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Date Topic Audio
2020-1-28 Creation: Has water always existed, since the Bible doesn't say that God created it? [Genesis 1].
2020-1-28 Married in Heaven: Do you think that it is possible that married couples will be one person in heaven? [Matthew 22:30].
2020-1-27 Three Views of Hell: There seems to be very solid scriptures that support the idea of eternal torment in hell, so how can there legitimately be other views of hell? [Daniel 12:2, Matthew 25:46, 12:46, Isaiah 66:24, Mark 9:43]
2020-1-27 Condemning Spirit of Calvinist Theologian: Should I just stop listening when I am actually hurt by the condemning spirit of some theologians, in particular some Calvinists? [Proverbs 6:19].
2020-1-27 Defending Others Against Abortion: How should I step when seeing someone committing a crime, like abortions?
2020-1-27 Breath of Life & Abortion: Since the bible refers to "the breath of life", is this justification for aborting babies because they are not really alive until they take their first breath?
2020-1-27 Jews-Saved Because They are His Chosen People: Do Jews have a special position as His chosen people, that will save them no matter whether they accept Christ or not? [Romans 2:6, 28-29, Revelation 2:9].
2020-1-27 Job's Wealth & Sinfulness: Was Job actually doing something wrong because of all the wealth he had accumulated? [Job 1:8].
2020-1-27 Eternal Nature of Man in Hell: Doesn't the eternal nature of man come into considering various views of hell? [Revelation 1, 20, I Corinthians 15:51, Psalm 16, I Timothy 6:15-16].
2020-1-27 According to the Flesh: Could you help me understand this passage of Scripture, especially the phrase, "no one according to the flesh"? [2 Corinthians 15:16, Romans 1:3].
2020-1-24 Eternal Life and the Resurrection of the Saints in the Old Testament: Is there not reference to eternal life in the Old Testament? Did not the fathers of the faith know about eternal life and the resurrection? [Daniel 12:2, John 5:29, Psalm 49:15, 30:3, 86:13, 116:8, Job 19:26].
2020-1-24 Judge Not: Are not people always going to judge? Are Christians never supposed to judge? [John 7:24, I Corinthians 2:14, 14:29, Matthew 7:1, 16-17].
2020-1-24 Christian Abortion Supporter: Would you consider those who support abortion still your Christians?
2020-1-24 AD70 and Dating of Revelation: Could not the date of the writing of the book of Revelation be after AD70 and how would that change eschatology? [Matthew 24].
2020-1-24 The 70 Weeks of Daniel: Could you not measure the years back from AD70 and fix the date of the beginning of the 70 weeks to that point? [Daniel 9:26-27].
2020-1-24 Earth's Age: Would you discuss the age of the earth ?
2020-1-24 Few are Chosen: Could you clarify what is meant by "many are called, few are chosen?" [Matthew 13, 20:16, 22:14].
2020-1-24 Paul's Disobedience in the Law: Why did Paul seem to enforce and demonstrate living according to the law when we have been released from the law? [Galatians, Acts 18:18, I Corinthians 9:20].
2020-1-23 Hebrew Text: Would biblical texts today, in Hebrew, be the same as those that are 500 years old?
2020-1-23 Seed of Woman: Does the verse about the "seed of a woman" in Genesis 3, support the idea of the virgin birth? [Genesis 3:15].
2020-1-23 Language of Jesus: Is it significant that the language that Jesus spoke is being lost? Any relavance to the Old Testament scripture about a returning pure language? [Luke 6:45].
2020-1-23 No Marriage License: What do you think about someone who doesn't want to get a marriage licence, they just want to consider themselves married spiritually?
2020-1-23 Sabbath vs Sunday: When and why did we start worshipping on Sunday, rather than on the Sabbath? [Acts 2].
2020-1-23 Punishment to the 3 & 4th Generations: Can you break down what God says about visiting iniquities on the children of the 3 and 4th generations? [Exodus 20, 34:6].
2020-1-23 Three Views of Hell: Would you reveal what you lean toward regarding in the three views of hell? [Deuteronomy 29:29].
2020-1-23 New Earth: Does the new earth go on forever? How does that work relative to marriage? [Matthew 22:30, Ephesians 5, Matthew 7:21].
2020-1-23 Marriage & Divorce: Could you speak to a previous marriage & divorce before one converts to Christ? [I Corinthians 7:12-13].
