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Date Topic Audio
2021-7-05 Sinful to Vote Contrary to the Pastor's Wishes: What would you say to a pastor who thinks voting contrary to his vote to change the church constitution would be sinful? [3 John 1:9, Mark 9:35, Mark 10:44].
2021-7-05 Jesus Did Not Meet Qualifications for Messiah: My Jewish friend says that Jesus did not fulfill the requirements for the Messiah, can you talk about that? [Isaiah 10:21, Isaiah 9:6, Romans 4:13, Psalm 2:8].
2021-7-05 Second Coming: Don't you think that this verse in Mark, is talking about the "Second Coming"? [Mark 13:24, Isaiah 19:1].
2021-7-02 The Unchanging Things of God: What are the two unchanging things mentioned in Hebrews 6? [Hebrews 6:18, Hebrews 6:13-14].
2021-7-02 Calling God our Father: Do the Jews think we are blaspheming when we call God our Father? [John 5:18, John 8:41, Psalm 103:13, Isaiah 63:16].
2021-7-02 Are the End Times Upon Us?: Is there anything happening now that makes you think the end times are upon us? [Romans 1:18-23, Isaiah 5:20].
2021-7-02 Daniel & Shadrach, Meshach & Abednigo: Where were Shadrach, Meshach and Abednigo during Daniel's ordeal, and vice versa?
2021-7-02 The Bride of Christ: What do you think of the concept of the "Bride of Christ" coming out of the church, rather than being, itself, the church? [Ephesians 5:31-32].
2021-7-02 Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil: Caller proposes some thoughts about the tree in the garden.
2021-7-02 Some Have Spiritually Resurrected: Have some people already been spiritually resurrected?
2021-7-02 Hindered Angels: When scripture indicates that the angel was "hindered" from answering Daniel's prayer for help. How can that be? [Daniel 10:3, Ephesians 6:12, Revelation 12:7-9, Mark 1:27].
2021-7-02 The Cross vs the Resurrection: Why is there such focus on "the cross" instead of the resurrection? [Psalm 110:1, I Corinthians 15:25, Romans 4:25, Titus 2:14].
2021-7-02 The Wives of the Polygamist Who Converts: Should a polygamist who is saved after they already have several wives, have to give up all but the first of the wives? [Malachi 2:16, I Timothy 3:2, Genesis 2:24].
2021-7-02 Someone Who Keeps Falling into Sin: Can you advise me on how to deal with someone I am trying to help that is under terrible stress, yet has made great progress in his fight against addiction, but continually breaks down and falls back into sin?
2021-7-01 "Thorn" as a Symbol for People: Are there other places in the Bible where the word "thorn" is used that it does not mean illness, but people? [Genesis 3:18].
2021-7-01 The Word "Thorn" in Scripture: What did the word "thorn" typically mean in scripture? Some say it refers to people rather than illness. [2 Corinthians 12:7-10, Galatians 4:13-15].
2021-7-01 Causing a Woman to Commit Adultery: Regarding divorcing a woman and causing her to commit adultery, what do you think of my take on that scripture? [Matthew 5:32, Mark 10:9, Matthew 19:6].
2021-7-01 Pre-Trib Rapture Cannot be True: Does this prove that the "Pre-Trib Rapture" is untrue, if we could calculate his coming following that event?
2021-7-01 Sorting the Trinity: Could you help me understand whether is God three persons in one, or three manifestations (or modes) of one God? [John 14:21].
2021-7-01 Mary Had Only One Son: As a Greek Orthodox Christian, we believe that Mary only had one son. Could you react to this? [Matthew 1:25].
2021-7-01 Rider on the White Horse: Could you talk about the rider on the white horse in Revelation and if you think it is possible that the rider is a forerunner to Christ's coming? [Revelation 6:2, Revelation 19].
2021-7-01 Change of Translation of the Word "Purify": Could you comment on the change of the pronoun relative to the word "purify" from "her" to "their"? Would this be suggesting that Jesus needed to purificatioin? [Luke 2:22, Leviticus 12].
2021-7-01 Micaiah Has Duplicate Stories in Old Testament: Why is there duplicate stories about Micaiah in I Kings and 2 Chronicles? [I Kings 22, 2 Chronicles 18:1-27].
2021-7-01 Determining Truth: Who knows what is true? How can we know?
