Paul-Imitate Me:How do you harmonize Paul telling others to imitate him, and is rebuking the Corinthians because they were seeking the luxury living, but Paul is telling them that they need to care for their families? [I Corinthians 4, I Timothy 5:8].
National Day of Prayer:What do you think about the National Day of Prayer? Should we not be praying every day? Shouldn't more churches be more involved?
Heart of Flesh:Can you expound this passage about stony hearts being made flesh? Does "make you walk in my ways" suggest that He will take away our freewill? [Ezekiel 36:24-37, 37]
Escaping Jerusalem AD 70: How and when did the Christians get the warning to leave Jerusalem prior to A.D. 70? Pray that it will not be on the Sabbath or in winter? [Eusebius].
Christian Gatherings: What is our obligation to gather together to fellowship, as believers? How do we see the organized corporate church in light of this scripture [Hebrew 10:25]?
Signs of End Times: Do you believe that all the Jews will be returned to Israel? Do you believe the two witnesses will be literal? You do believe in the rapture, right? [Luke 17, Matthew 24, Revelation 11]
Jehovah Witnesses: The group teaches that Satan was cast out of heaven in 1914, that and some other things that don't sound right. [Revelation 12:11, 31].
Church Loyalty:Should I leave a church that seems to think that I should simply go to a church that has the same views as I do, rather than discuss the concerns and differences I hold?
Salvation:When Jesus said, 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do", doesn't that indicate that all will be saved? The parable of the prodigal son [Luke 15:11-32, 23:34]
Spirit of Condemnation in Church Fellowships:The expectations some pastors and church bodies place on their attendees are very disheartening, how does one handle this? [Deuteronomy 25:4, II Corinthians 6:14, I Timothy 5:18, I Corinthians 9:9, II Corinthians 6:14, Galatians 6:1-10, Matthew 10:6, Hebrews 10:25].
Debates:When debating, it seems that many may not be being totally honest by often leaving out things that would not serve their points, isn't this like being a false teacher?
Prophecy in Zechariah:What is your take on Zechariah 13:7? Clarifying the time-markers in scripture. Jerusalem paralleled to the church and fulfillment in the 1st century. [Zechariah 12-14, 12:10, 13:7, 14:2, John 7:37f, Isaiah 28:16]
Rich Young Ruler:Are these instructions for everyone? Considering individual motivations, and how possessions are viewed. [Luke 6: James, Revelation 3].
Spirits in Prison:What does this phrase "Jesus preaching to spirits in prison" tll us? [I Peter 3:19, I Peters 1:10-12, 4:6, II Peter 2:5], repentance after death? I Peter 4:7: Does this phrase “end of all time†mean the “end of the world� [I Peter 4:7, Acts 1:7].