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Date Topic Audio
2022-7-07 Gifts of the Spirit: Are we not expected to see the gifts of the Spirit active in our churches? [Ephesians 4:11].
2022-7-07 Wine Cheers both God and Man: Could you clarify the meaning of the verse abut how wine cheers the heart of God and man? [Judges 9:8-13, Psalm 104:14-15, Proverbs 31:4-6, I Corinthians 6:9-10].
2022-7-07 Eternal Security: Are we kept by God's power ony as long as we choose to stay (with reference to the prodigal son and the scripture about His losing none)? [John 17:12-20, I Peter 1:5, Romans 5:2, Ephesians 2:8-9].
2022-7-07 Prodigal Son: Was the Prodigal Son always "a son" even when he was away from his father? [Acts 17:28-29, Luke 15:11-32].
2022-7-07 Televangelist's Healings: Could you comment on the instantaneous healings I see on television and if they are disingenuous? [Acts 7-8, Philippians 2:25-27, 2 Timothy 4:20, I Timothy 5:23].
2022-7-07 My Will vs God's Will: How do I find a balance between my own responsibilities, choices, and individual free will and what God's will is for me?
2022-7-06 Book of Revelation-Date of Writing: What are your reasons for believing that it is possible that the book of Revelation is likely to have been written before some of the other New Testament books? [Revelation 19, 2 Peter 3:13, Isaiah 65:17, Revelation 20-21, James 1:12, Revelation 2:10, James 1:18, Revelation 14:4].
2022-7-06 Upon Death: Do we go directly to heaven when we die? [2 Corinthians 5:8, Philippians 1:21-23, I Corinthians 15].
2022-7-06 One's Temptations to Sin: Where do most people stand when reflecting upon their sexual behavior and other sin in their past. [Judges 9:13, Psalms 104:15, Proverbs 31:6].
2022-7-06 Atheist-Age of Earth: Atheist; If the age of the earth is not a hinge point for Christian faith, then where does the line get drawn on what is true and literal?
2022-7-06 Atheist-On His Unbelief: Atheist compares religion to the cartoon "Scooby-Doo" and claims the supernatural is just malarkey.
2022-7-06 In the Presence of the Lord: What will it be like when we are in the presence of the Lord?
2022-7-06 Paranoia about all the Shootings: What is the best way to process my fear about all the shootings in the news? [Matthew 10:29-31, Psalm 34:7].
2022-7-06 Abusing Alcohol: Could you explain the passage about those that sin (fornicators, drunkards, etc.) will not inherit the Kingdom of God? [I Cor 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21, James 3:2, Galatians 5:16].
2022-7-05 Coming Worldwide Revival: Do you expect a worldwide revival before the coming of the Lord? [Joel 2].
2022-7-05 Economic Wealth Given to Believers: Does the Bible actually teach that God will transfer economic wealth from the unrighteous to the righteous in the end times? [Proverbs 28:8].
2022-7-05 Kids Exposed to a Gay Couple: How do I think biblically about my grandchildren being around a gay couple and their child-if it will stumble them? [Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:42].
2022-7-05 Teaching Children: What are some of the practical ways to teach our children about the Lord? [Ephesians 6:4].
2022-7-05 Evidence for the Young Earth: Could you help me understand the evidence for the young earth? [Genesis 1, Genesis 5, Genesis 11].
2022-7-05 Food, Diets & Seventh Day Adventism: Caller shares his experience with the foods he eats and supports the idea of eating Kosher. [Acts 10:13-15, Romans 14:14, Mark 7:18, I Timothy 4:1-4, Genesis 9:3]
2022-7-05 Release or Loosing of Satan: About the "releasing of Satan for a little while", are there other verses that relate to this in the scriptures? [Revelation 20, Revelation 11, 2 Thessalonians 2, Genesis 3:15, Colossians 2:15, Hebrews 2:14,l Isaiah 2, Isaiah 11, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 54]
2022-7-05 Proof of the Trinity: Is the verse in I John the best proof of "the Trinity"? Recommended topical lectures; "Knowing God", "Trinity". [I John 5:7].