2021-6-30 Coronavirus Vaccine: What do you think of not taking the Coronavirus vaccine if I am being warned by my own sister that I am taking a huge risk with my health?
2021-6-30 Being Taken Advantage of: How long do I continue to help someone who seems to be taking advantage of me?
2021-6-30 Men & Women in the Same Bible Study: Is there any reason that men and women should not be in the same Bible study?
2021-6-30 Unions & Groups that Support Abortion: What is a good Bible reference for directing someone away from a political group and union that supports abortion? [I Corinthians 6:14].
2021-6-30 Suffering for Past Sins: Could I be suffering for a past sin that took place before I became a believer?
2021-6-30 Obeying God's Law: Do you recommend that I obey God's law? [Romans 8:4, Romans 3:23, I Corinthians 9:21, Matthew 22:40, Romans 13:8-10].
2021-6-30 The Red Heifer: What is your take on the "red heifer"? [Hebrews 9-10, Acts 17:24, Acts 7:48, I John 2:2].
2021-6-30 Pastors Control the Church: Does the pastor have complete control of the church? Recommended Lecture; "Some Assembly Required." [Matthew 20:26, Mark 9:35].
2021-6-30 Rebuilding the Temple & Fulfillment of Prophesy: Isn't it the Old Testament Jews that want the temple be rebuilt, rather than Christians wanting it, and what Christians get excited about is not the temple, but with the fulfillment of prophesy?
2021-6-29 God's Way of Judging People Changed after Christ: Does God judge people the same way now, after the cross, as He did before the cross and in the Old Testament? [Matthew 22:7, I John 2:2, Isaiah53:6, I Corinthians 11:29-31].
2021-6-29 Firewalking: Are people who walk on fire and similar things endowed with some special gifts? [2 Thessalonians 2:7].
2021-6-29 Salvation in the Catholic Church: What is the perception of "receiving Jesus" and getting saved in the Catholic Church?
2021-6-29 Dealing with Terrible Family Members: What do I do about family members that say they are Christians, but are really toxic and really treating me horribly? [I Peter 3:9].
2021-6-29 Ignorance Before God: What is a person's stance before God if they have not been taught properly, but are sincere in their faith, as far as they know and understand it. [James 3:1, Luke 12:49, Acts 17:11, John 16:13].
2021-6-29 Modern Worship & Performance: Am I just being an old fogey, because of my disappointment with some of the modern worship music and the performance emphasis?
2021-6-29 Don't Exasperate Your Children: Is it still valid to direct fathers not to exasperate your children? [Ephesians 6:4].
2021-6-29 Speaking in Tongues: I have made some sounds, but I am not sure if I have ever spoken in tongues.
2021-6-29 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: Is the guilty party (the one that caused a divorce) simply out of luck to ever legitimately remarry?
2021-6-28 Error of Balaam: What was the error of Balaam? [Jude 11, Numbers 22-23, Numbers 31:16, Revelation 2:14, 2 Peter 2:15].
2021-6-28 "You have Seen the Father": What did Jesus mean when he said that when he was seen, one "has seen the father", and the works "speak of me" [Matthew 12:28, Acts 1;2, Philippians 2:7, John 14:8-10, John 10:25, John 5:19]
2021-6-28 Becoming a Messianic Jew & Following the Law: How do I handle my family member who has become a Messianic Jew and gets into arguments with me? How do I love her? [Galatians 5:2-4, Romans 14:1, 2 Corinthians 12:12].
2021-6-28 Premillennialist Church Father's Beliefs: Did the early Premillennial church fathers believe in the tribulation, the pre-trib rapture, and the antichrist?
2021-6-28 Satan's Released & Loosed: Are there any signs to tell us what it will look like when Satan will be released and "loosed for a little while"? [Revelation 20:3-7].
2021-6-28 Thief Coming Upon the Unsaved: Is the "thief" coming upon the unsaved in Revelation 3? [Revelation 3:3, I Thessalonians 5:5].
2021-6-28 Watch & Overcome in Revelation: Is "watch" the same as "overcoming"? [Revelation 3:3, I Peter 5, Revelation 2:5].
2021-6-28 Love of Money: Don't you think that the desire for wealth is exactly how Satan is derailing many? [I Timothy 6:9-10, I John 2:15-17, Matthew 19:24].