-29 Amillennial & Satan being Bound: Amillennial view & Satan being bound, no longer to deceive the nations, how does that fit?
2018-8-29 Sodom & Gomorrah: For what sins were Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed? Greed, pride or Homosexuality? Who were the 2 men that showed up?
2018-8-29 Tithe: How much does God want me to tithe (a very specific situation)?
2018-8-29 No Longer Slaves under Sin Paul's declaration that we are no longer slaves under sin, what does this mean, especially since he said he still was a slave of sin a chapter later? [Romans 6:14, Romans 7:14]
2018-8-29 A bruised Reed remaining till Judgment: What does it mean to bring forth or set Judgment? [Matthew 12:20, Isaiah 42:3-4]
2018-8-29 Hidden Truths: Do you think there is still a veil of hidden truths that He is keeping from us? [2 Corinthians 4:3, Romans 16:25-27]
2018-8-29 Tree of Life: What was the tree of life exactly? Was it literal or symbolic?
2018-8-29 Kicking the Habit of Cigarettes: I just can't seem to kick the habit of cigarettes. Do you have any ideas of how to quit smoking?
2018-8-29 Losing Faith & Health: I'm suffering in pain & losing my faith, are we not to be given health?
2018-8-28 Origins of Satan: Why would God create Satan if He knew what chaos he would do on earth?
2018-8-28 Only Their Denomination: Why do some denominations think they are the only ones going to be saved (Catholics, for example)?
2018-8-28 Replacement Theology: In the new covenant, have the gentiles replaced Jews now or what?
2018-8-28 Speaking in Tongues: I looked in your statement of beliefs & didn't see anything about tongues. Do you still believe they are for today?
2018-8-28 Satan god of the world: Is satan the god of this world? Can you comment on what that means? [2 Corinthian 4:4]
2018-8-28 Thankful for Steve Gregg & the Narrow Path: I really appreciate the way The Narrow Path has helped me get a deeper understanding of the Word & God
2018-8-28 50 Days After Passover Gift of the Spirit: Were the gifts of the spirit (tongues) only for the apostles & why did it happen 50 days after passover? [Acts 2]
2018-8-28 Best Format of Bible, Paper or Electronic: Reading a Physical paper Bible over an electronic device, which is better?
2018-8-28 Satan the Tempter: If Satan is a tester/tempter & a deceiver, how do those two things not contradict one another?
2018-8-28 Heaping Coal of Fire: Heaping coals of fire on his head, don't avenge yourselves, giving place to God's wrath, are we trying to win people over by doing that or what? [Romans 12:20, Proverbs 25:21]
2018-8-28 Reading a Nutritional Book by a Medium: Nutrition books recommended by doctor written by a Medical Medium by Anthony William, should Christians read this book?
2018-8-28 The Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites: Amish, Mennonites, Hutterites, & other Anabaptists, are they fulfilling scripture properly, better than the rest of us?
2018-8-27 Lackadaisical Christians: Caller is concerned about when others don't really care what the Bible says is it because they are neglectful of study or really don't want to sort out Biblical info?
2018-8-27 Empires in Daniel (10 Horns): Symbolism & application to end times, who are the 10 horns in Daniel?
2018-8-27 AA Celebrate Recovery: What about 12-step programs?
2018-8-27 Animals in Heaven: Do animal souls go to heaven?
2018-8-27 Second Chance after Death: Is there another chance to be saved after physical death? [Hebrews 9:27] 1064
2018-8-27 Forgiving Others: I'm finding it hard to forgive others, struggling w/ the Lordship of Christ & the degree of commitment & complete submission
2018-8-27 AA Celebrate Recovery: Caller thinks Steve is wrong about what he says the AA Programs.
2018-8-27 Forgiveness a Prerequisite for Repentance: Is forgiveness required for repentance?