Christians Needing or not Needing a Doctor:Are doctors really necessary for the Christian? Don't these verses indicate that we don't, that we will be healed? [James 5, Acts 20:9-10]
Adulterers Stoned:Was there any sacrifice or peace offering you could give God in the Old Testament on laws that you break that required the death penalty such as adultery? [Leviticus 20:10]
The Angel of the Lord=The Holy Spirit: Is it referring to the Holy Spirit when it says, "THE" Angel of the Lord as opposed to an Angel of the Lord, which just means messenger?
Holy Spirit Feminine:Is the Holy Spirit feminine? Where do they get that idea? Does it come from the "Wisdom" Scriptures where it talks about "he" & "she"? [1 Corinthians 1:30, Proverbs 8]
Kingdom of God Now or Later:Is the Kingdom of God right now or not until the future yet? Didn't it officially come into being right before the death of Christ on the cross, because during the Lord's Supper He said He wasn't going to take it, & even rejected it once on the cross, but right before He died, He accepted it, so was that establishing the Kingdom right then? [Matthew 26:29, Matthew 27:34, Matthew 27:48, Luke 22:15-16]
"Perish by the Sword":It says in Matthew that those who use the sword will die by the sword, so what about people who are in the military? [Matthew 26:52]
PBS Special on Noah's Ark:I was watching a PBS special on the Flood & Noah's Ark, & they said that it happened Epic of Gilgamesh which was written way before Genesis, so Moses just got it from that. Is that true?
Paul & James' Gospel of Faith & Works:There seems to be contradiction in the conclusion of what actually saves us, Paul saying in Romans that it's completely by faith, but James says it's both Faith AND Works. So is it POSSIBLE that just like the Church Fathers had a lot of latitude in what they believed, is it possible that the apostles did too? [Romans 4:1-4, Romans 2, Romans 5:6, Romans 5:1, James 2:24]
Sharing the Gospel with Mormons:I've been working with some Mormon missionaries, so what is your approach when talking to Mormons, & how to you talk to them on their level?
God's Wrath in the OT:I don't understand the violence in the Old Testament, especially since God is a God of love. It almost seems like what's going on with ISIS? [Joshua]
Bowing Down to People:Joseph's brothers bowing down to Joseph, or Nebuchadnezzar bowing down to Daniel, were those instances inappropriate, bowing down to them? [Genesis 42:6, Daniel 2:46]
The Prince of Persia:The Prince of Persia in Zachariah are both referred to as men & angels, that it is interchangeable. So he thinks Isaiah & Ezekiel is talking about the devil, Satan, once being Lucifer. [Zachariah 1, Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28]
Jesus Coming back Contradictions:These 2 passages here about the second coming of Christ (so the caller believes) seems to be saying opposing things, & so can Steve explain the difference? [Mark 13, 2 Thessalonians 4]
Angel of the Lord:Caller wants to discuss the Zechariah 1 discussion Steve just had & point out that it is apocalyptic language & that it was possibly a theophany/Christophany.
Doctrinal Disagreements of Moral Significance:I was listening to your lectures on "strategy for unity" & was wondering what you thought about disagreeing with doctrinal disagreements of moral implications? What about war, divorce & remarriage, forcible resistance, heresy, & false prophets? [Romans 14]
Catholic Eucharist:I was invited by a Catholic to partake in a Catholic Communion. But the problem was, they said I had to go to confession first. Should I participate?
Catholic Communion:Caller who just called about communion calls back & wants to talk about the Transubstantiation of communion in the Catholic church, the bread & wine turning into the body & blood of Jesus' body. [John 6]
Faith & Works:"Faith without works is dead", so what are some of the kinds of works are we supposed to do in order to be exhibiting that we are Christians? [James 2:14-25, Galatians 5:6]
The Light of the Body:Jesus was talking about the eye being the lamp of the body, was He talking about the Aura? [Matthew 6:22, Proverbs 30:17, Matthew 20:1-16, Mark 7, Proverbs 23:6, Proverbs 22:9, Proverbs 28:2]
Hell-Annihilationism:Caller has been studying about the 3 views of Hell, & is coming to the conclusion of Annihilationism, would like Steve's take on that view of Hell.
Saturday Night or Sunday:When Eutychus fell out of the window after Paul was preaching for such a long time, it says the "first day of the week", but wasn't it actually Saturday night in Jewish reckoning? [Acts 20:9]
Staying in Current State:What does this mean, that some would be just & unjust, some would be filthy & some righteous, some holy & some unholy? [Revelation 22:11]
No Crosses Displayed:Every church I've visited, no crosses displayed outside or inside the building because they don't want to offend people. [Galatians 5:11]
Spiritual Wickedness in High Places:What is Ephesians talking about spiritual warfare & spiritual wickedness being up in heaven in the spiritual realm? [Ephesians 6:12]