2022-7-04 Demonic Forces at Work: What other forces, other than demonic forces, could have been at work in the experience of all your fleeces set before God?
2022-7-04 Fleeces before God: Would you share your personal story of putting fleeces before God about about the girl who you would marry?
2022-7-04 Resurrection on the Third Day: What is the parallel between Jesus saying He would raise up the temple in 3 days, and His resurrection? [I Corinthians 15:4, Matthew 12:40, John 2:19].
2022-7-04 "Violent Take it by Force": What was meant by the verse "the violent take it by force?" [Matthew 11:12, Luke 16:16, John 3:5].
2022-7-04 Modern Day Prophets: What do you think about modern day prophets? [Ephesians 4:11-16, I Thessalonians 5:20].
2022-7-04 Hyperbole in Scripture: How does one know when something is hyperbole in scripture? [Genesis 22:17].
2022-7-04 Laying a Fleece: Caller shares her story of "laying a fleece."
2022-7-04 Bible Translation-ESV Why does the ESV translate the word "kidneys" instead of "hearts" [Lamentations 3:13].
2022-7-04 Contraception (Birth Control): If I don't think we need to practice contraception, but my wife is not on board. How do I handle that? Recommended topical lecture; "A Vision for Children."
2022-7-01 Praying on the Football Field: Since we are to pray in our closets, was it correct for the coach to pray in the middle of the football field? Could you also comment on the lawsuit over it. [Matthew 6:3-6, Matthew 5:42, Luke 6:30, John 17:20-23].
2022-7-01 Taking Away from Scripture: Regarding the scriptures that say something about "not adding to or taking away" from scripture, what are we to make of that today? [Revelation 22:18-19, Deuteronomy 4:2, Proverbs 30:6].
2022-7-01 Abortion in the Case of Rape: Is it acceptable to abort a baby in the case of rape?
2022-7-01 Praying in Public: Is this scripture support the idea that public prayer is acceptable? [Daniel 6:10-13].
2022-7-01 "Morning-After" Pill: Are you supportive of the "morning-after" pill?
2022-7-01 Contraception (Birth Control): Are you against contraception? [Psalms 127:4].
2022-7-01 "Oneness" Theology: Isn't "Oneness Theology" a belief that could lead people astray? [Psalm 22:1, Matthew 27:46].
2022-7-01 Abortion Legislation: Are we taking away a woman's right to her own body if we don't allow abortion?
2022-7-01 Altering the Word of God: How do they scriptures against altering the Word of God apply to some of the paraphrases, dynamic equivalency and other translations of the Bible?
2022-7-01 Burnt Offering of His Son: Why did great wrath come against Israel because the King of Moah's choice to burn his son on the wall? [2 Kings 3:27].
2022-6-30 Mormon's Becoming Gods: What do you say to Mormon's who believe that they will one day be a god?
2022-6-30 The New Earth: Is it possible that the new earth will be an entirely new planet? [2 Peter 3:10].
2022-6-30 Emailing Steve Gregg: Can I email questions instead of calling the radio program?
2022-6-30 God Speaking to Me: How do I know that God is trying to tell me something, and it is not just my conscience? [Ephesians 5:17].
2022-6-30 Dogs Outside the City: Who are the "dogs" outside the city? If they are bad people, then why are they outside the city, instead of in the Lake of Fire? [Revelation 22:18].
2022-6-30 Joseph (Jesus' Human Father): What happened to Joseph, Jesus' father? [Luke 2, John 2].
2022-6-30 "Violent Men" Take the Kingdom "by Force": What is meant by the scripture that says that violent men will take the kingdom by force? [Matthew 11:12, Luke 16:16].
2022-6-30 Signs & Wonders: Where is the power of the "signs & wonders" of the New Testament days? [Acts 4:29, Acts 2:43, 2 Corinthains 12:12, Mark 16:20, John 17:21].
2022-6-30 Who Are 'They" in Acts 5?: When the apostles were working miracles in Acts 5, who is the "rest" that "did not join them"? [Acts 5:13-14, Acts 2:47].