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Showing 22,151 to 22,200 of 25,774.
Date Topic Audio
2014-10-16 Charismatic Movement & the Gifts of the Spirit: Are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for us today, & what are their function in the church?
2014-10-16 King Saul's bloodshed: Where is the story about Saul shedding the blood of the Gibeonites before David wanted to avenge them? 2 Samuel 21]
2014-10-16 Sheba the Scribe: Is Sheba the one that recorded a lot of David's exploits?
2014-10-16 Urim and Thummim: What is the Urim & Thummim? There's not much mentioned of them in the Bible.
2014-10-16 Olivet Discourse & Noah's Flood: How does the stuff Jesus described in the Olivet Discourse compare with what happened during the days of Noah? [Matthew 24, Genesis 6-8]
2014-10-16 Dreams-Revelations: Is it a good idea to pray to God to influence people in their dreams, since they are the most vulnerable at that time, to get them to see the light? It's true God can influence someone anyway He wants, but it that a good specific thing to pray for? Is it permissible? [Job 33:14-18]
2014-10-16 Holy Presence at Church: Michael the Buddhist feels a warm, holy presence at the churches he attends.
2014-10-16 Judaism: So was Judaism, before Christ, just nothing but legalism then?
2014-10-16 Mark Driscoll - Mars Hill Church & the EFCA: Has Steve heard anything about Mark Driscoll & know what's happening with him & Mars Hill Church? Caller is concerned that the EFCA has some shenanigans about donations going where people don't want them going.
2014-10-16 Spiritual Death - Dead in Trespasses: We are not really spiritually dead but have a death sentence against us! It seems it was Adam's banishment & knowledge of Good & Evil has affected us. Why the health curse on us? [Ephesians 2, Colossians 2, John 5]
2014-10-15 Dead Sea Scrolls & the KJV Bible: Did the KJV Bible come from the Dead Sea Scrolls?
2014-10-15 Creation or Evolution: Can you be a Christian & be an Evolutionist at the same time?
2014-10-15 RCC & Confession & Worshipping Mary: Caller thinks that Confession or Worshipping Mary in the Roman Catholic Church are wrong or unnecessary to do.
2014-10-15 Christians & Halloween: What do you think about Christians "celebrating" Halloween?
2014-10-15 Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: It almost seems like Jesus focuses on the woman more than the male, that she was guilty for doing this or that. What are your thoughts on my wife divorcing me, no infidelity on my part? [Matthew 5:31-32, 19:3-9]
2014-10-14 Kingdom of God: We aren't in the full phase of the Kingdom of God right now, are we? Isn't there way more of it to come?
2014-10-14 Satan defeated at the Cross but a Roaring Lion: How do harmonize that Satan was overcome by the power of the cross, but it also says he's a roaring lion? [1 Peter 5:8]
2014-10-14 Stone Crushing the Feet Of Nebuchadnezzar's Image: Caller thinks that the Stone crushing the image, the feet, is more referring to the Second Coming rather than it being fulfilled when Jesus came the first time. [Daniel 2:45]
2014-10-14 Steve's Long Answers: Steve's shares an interesting story about why he gives long answers & some not liking his long answers, especially the ones that are on hold waiting & some do appreciate it, but whenever a question demands a long answer, he's going to give however long it takes, time permitting!
2014-10-14 Satan Being Loosed: Satan is supposed to be loosed & deceive the nations for a little time after the 1000 years. When is that supposed to take place? [Revelation 20:7-10, 2 Thessalonians 1:8]
2014-10-14 Wealth of the wicked being stored up for the Righteous: What does this mean, that the "wealth of the wicked is being stored up for the Righteous"? [(Proverbs 13:22b]
2014-10-14 Wealth of the wicked being stored up for the Righteous: What does this mean, that the wealth of the wicked is being stored up for the Righteous? [(Proverbs 13:22b]
2014-10-14 Kings bringing their Gifts & living to 120 years is a curse: What does this mean, children living to 100 years old is a curse, & kings bringing gifts? Are we supposed to go straight into the millennial kingdom? [Isaiah 65:20]
2014-10-14 Can't Enter Gate of the City: Where are the wicked? [Revelation 22:14-15]
2014-10-14 Entering only through Jesus' Blood: We can only enter the gate with the blood of Jesus!
