Kingdom Taken From the Jews:Why was the Kingdom of God taken from the Jews, because they were not experiencing Justice, Peace & Joy? [Matthew 21:43, Romans 14:17]
Predestination:Caller wants to why so people are so confused about the word of Predestination. There's a difference between being "saved" & being "called according to His purpose". Romans 8:28-29
Age of the Earth, Prehistoric Age:The Age of the Stars & other things don't seem to match up w/ the Creation Account, so how do we deal w/ that? [Genesis 1 & 2, Romans 1:19-20]
Christians who are in Sin:How do we deal in a Christ-like matter those who claim Christianity but who are living in sin? [Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15-20]
Bible Authority, Biblical Interpretation:You need to use Biblical Hermeneutics or exegetical method of interpreting the Bible, a followup from Tom the Catholic.
Promises to the Jews fulfilled:Did you say that all the Promises of God to the Jews have been fulfilled? What about the 7 year period right before He comes back?
Races Starting at Tower of Babel:Caller responding to the caller of the previous show talking about races. He wants to know, what about at the Tower of Babel?
Church Membership:Pastor thinks that if they are going to participate in leadership roles of groups of missions, that they need actually join the church membership, & to do this, they want these people to go through a 2 month membership course instead of going to the regular church service.
New Apostolic Reformation & Spiritual Mapping:What can Steve say about the YWAM (Youth With A Mission) & the New Apostolic Reformation, because they linked YWAM w/ them, and wondering about Spiritual Mapping.
God of the OT in contrast w/ Jesus of the NT:People think there's a complete contrast between the God of the OT & the God of the NT, having character trait differences.
Adam - Father of all Mankind:Are Adam & Eve really the first parents of the human race, or did God create humans before them, & THEN Adam? [Romans 5:12-21, Genesis 1:26-27, Genesis 2]
Creation being Millions of Years:She thinks there was a destruction of the "earth" before God created it again during the creation. She gives a litany of Bible references but they turn out to not be the ones she intended.
Baptism:Were people baptized in the Old Testament? Why was John the Baptist baptizing people? What is the reason WE get baptized, to identify w/ the death & resurrection of Jesus Christ?
Passover, Jesus' Death & Resurrection:How do we get 3 literal days & nights in Jesus' Death to His Resurrection? Does it have something to do w/ the Passover?
Jesus Abolishing the Sabbath:Wasn't Jesus just trying to break all the legalism of Pharisees centered around the Sabbath & not the actual Sabbath at all? [Genesis 2:2-3, Exodus 20:8-11, Romans 14:5-6]
The Millennial Reign:Will it be governed by the Mosaic Law or by the Law of non-aggression? How would Jesus reign on David's Throne? what about wild animals eating straw, mingling w/ the Lamb & the children? Where can I learn more about this?
Disagrees, but Love's the Narrow Path:The caller disagrees w/ Steve Gregg, especially the regarding the last days, when it comes to eschatology. She wants to make sure he stays on the air.
Devil Coming Has Short Time:What is this short season that Satan has or will have? When does it start & end? Are they both talking about the same event? [Revelation 12:9-12, 20:3]
Gift of Prophecy:A member of the caller's church is a lady who claims to have the gift of prophecy. How accurate does she have to be to be considered having the gift of prophecy?
Mountains, literal or figurative:Is this a literal mountain or figurative, the mountains of your life, obstacles, where it says we can move mountains? [mark 11:23-24}
Sabbath & the 10 Commandments:Caller has a member of a small Bible study group that insists that we have to keep the Sabbath on the Sabbath day. Are we still under the 10 Commandments?