People or Spirits as anti-Christ:Why does it say in one place where John talks about the anti-Christ that he says it's a person but in another place he says they are spirits? [1 John 4:1-3, 2 John 2:7]
Knowledge of Writing the Bible:Did the writers of the Bible, especially Paul, know they were writing the Bible when they were writing it? After all, Peter considers Paul's writings authoritative. [2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 3:15-16]
Christ-likeness Preventing Sound Judgment:Does be coming too Christ-like prevent sound judgment of being able to accurately judge people on the other hand? [1 Corinthians 2:15]
Judging People or Things:Caller thinks Matthew 7 is talking about judging fellow brothers in Christ, & that John 7 is talking about judging things. What does Steve think? [Matthew 7:1-2, 1 Corinthians 5:1-4, John 7:24, Proverbs 12:1]
High Standard of Sermon on the Mount:Is Jesus actually saying we can do everything He said in the Sermon on the Mount? Or is He simply showing the disparity between His holiness & our sinfulness and inability? [Matthew 5-7, John 8:31, Matthew 28:20]
Cruise Ship Ministries:Is a cruise ship ministry a legitimate ministry or not? Spending a lot of money to go on a extravagant vacation? What about helping the poor instead of spending it on yourself?
Breaking Bread:
In Acts, where Eutychus died by falling from a window, it says they were "breaking bread", but a lot of translations are changing it to "the Lord's Supper". So is it just eating together or is it actually the Lord's Supper (Communion)? [Acts 20:7-11]
Jesus Coming or Going:Did Jesus say He wasn't going, or wasn't going yet? It seems to be saying contradictory things depending on which translation of the Bible you are using. [John 6:6-9]
Daydreaming about Vengeance:What do you think about daydreaming of vengeance. Not doing it, just thinking about it. Is that okay? [Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:29, Hebrews 10:30]
Repenting after Death:Is there a verse that says there is NO chance of repentance, salvation after death? How are we responsible for what Adam did? Isn't he going t obe in a lot more trouble than us for the trouble he caused us? [Hebrew 9:27]
Sons of God Manifestation:Is there going to be an elite group of people in the future who become fully mature men "Sons of God" in the future? [Romans 8]
Jesus Descending to Hades:Caller thinks Jesus descended to hell like the Scripture seems to indicate because it was the "sign of Jonah". Steve's thoughts to that? [Ephesians 4:9, Matthew 12:40, Jonah 2:1-2]
12 Tribes of Israel & Jewish Purity:
Where did the Tribes of Israel come from & are there still tribes that are completely of the pure Jewish race? Are the Native Indians descendants of Jews?
Catholics & Protestants Believe in Same God:Catholics & Protestants might get their information from different sources, but they believe in the same God. But the question is, if you say some books aren't part of the Bible, aren't you also following tradition?
Calvinism:I have some friends that believe in Unconditional Election yet also believe in Free will. What do you think? Isn't that sort've a contradiction.