2014-10-13 Jehovah's Witnesses: What are some key texts to share w/ Jehovah's Witnesses as I witness to them? [1 Peter 3:15]
2014-10-13 Church Fathers Regard to Revelation: It is the contention of the caller, who is doing a followup from a previous show, that the early church fathers did use & consider the book of Revelation inspired, even though it wasn't in the canon of Scripture.
2014-10-13 Downplaying a Centralized Place to Worship: When Jesus was talking to the Samaritan Woman, He was telling her that there soon wouldn't be a central temple to worship God, so why would Dispensationalists think there needs to be a 3rd temple in the Millennium? [John 4:20-24]
2014-10-13 Bible Scholars: Who are all these Bible Scholars that you keep mentioning?
2014-10-13 Inviting People to Church: What do you think about inviting unbelievers to church? I thought church was just for the believer?
2014-10-10 Angel of the Lord: Who is the Angel of the Lord? A Christophany or Theophany of Christ or an actual angel?
2014-10-10 Historic Premillennialism & Dispensationalism: Can you tell me the difference between Historic Premillennialism & Dispensationalism?
2014-10-10 Remnant Gathering: A lengthy discussion of if Israel gathered back together as prophesied over 2,000 years ago or if it was supposed to happened again, 2,000 years later.
2014-10-10 Book of Revelation: Since the book of Revelation wasn't in the canon of Scripture for a long time after all the other books, what did they consider the book as, just a inspirational, informative book, like the book of Maccabees?
2014-10-10 Church Father, Calvinism & Partial Preterism: I was listening to one of your lectures, you saying none of the Church Fathers believed in Calvinism, so that's a good argument that it's not correct, but, they didn't believe in Partial Preterism either, but the further we are getting away from it more people are believing it, including yourself. So why should we consider one aspect of what the Church Fathers thought, but not another?
2014-10-10 "Not One Stone Left Upon Another": Jesus said that not one stone would be left upon another, but what about the Wailing Wall? Was He just talking in hyperbole, exaggerating, not being literal? Why do people cry in front of it?
2014-10-10 The Angel of the Lord said: Military personnel has a theory that it WAS the angel that brought the message from the Lord but that it didn't need to be repeated that the angel of the Lord said that the Lord said so it made it seem like it was a Christophany of Jesus when it really wasn't.
2014-10-10 Holy Spirit & the Spiritual Man: So then if the spiritual nature has the Holy Spirit & is close to God, he also won't sin, isn't that right? (a little bit convoluted question.)
2014-10-10 Impeccability of Jesus: God the Father couldn't have sinned, but could Jesus have?
2014-10-10 Gay Marriages: Gay Marriages just became legal in Nevada.
2014-10-10 Organized Religion: How do you talk to somebody who doesn't believe in God anymore because of bad experiences from Organized Religions?
2014-10-09 Gay Weddings: We shouldn't attend Gay Weddings, should we? I mean, we aren't just going there for the cake & some punch! When you go to a real wedding, you are saying you are endorsing it, celebrating it with them, but gay weddings are not real.
2014-10-09 Genres: Can you explain Genres, & what genres are what in the Bible?
2014-10-09 The Bible Answer Man: How did you happen to be on Hank Hanegraaff's show, The Bible Answer Man?
2014-10-09 Young Couple living together but not Married: What do I tell young couples who are living together, even have children, but are not married? It's fornication, isn't it? [1 Corinthians 6:6-9]
2014-10-09 Final Judgment, End of the World & Signs: Did Jesus ever speak of a the end of the world, a final judgment? Are there going to be any signs of His coming?
2014-10-09 Redemption Draweth Nigh & False Christs: Are the verses 25 & after in Luke 21 talking about the actual physical coming of Christ or do you think it's still talking about the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD? Don't believe in False Christs....He's going to come w/ power & great glory. [Luke 21]
2014-10-09 Times & Seasons & Restoring the Kingdom: Didn't Jesus say it wasn't for us to know the times or seasons or the restoration of the Kingdom of God? [Acts 1:6-7, 1 Thessalonians 5:1]
2014-10-09 Liberty & Child-bearing: It's your prerogative if you want to have children or not when you are having sex.
2014-10-09 Martin Luther: Caller thinks Martin Luther lost his first love.