State of the Dead:What is the truth about whether we immediately go to the presence of the Lord after we die, or being in the Eternal State in the New Jerusalem?
Thorn in the flesh (followup):What is the "thorn in the flesh" that Paul had? Was it possibly guilt or emotional baggage? [2 Corinthians 12:6-8, Numbers 33:55]
Christ's Birth & being a Nazarene:I was doing some research on Christ's birth, & there's Scripture that points out fulfillment of OT Scripture such as the Virgin birth, being called out of Egypt, but it also talks about Him being called a Nazarene, but there's no OT prophet predicting Him being a Nazarene. [Matthew 1:22-23, 2:15]
Husband's faith:Wife is concerned about her husband's lack of faith, he being told that God is like a horse & can come believe anything about God that he wants. But someone said that a wife can't instruct or talk about Bible things w/ her husband, so she's afraid of talking to him. [1 Peter 3:1]
Elephant analogy:These "blind" people can move around to different parts of the elephant & if the elephant had a voice, he could speak, but God HAS spoken!
Being Superstitious:What if people just say that people were superstitious back then? Is there any extra biblical or experiential evidence that we have soul/spirit?
Soul - Spirit:Is the soul or spirit a separate entity from our body? [2 Corinthians 4, 2 Corinthians 5, Philippians 1:21-23, 2 Corinthians 12, Luke 24:39]
General Questions about the Narrow Path Ministry:Questions about how to donate, is it okay to pay his tithe to his ministry, & how thankful he is for Steve's ministry.
Jews building a Tabernacle:How come the Jews, since they don't believe in Jesus, can't just build a tabernacle so they can start the sacrificial system again?
Bema seat judgment:When is the timing of the "Bema Seat" judgment, & is it the general judgment? Are there 2 different judgments? [1 Corinthians 3:1-0-15, 2 Corinthians 5:10]
Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage Situation:I've called before re: this situation, but i'm wondering the coldness i'm having w/ my wife for the last 6 months.
Rap Music:Caller doesn't like Rap Music at all, that there's nothing good about it whatsoever! That it's demons. That rap Christian music is an oxymoron.
Demon-possession - Mental Illness:Caller is amazed about how Steve's answer to a question about mental illness or demon-possession completely described him.
Calculation problems w/ Noah's Ark:It just seems like an impossibility all the logistics involving all the animals in Noah's ark. How would it be possible? All the food, all the clean up. [Genesis 6]
Mental Illness & Demon-possession:People who are diagnosed w/ Mental Illness, could they actually be demon-possessed? Even Christian counselors seem to ignore the idea.
Moses & Mount Sinai"Lest they break through", God told Moses to go warn the people below less they break through. Breakthrough to where? the mountain to see God? [Exodus 19:21]
KJV only Advocates:KJV advocates say that if people read the King James Version of the Bible, & struggles to understand it, it means they are not saved because "My sheep hear my voice" & understand it.