Date | Topic | Audio |
2018-9-06 | Trinity: How does the Trinity work? |
2018-9-05 | Marian Apparitions: Can the apparitions of Mary be real that supposedly happened in Fatima? |
2018-9-05 | The Narrow Path Ministry: I just wanted to say THANK YOU for your ministry! |
2018-9-05 | God Replacing what Satan stole: I heard that Jesus came to replace what Satan had lost? |
2018-9-05 | Church Fathers: Do you have any books you recommend, especially re: the church fathers? |
2018-9-05 | David Baxter: Have you ever debated Ervin Baxter about eschatology? |
2018-9-05 | Deep meaning of the words in a verse: "My God, My God, why has Thou forsaken Me?", was trying to study the deeper meaning of the scripture, & came up with a few things. [Matthew 27:46] |
2018-9-05 | Renewing Your Mind: What does it mean to renew your mind? [Romans 12:1-2] |
2018-9-05 | Evangelizing to others: How does one share the Lord or evangelize others? |
2018-9-05 | Homosexual Lifestyle Temptation: I've lived a gay lifestyle for 41 yrs, & how do I resist the sexual temptation? Will my friends who have died not have further chances if they never knew what I have learned? |
2018-9-05 | Non-Christian Miracle Workers: How will God deal with people who cast out demons in Jesus' name & heal others with New Age techniques? [Luke 9:49] |
2018-9-05 | Christian Making Judgments: Christians making judgments, being morally sensitive & being indignant over wrong. |
2018-9-04 | Apostles for Today: Are there any apostles for today? How do we know if they are genuine or not? |
2018-9-04 | God the Father: Is God the actual Father of Jesus or is it just figurative? |
2018-9-04 | Speaking in Tongues: Are there different kinds? Are they actual languages or can they be babble ecstatic utterance? [1 Corinthians 14] |
2018-9-04 | Steve Gregg's 2 Books: My question is in relation to your book about the 4 views of Revelation. Where did you get the info about Francisco Ribera being the father of Dispensationalism? I also like your other book about the 3 views of Hell. |
2018-9-04 | Ignorant Sin: So we have a little less culpability for ignorant sin? |
2018-9-04 | Unconditional Forgiveness: Unconditional forgiveness of others, but who was Jesus asking God to forgive when He was on the cross? |
2018-9-04 | Universal Forgiveness: But by Jesus saying, "Forgive them for they know not what they do", did not make it so everyone is forgiven? |
2018-9-04 | Dating of the Book of Revelation: When was the book of Revelation written? |
2018-9-04 | Scriptural Textual Variances: There seems to be differences in Biblical Manuscripts. What can you tell me about them? |
2018-9-04 | Narrow is the Gate: Narrow is the gate, what does that mean? [Matthew 7:13-14] |
2018-9-04 | Refuse to Forgive: What if when I ask for forgiveness, people don't forgive me? [Matthew 18:21-22] |
2018-8-31 | Noah & his son Ham: Did Ham molest his father? what is going on in this story? [Genesis 9] |
2018-8-31 | 70 Weeks in Daniel: Prophecy of the 70 weeks in Daniel 9, 70 x 7=490 years, rebuilding of the temple & dating from the decrees. Cyrus decree started off the 70 weeks? |
2018-8-31 | Annual Memorials: Annual memorials from when people die, is this ok? |
2018-8-31 | "Much study is a weariness": In end of the matter, study will make you tired, is that he saying? |
2018-8-31 | The Book of Ecclesiastes: Would you say that Ecclesiastes was basically the life of an unbeliever? |
2018-8-31 | Cowards: What is the significance of the emphasis on cowards? [Revelation 21:8] |
2018-8-31 | Male & Female: Why does it say that God created He Male & Female, before Eve was even made. What does that mean? [Genesis 1:27, Genesis 1, Genesis 2] |
2018-8-31 | No Longer on KKMC: I just heard that you're going off KKMC, the longest running show The Narrow Path has been on. |
2018-8-31 | Creation or New Covenant & Kingdom of God: Is this proof of Jesus as God or is it regarding the creation of the new covenant or new creation instead of the typical understanding the original creation of the world? [Colossians 1:16] |
2018-8-31 | Literary Devices: Struggling with biblical proof of the deity of Christ, & have heard of literary devices found in the Bible. |
2018-8-31 | No Church Desire for Evangelism or Discipleship: If a church doesn't seem to want to support one's desire to evangelize & disciple, is it time to find another church? |
2018-8-31 | Old Testament Emphasis: Caller think there's too much emphasis on OT scripture, instead of focusing on the NT & what is happening in the world today |
2018-8-31 | On the Brink of Nuclear War: Caller thinks we are on the brink of War with Russia (in 2018). |
2018-8-31 | Sikh Temple Gatherings: Similarity between other religions & Christianity, attends a Sikh gathering, because they provide food, & it takes the pressure off of the Christian format. |
2018-8-31 | Steve's Questions: What questions remain unanswered for Steve Gregg? |
2018-8-30 | Seed-Single or Plural: Seed is both singular & plural, why? [Galatians 3:16] |
2018-8-30 | Technology: Is technology part of God's intended creation? |
2018-8-30 | Turning Hearts: Turning hearts of children to their fathers & the hearts of the fathers to the children. What is the meaning of those last verses of the Old Covenant, Old Testament? [Malachi 4:4-6, Luke 1:17] |
2018-8-30 | Epistle of Barnabus: What is the gospel (actually epistle) of Barnabus? |
2018-8-30 | Gnostic Gospels: what is the Gnostic gospel? |
2018-8-30 | Feast Days: I'm confused about the Passover & feast of Unleaven Bread timeline |
2018-8-30 | Tithing: I am surprised that you told a caller that they might want to ask the church how much they expect in their monetary contribution. |
2018-8-30 | Hebrew Roots Movement & the Trinity: Trinitarian vs Non-Trinitarian in the Hebrew Roots Movement, can you explain why they are saying Jesus only existed since Mary's Immaculate Conception? Have you heard of this before? |
2018-8-30 | Good Study Bible: Can you recommend a good study Bible? |
2018-8-29 | Using the Lord's Name in Vain: How do we deal with people who take the Lord's Name in Vain as a cuss word? [1 Corinthians 5:12] |
2018-8-29 | Amillennial & Satan being Bound: Amillennial view & Satan being bound, no longer to deceive the nations, how does that fit? |
2018-8-29 | Sodom & Gomorrah: For what sins were Sodom & Gomorrah destroyed? Greed, pride or Homosexuality? Who were the 2 men that showed up? |