2020-1-23 Out of Hell into Heaven: What about the possibility of those in hell, being reformed to ultimately enter heaven at some point?
2020-1-22 God's Sovereignty & Time: Does God really know the future? Can He choose not to know certain things? [Genesis 22:12].
2020-1-22 Binding of Satan: What does one do with the verses about Satan still being active in the world today, if he was bound at the cross? [Revelation 5:6, Revelation 20:3-9, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Colossians 2:15, Hebrews 2:14, 2 Thessalonians 1:8, I Peter 5:8, Mark 3:27, Matthew 12:29, I John 5:19].
2020-1-22 End Times Timeline for Amillennialists: Would you outline the timeline of end times from the amillennial view?
2020-1-22 Adam & Eve Created Good or Bad: If God created Adam and Eve good and righteous, in the image of God, how could they have possibly sinned?
2020-1-22 Saved in Christ: Is there a distinction between being saved as a Jew versus a gentile? [Revelation 19:7-9, Psalm 2:8, I John 5:12, Romans 22:8-9].
2020-1-22 Reigning in the New Earth: Are we going to reign in the millennium with Christ in the new earth? [Revelation 20, I Thessalonians 4:14].
2020-1-22 Jesus Fulfilling the Law & New Covenant: Could you help me understand the passage about Jesus fulfilling the law and not one jot or tittle changing? [Matthew 5:17-18, Galatians 4].
2020-1-21 Church Membership & Submission to Leaders: What do you think about church membership and submitting to the church leaders? [Hebrews 13:17].
2020-1-21 Tearing down strongholds: Can we tear down strongholds in other Christian's lives? [2 Corinthians 10:3-5].
2020-1-21 Law of Liberty & James, brother of Jesus: What is the "law of liberty" in James 2? Is this writer, James, the brother of Jesus, who did not believe? When did he write the book? [James 2, Acts, John 12:48, 13:34, I Corinthians 13].
2020-1-21 Abuse, Abandonment, Divorce: Is abuse and abandonment legitimate reasons for divorce?
2020-1-21 Women's Punishment in Genesis: I am wondering why the women's punishment for sinning in Genesis, seem so much worse than what man has to suffer? [Genesis 3:16-17].
2020-1-21 Fulfillment of the Law & Commandments: Did Jesus fulfill all of the law-all 613 commandments? Do Christians still have to keep any of them?
2020-1-20 God's Absolute Foreknowledge: Does God have absolute foreknowledge, particularly in light of these scriptures? [Jeremiah 19:5, 32:35, Genesis 6:6, 22:12, I Samuel 15:11, 2 Chronicles 32:31, Deuteronomy 31:29, Exodus 32, James 1:13, Genesis 18:11].
2020-1-20 Taking Thoughts Captive in Spiritual Warfare: Why do you say that Paul meant to take other people's thoughts captive, rather than one's own in this passage about spiritual warfare? [2 Corinthians 10:3-5, 2:14, Romans 7:22].
2020-1-20 Gospel John's Cosmic Tone about Jesus' Deity: Why is there such a difference in the cosmic way John presents his gospel and God's deity when contrasted to the other synoptic gospel? [John 10, Ezekiel 34, 37, John 15:1, 8:58, 14:11, 16:12-13]
2020-1-20 God's Foreknowledge of Those That Apostatize: If God knows everything, then how would He deal with knowing that someone would depart from Him in the future? [Luke 6].
2020-1-20 Born Again: What does one do to be born again? [John 3:3, 9, 14, Colossians 2:13-14, Luke 15:24].
2020-1-20 Worship in Spirit & Truth: What does it mean to worship in spirit and truth? [John 4:6-30].
2020-1-17 Circumcision: Is circumcision only to be seen as a sign that set apart God's people from the rest? [Hebrews 9, Psalm 24:4, James].
2020-1-17 Fasting & Mourning Rituals: What do the verses about fasting for the bridegroom, the patches on the clothing, and the new wine in old wine skins really refer to? [Matthew 9:14-17, Mark 2:18-22, 2 Corinthians 3:17].
2020-1-17 After a Christian Dies: What happens after a Christian believer dies? What happens in the interim and what happens while in heaven? [Psalm 115:16, I Thessalonians 4:13, 2 Corinthians 5:8, I Corinthians 13:9-12].